Can Wonder Woman beat Batman?

Even if Wonder Woman didn't have super strength and near invulnerability on her side, Diana has years of experience in combat over Batman. She was also trained by masters of war and can handle herself both as a soldier and a tactician. Based on her long lifespan, she's clearly a better fighter than Batman.
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Who's the better fighter, Batman or Wonder Woman?

Batman is a master of most known martial arts and easily makes short work of all but the most exceptional opponents in hand-to-hand combat. His fellow Justice League co-founder Wonder Woman, however, is considered even better, as she lacks certain limitations that are intrinsic to an ordinary human.
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Who can easily beat Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman's strength and powers are impressive, but she has been defeated by surprising opponents. Batwoman managed to beat Wonder Woman and nearly kill her using her combat skills and the lasso of truth. Swamp Thing easily defeated Wonder Woman without even needing to attack her, leaving her helpless.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Hulk?

Even with her fighting knowledge, Hulk's raw power alone is likely far too much for her to handle. Furthermore, Hulk only grows stronger as his rage increases. In a prolonged fight with Wonder Woman, he is very likely to grow ever stronger, eventually being able to completely overpower her.
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Could Wonder Woman beat Superman?

If close allies Superman and Wonder Woman were forced to fight to the death, it's no contest: Diana would absolutely be able to kill Clark. The two unfortunately found out how a match-up would shake out after Superman was manipulated by Maxwell Lord's mind-control powers.
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This is how lore accurate Batman would've beaten the Suicide Squad (Animation)

Can Wonder Woman beat Black Adam?

Even without the Mace, Wonder Woman is the superior fighter, and while Black Adam can defeat her in some scenarios, she is far more likely to win a one-on-one fight for the simple reason that her fighting skills and tactical mind are greater assets than Black Adam's unbridled brutality.
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Who is physically stronger, Wonder Woman or Superman?

Superman may technically be stronger, faster and have more endurance. but Wonder Woman has a warrior's edge that allows her to believably win a fight between the pair.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Thanos?

So, even though Wonder Woman has Thanos beat in many categories, he's going to be able to defeat her. Thanos knows how to take advantage of foes like the Amazonian, giving him an advantage. While it would still be a difficult battle, Thanos would defeat her.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Juggernaut?

Wonder Woman was able to take him on with her bare hands and was able to knockout the Juggernaut with relative ease.
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Can Wonder Woman defeat Goku?

In terms of pure muscle strength Wonder Woman is way stronger than Goku. She'd probably rip him in half if it was a muscle battle with no Ki abilities allowed. However Goku wins against her for the same reasons he wins against Hulk. He's way faster and his energy blasts are stronger than anything she could withstand.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Thor?

Wonder Woman Defeats Thor!

In Wonder Woman No. 773, during the Afterworlds storyline, the Amazonian bests Thor. What's even worse for the God of Thunder is that Diana can lift and wield that comic book's version of Mjolnir.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Zeus?

Not only did Wonder Woman pop her father Zeus' head off with her Lasso of Truth; she also went after all the other gods too. According to the Robin King, she supposedly killed them all, and also took all of their powers.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Wolverine?

Wolverine is strong, stronger than most, but he's not Wonder Woman, and not by a long shot. She, the Princess Diana, is the heir to the Amazon race, which by itself bestows her with enough strength to best Weapon X.
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Can Joker beat Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman mostly faces down gods and monsters, only occasionally battling supervillains. The two have clashed several times, most notably in the '90s. The fight was a little one-sided, of course, as Joker couldn't hang with Wonder Woman physically at all.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Iron Man?

While Tony Stark may put up a good fight, Wonder Woman would be the clear victor in the end. However much firepower Tony may pack into the Iron Man suit, he would be no match for a foe like Diana. Of course, Tony still has advantages of his own, but Diana is simply just too powerful for him to take on alone.
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Is Wonder Woman stronger than Black Panther?

Wonder Woman stomps. Black Panther is on the level of super soldier in physical strength and speed. Diana is comparable in strength to someone like Faora, who can nock around an early Superman. Her sword should have no problem going through his suit.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Ultron?

Wonder Woman is easily stronger than Ultron and way more skilled, but she's not going to be able to take advantage of her strengths.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Black Widow?

Lose: Wonder Woman

She also possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, as well as the power of flight. And, in the movie, she defeated Ares, the Greek god of war, by channeling lightning. There would be no true contest between the Black Widow and Wonder Woman.
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Can Wonder Woman defeat Shazam?

Wonder Woman's power level surpasses that of Shazam, despite his gifts from the gods. While an arm-wrestling match may not be the definitive test of their abilities, this showdown suggests that Wonder Woman would likely defeat Shazam.
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Can Thor beat Superman?

By most accounts, Superman seemingly outclasses Thor in terms of raw strength, especially in earlier versions of the DC Universe. He's pulled planets, punched people into orbit, and performed all sorts of wild feats of strength.
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Can the Hulk defeat Superman?

With his near-immeasurable strength, an ability to take even the most devastating blows, multiple attacks that aren't just punching, along with his flight and speed, the Hulk would struggle to keep up with Superman. Even in the few times he's faced Superman, the green monster has lost.
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Can Wonder Woman sword cut Superman?

When the superhero prison that the retuned superheroes had built started a revolt, Wonder Woman got out her strongest weaponry, including a now-famous suit of armor, but she also debuted a sword that can slice through atoms. It is so strong that Superman even cuts himself on it!
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What is Wonder Woman's weakness?

One of the most famous holdovers from the original William Moulton Marston years was the idea that Wonder Woman's weakness should be the inability to escape bonds tied by men.
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Can Shazam beat Superman?

For most of the fight, Shazam is winning without using the full extent of his powers because of his deep respect for Superman. While Superman ultimately wins, it's only because he's able to cover Batson's mouth.
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