Can Wonder Woman beat Gamora?

Gamora is incredibly strong and smart just not on Wonder Woman's level. Better to compare her to Thor or Captain Marvel. Gamora is a dangerous threat and shouldn't be underestimated but wonder woman would take her down in seconds.
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Who can defeat Gamora?

Marvel: 5 DC Villains Gamora Could Defeat (& 5 She Would Lose To)
  • 3 DEFEAT: Cheetah.
  • 4 LOSE TO: Gorilla Grodd. ...
  • 5 DEFEAT: Sinestro. ...
  • 6 LOSE TO: Brainiac. ...
  • 7 DEFEAT: Eclipso. ...
  • 8 LOSE TO: Zoom. ...
  • 9 DEFEAT: Metallo. ...
  • 10 LOSE TO: Darkseid. Pitting Gamora against Darkseid in a one-on-one fight doesn't seem fair, and it probably isn't. ...
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Which Avenger can beat Wonder Woman?

However, Thor is also pretty much Wonder Woman's superior in every other way; he's the only one of the Avengers who completely outclasses her. A battle between Thor and Wonder Woman would be an epic clash of two proficient warriors going one on one.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Super Girl?

Wonder Woman and Supergirl have fought twice before - and Wonder Woman handily won both times. Supergirl is incredibly strong, and possess all the powers of her more famous cousin. Unfortunately, she lacks the experience and training necessary to defeat Diana in a fight.
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Is Wonder Woman extremely powerful?

Superhuman Strength

Wonder Woman is easily able to perform such feats with her strength. Her stamina is also unmatched with her hardly feeling any fatigue during moments of action. Her power is so limitless that she can even defeat other goddesses like Artemis and engage in combat with peers like Aquaman, and Superman.
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10 Superheroes Who Could Defeat Wonder Woman

Who is stronger Shazam or Wonder Woman?

Diana has always been a top-tier superhero. And Shazam's power is equal to Superman's. Combining the two puts Wonder Woman on a level that far surpasses her allies and potentially makes her the strongest hero in the DC Universe.
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Is Wonder Woman almost as strong as Superman?

Wonder Woman may not technically have as much power as Superman, but her advantage is that she lacks an easily exploitable weakness like Kryptonite. Because Wonder Woman and Superman have a lot of powers in common, comic book fans have naturally long theorized about how they stack up against each other in battle.
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Who is stronger She-Hulk or Wonder Woman?

In terms of sheer strength both ladies are among the strongest in their universes. However She Hulk is stronger than WW in pure muscle. She's defeated the champion, arm wrestled Hercules and let him win etc. She is also more durable than WW and has a healing factor.
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Could Batman beat Wonder Woman?

Batman is famous for having plans to take down any superhero he needs, but there's one Justice League hero he'll never be able to beat: Wonder Woman.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Juggernaut?

they can usually just contain him. Wonder Woman was able to take him on with her bare hands and was able to knockout the Juggernaut with relative ease.
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Can Thanos beat Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman is one of the toughest beings in any universe but unfortunately for her, she doesn't have the raw power to take Thanos down. She'd run through the Black Order with ease, but Thanos would be too much for her.
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Can Aquaman beat Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman is faster. She is generally more durable. But if they were to be in water, there is no doubt that Aquaman would have the upper hand.
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Can Wolverine beat Wonder Woman?

1 Winner: Wonder Woman

Wolverine is strong, stronger than most, but he's not Wonder Woman, and not by a long shot. She, the Princess Diana, is the heir to the Amazon race, which by itself bestows her with enough strength to best Weapon X.
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Is Gamora stronger than she Hulk?

If Jen can defeat Thanos, the character who trained Gamora, it's safe to say She-Hulk can easily overpower Gamora. In fact, She-Hulk's physiology allows her to emit constant gamma radiation, just like her cousin. The overwhelming emission of gamma rays essentially grants Jen the power to exceed her limits.
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Is Nebula or Gamora stronger?

Nebula and Gamora's fight during the Battle of Xandar proves that it is Gamora's ability to regenerate quickly that gives her an edge over Nebula.
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Why is Gamora so powerful?

In the pages of Infinity Watch, it is revealed that Gamora had been cybernetically enhanced to have superhuman strength, speed, and a rapid-healing ability. Gamora's strength and speed were further enhanced by Adam Warlock when they returned from Soulworld.
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Would Wonder Woman beat Captain Marvel?

Wonder Woman would narrowly defeat Captain Marvel. Both heroes display comparable levels of super strength, durability, and flight. If Danvers' energy beams are cancelled out by Wonder Woman's arsenal of magical items, then experience becomes the x-factor. Diana is older and wiser.
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What is Wonder Woman's weakness?

She has no convenient weakness. She used to be rendered powerless if she was bound or shackled by a man, but that's been phased out. She would also go mad when her bracelets were removed.
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Is Wonder Woman stronger than Black Panther?

Wonder Woman Is An Actual God

Armed with the Lasso of Truth, she's super strong, and durable, and can throw hands with the best of them. While not as strong as Superman, Wonder Woman is still vastly stronger, faster and durable than Black Panther.
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Who is more powerful Spiderman or Wonder Woman?

1 WINNER: Wonder Woman

It was a close call, with two ties in the mix, but Wonder Woman is the winner in the battle of icons. In a strictly physical fight, Wonder Woman's strength and speed give her too much of an advantage over Spider-Man. Spider-Man, though, wouldn't go down without a fight.
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Who is more powerful Wonder Woman or Black Widow?

There are obvious similarities between Black Widow and Wonder Woman, but the differences are striking in two specific ways. One being their background and the other being their difference in powers. The Black Widow has no powers unlike Wonder Woman, and was raised to be a top notch spy giving her that superhero appeal.
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What is Wonder Woman's Kryptonite?

The Bind of Veils has been considered something of a Wonder Woman kryptonite by many comic fans. However, it was sort of avoided a lot after this and in the New 52, Batman claims Wonder Woman does not have much of a weakness.
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Who can fly faster Superman or Wonder Woman?

Diana and Clark can both fly and have similar sets of flying abilities. Even if Superman and Wonder Woman each have varying speeds depending on their respective solar power and magical abilities, they usually fly at around the same velocities.
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Can Diana beat Superman?

If close allies Superman and Wonder Woman were forced to fight to the death, it's no contest: Diana would absolutely be able to kill Clark. The two unfortunately found out how a match-up would shake out after Superman was manipulated by Maxwell Lord's mind-control powers.
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