Can you cuss in PG-13 movies?

The restrictions set by the Us ratings board mean the F-word can only be used once in a PG-13 movie. Mark looks at its impact on films... Warning: this article uses the word “fuck” a lot. More than once.
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Can you use the F-word in a PG-13 movie?

There are exceptions, usually when the word is just repeated in a short time or used as part of an emotional scene, McMahon said. But any movie with more than three F-bombs likely couldn't remain PG-13, she said. And if the word is used to signify sex, the film automatically gets an R rating.
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Can you say the F-word twice in a PG-13 movie?

In a PG-13 rated film, you are only allowed to use the f-bomb once, use it twice and you're slapped with an R rating.
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Is a 12 year old allowed to watch PG-13?

According to the Motion Picture Association, the PG-13 label means the movie is fine for kids over the age of thirteen. It may not, however, be appropriate for children under thirteen because of language, violence, nudity, and other mature content. But some parents say many PG-13 movies make them uncomfortable.
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What is not allowed in PG-13?

A PG-13 film is one which, in the view of the Rating Board, leaps beyond the boundaries of the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, or other contents, but does not quite fit within the restricted R category. Any drug use content will initially require at least a PG-13 rating.
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PG-13 movies after using up their one f-word

What is allowed in PG-13 movies?

A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category.
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How many F bombs are in a PG-13 movie?

The ruling came to be that only one F-bomb could be used in a PG-13 movie, which meant that writers had to become more strategic when and if they placed it in a movie. This also meant that audiences would receive more iconic F-bomb moments in a film.
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Can PG movies say the B word?

The censors advise parents to check content in PG films because they may contain scenes that are unsuitable for younger or more sensitive children but they should not unsettle a child aged eight or over. Words that could be used in a PG film include “bloody,” “bugger,” “s---,” and some “milder” four letter words.
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Does venom 2 say the f-word?

Like its 2018 predecessor that grossed more than $850 million worldwide, the Sony Pictures sequel weighed an R-rating but received a more tame PG-13 for "intense sequences of violence and action, some strong language, disturbing material and suggestive references." That "strong language" is in part to a final fight "F- ...
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How many F words are in Avatar 2?

There's only one F-word in Avatar: The Way of Water, but let's imagine there's one more.
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How many F bombs for R rating?

A common thing that people tell you about the MPA is that for PG-13, you are only allowed one F-bomb in a non-sexual way (though there have been films with two or more uses), as they say that two uses can get a film rated R.
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Does Ready Player One say the F-word?

The word, "fuck" is only used once, and not in a sexual way. An avatar also gives another avatar the middle finger in contempt. "shitshow" was used only once after the fight was over.
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What Marvel movie says the F word?

Improvised by Chris Pratt, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 features the first F-bomb to be uttered in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The new film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is definitely a film that's earned its PG-13 rating, pushing the boundaries of it by introducing the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first F-bomb.
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How many F bombs are in Venom?

The F-word is dropped once in the movie, very briefly. This is one of the few Marvel movies that have the f-bomb in it and remain PG-13.
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What are the cuss words in Venom?

Crude or Profane Language

I counted two f-words, too, along with loads of other profanities (including “a–,” “h—,” “d–n,” “p-ss,” “d–k” and “p—y.”) God's name is misused about 10 times, including three times with “d–n.” Jesus' name is abused four times.
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Does PG allow cuss words?

PG stands for parental guidance.

So while PG films might include tough ideas like crime, discrimination or bullying, they would never suggest that these are acceptable. In a PG rated film, you can expect to hear mild bad language only.
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Is a PG movie ok for a 4 year old?

General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. A PG film should not unsettle a child aged around eight or older. Unaccompanied children of any age may watch, but parents are advised to consider whether the content may upset younger, or more sensitive, children.
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How many times can a movie say the F word before its rated R?

The MPAA rating system typically assigns a PG-13 rating if a film contains the word used once not in the context of sex. The R rating is normally required if the film contains more than one utterance or if the word is used in a sexual context; however, there are exceptions to this rule.
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What is the F word in Beetlejuice?

'Beetlejuice' (1988)

Trapped inside a diorama model, Betelgeuse lets off some steam, kicking over a tree before calling out, "Nice f***in' model!"
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What is the F word in the movie Beetlejuice?

"Hell," and "damnit," can be heard a few times. Two uses of "fuck", one isn't clearly heard like the other, and two of "shit". "Goddamn" is said at the very beginning of the film.
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What is the hardest PG-13 movie?

The 10 Films with the Hardest PG-13 Rating
  • Sucker Punch.
  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
  • Beowulf.
  • Live Free or Die Hard.
  • Casino Royale.
  • Hanna.
  • Drag Me to Hell.
  • Anchorman.
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Is Barbie PG-13?

But if you haven't heard, the Motion Picture Association actually gave Barbie, Ken, and the gang a PG-13 rating! It never once crossed my mind that perhaps Barbie might be inappropriate for my 8-year-old daughter. First of all, the movie is being marketed to girls well under 13.
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What was the first R rated movie?

The first R-rated movie was “The Split,” a 1968 noir starring Jim Brown and Gene Hackman. From The World-Herald archive, an ad for "The Split," the first R-rated movie. The X rating basically just meant “not rated,” and restricted anyone under a certain age, even if they had an adult guardian with them.
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Is kissing PG-13?

All kissing is essentially PG13, even at its steamiest. Focus closely on the mouths, the eyes, and the approach.
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Does Deadpool say the F word?

Irreverent jokes about sex, pedophilia, homosexuality, and suicide throughout. 'Fuck' is said 87 times. 'Shit' is said 35 times. 'ass' is said several times.
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