Could any wizard beat Dumbledore?

With or without the Elder Wand, Dumbledore is invincible in traditional wizard duels. Dumbledore has studied nearly every branch of magic in intimate detail, including obscure and unusual spells, and he could beat Harry with just one or two spells if they fought.
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Was there ever a wizard stronger than Dumbledore?

Dumbledore was indeed one of the most powerful wizards to ever live, but The four Hogwarts house founders were more powerful than Dumbledore. Since they created Hogwarts, they also created many spells and enchantments.
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Could anyone beat Dumbledore?

Was there anybody other than maybe Voldemort that would have been able to beat Dumbledore in a duel? If so, who and why? In a straight fight, no. Grindelwald was Dumbledore's equal even before the former became master of the Elder Wand, and Dumbledore, after a legendary duel, beat the Elder Wand's master.
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Who can defeat Dumbledore?

Hermione could beat Dumbledore any day if she wanted to. She's one of the most brilliant minds of her generation; like any good Gryffindor, she's brave, loyal, and strong. She mastered advanced spells at a young age, could make any potion perfectly, and her quick thinking saved her, Ron, and Harry more than once.
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Who was the most powerful wizard in Harry Potter?

First on our list is Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Known for his wisdom and powerful magical abilities, Dumbledore is respected and feared by many in the magical community.
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Why Didn't Dumbledore Just HUNT Voldemort Down? - Harry Potter Theory

Is Merlin stronger than Dumbledore?

Merlin is the most powerful wizard recorded in the history of the wizarding world, even more so than Albus Dumbledore and definitely more powerful than Lord Voldemort. Merlin was intelligent and talented, and during his time at Hogwarts, he managed to decipher many of the secrets of the castle.
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Who's stronger, Dumbledore or Gandalf?

Dumbledore kicks some serious ass, especially when it comes to wizarding duels, but in a contest of all-out brawls, the points have to go to Gandalf. Gandalf will frequently throw himself into the heat of battle, dispatching orc after orc with his sword and staff combo.
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Could Albus beat Voldemort?

Albus Dumbledore is the most obvious person who can defeat Voldemort, outside of the Salazar Slytherin vs Voldemort debate, and the Dark Lord seemed to realize it. Rowling herself has explicitly stated in the books that Dumbledore is the only person Voldemort fears and recognizes as a genuine threat to his own power.
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Could Dumbledore have defeated Draco?

Could Dumbledore have beat Draco and the Death Eaters if he tried to? Yes, though overall it would be pointless, and Dumbledore knew that. Dumbledore knew his days were numbered, even if he beat Draco and the intruders, he wouldn't be long for the world.
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Could Harry be more powerful than Dumbledore?

Dumbledore has studied nearly every branch of magic in intimate detail, including obscure and unusual spells, and he could beat Harry with just one or two spells if they fought. If Dumbledore can take down Gellert Grindelwald and scare Voldemort, it's obvious Harry stands zero chance against him.
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Could Snape beat McGonagall?

When it comes to the area of Transfiguration, McGonagall definitely has the upper hand. But when it comes to inventing spells, the Dark Arts, Legilimency and Occlumency, Snape has the edge. McGonagall is surprisingly skilled in the Dark Arts but not on the same level as Snape.
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Can McGonagall beat Voldemort?

5 Minerva McGonagall

McGonagall also survives the Battle of Hogwarts, including a duel against Voldemort alongside Kingsley Shacklebolt and Horace Slughorn. The only time McGonagall loses is when she takes multiple stunning spells at once in the fifth book, and she still survives and returns for more battles.
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Is Harry or Hermione more powerful?

Harry has his superior defensive magical at his disposal, but Hermione is more skilled in protective charms and enchantments. Either skillset could earn them a victory in a duel.
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Who was more powerful, Albus or Voldemort?

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort ever feared and the only one who could have defeated him in a duel. Albus Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard in the Harry Potter.
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How strong was Dumbledore in his prime?

Dumbledore in his prime displayed immense prowess and strength with the Shield Charm, capable of effortlessly deflecting attacks from Credence Barebone's Obscurus, which shattered Newt's spell with ease.
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Why are the Dumbledores so powerful?

Dumbledore's experience and extensive knowledge of magic sets him apart from Voldemort and proves the extent of his power. In Harry Potter, not only does Dumbledore have immense magical skill and knowledge but, up until his death, he is the true owner of the Elder Wand.
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Could Dumbledore do wandless magic?

Wandless magic could also be performed nonverbally, but this increased the level of difficulty to the point that only practitioners of exceptional skill could perform more than the most basic magic. Albus Dumbledore, generally considered the greatest wizard of all time, was known for performing magic in this manner.
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Was Bellatrix scared of Dumbledore?

Actually it happened in book five but it wasn't a fight. Evil she was but also cunning and she knew she doesn't stand a chance against Dumbledore. Not only she tried to run away but also tried to warn her master who ignored her warning.
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Why did Snape betray Dumbledore?

Summary. As a character, Severus Snape was often misunderstood. Many believed he was a villain, and weren't convinced he was actually working for Dumbledore. Snape killed Dumbledore in an effort to protect Draco Malfo and spare him from the emotional trauma of murder.
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Could Dumbledore speak Parseltongue?

Albus Dumbledore recognised, but did not speak, Parseltongue.
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Can Bellatrix defeat Dumbledore?

Bellatrix is no match with Dumbledore. Dumbledore could defeat her even if Dumbledore was in his 3rd year. Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald when Grindelwald had the elder wand and Dumbledore didn't.
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Who would win Snape vs Dumbledore?

Dumbledore almost certainly. Snape is a good duelist in my opinion but definitely a cut below the three powerhouses of the series. Dumbledore's age doesn't have any of the comventional drawbacks from what we've seen in Half-Blood Prince.
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Who is the strongest wizard in LOTR?

  1. 1 Sauron. Sauron is another extremely powerful character who has a lot of abilities that appear magical who is not technically a wizard or Istari.
  2. 2 Gandalf The White. ...
  3. 3 Saruman Of Many Colors. ...
  4. 4 Ilmare. ...
  5. 5 Saruman The White. ...
  6. 6 Gandalf The Grey. ...
  7. 7 Radagast The Brown. ...
  8. 8 The Blue Wizards. ...
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Who is the most powerful wizard after Dumbledore?

  • 8 Credence Barebone.
  • 7 Bellatrix Lestrange.
  • 6 Severus Snape.
  • 5 Salazar Slytherin.
  • 4 Gellert Grindelwald.
  • 3 Merlin.
  • 2 Lord Voldemort.
  • 1 Albus Dumbledore.
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Who would win, Sauron or Voldemort?

Post Fight

Another thing to mention is that Sauron has bested multiple wizards before like Saruman or Gandalf, meaning that he'd eventually beat Voldemort in the end, though the Avada Kedabra could most definitely kill him. Boomstick: If you think Voldemort stood a chance, you'd be Saurong. Wiz: The winner is Sauron.
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