Could Borg assimilate Q?

Q. The Q are potentially the least likely to get assimilated, for not just one reason but two. Firstly, their near omnipotence and god-like powers would make it almost impossible for a Borg, or even all Borg working together, to capture a Q.
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Can the Borg assimilate Q?

Could "Q" or a "Founder" be assimilated by the Borg? Yeah, maybe. There seem to be some species like species 8472 though, that are just incompatible with assimilation, but for the most part they can usually find a way to assimilate many species.
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Could Q defeat the Borg?

The Borg, while still a powerful threat, are nothing compared to this type of power. The Q are not only able to defeat their entire race without breaking a sweat, but can also eradicate any trace of their existence altogether.
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Did the Borg encounter Q?

The Borg ship suddenly reactivates and begins pursuit, gaining on the Enterprise. Q appears on the bridge and warns Picard that the Borg will never stop chasing them, and cannot be defeated.
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Are the Borg aware of the Q continuum?

The Borg do not act like they have any awareness of the Q. Even if they did, it would not matter to them because the Q is not matter!
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Borg Queen Is Aware Of Q • Star Trek Picard S02E02

Why is Q afraid of Guinan?

Q seemed frightened of Guinan, telling Picard that she is "not what she appears to be," and that Picard should remove her from the Enterprise. Considering Q's abilities, it's unclear why he would be afraid of Guinan, and Star Trek has never offered a real explanation for Q's reaction.
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Did Q create the Borg?

At that time, writer and de facto showrunner Maurice Hurley intended for the Borg to be introduced much earlier, and possibly as an insect race. Hurley was also the writer of "Q Who?" and the person who, basically, created the Borg.
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What did the Borg think of Q?

And since the Borg did not know about Q, for them, it might have appeared as an untamed tease, baiting them into the alpha quadrant. At the end of the day, whether Q's actions helped or hindered the Federation are almost second to what his true intentions were.
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Are there two Borg Queens now?

Only one Queen exists at any given time; when she is destroyed, a new Queen takes her place. In Star Trek: Voyager, it's revealed that the Borg Queen isn't a singular entity, but the name given to any that serves as its host, possessing all previous Queen's collective consciousness.
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Who decimated the Borg?

However, Picard is able to break Jack out of the Borg Queen's control while the Enterprise destroys the Borg Cube and with it, the Borg Queen and all of the remaining Borg drones.
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What species is stronger than the Borg?

Star Trek: Voyager

The Borg discover Species 8472 in the Delta Quadrant and try to assimilate its biotechnology, which is more advanced than anything the Borg have seen. The Borg quickly realize that Species 8472 is immune to assimilation and that contemporary Borg technology is no match for it.
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Is anyone stronger than Q in Star Trek?

While Q's powers are almost inconceivably vast, he does have to answer to the Q Continuum, and has had his powers revoked by them on more than one occasion for indulging in personal vendettas and petty squabbles. That said, there are few Star Trek characters more powerful than Q.
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Can the Borg assimilate the Ferengi?

Reputation aside, there is little in the Ferengi for the Borg to wish to assimilate. Physiologically, they are fragile creatures and do not have traits that the Borg are interested in. Aside from a passing interest in their auditory capabilities, it's doubtful the Borg would assimilate the Ferengi.
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Did Q save the Federation from the Borg?

Summary. Q's warning about the Borg in Star Trek TNG saved the United Federation of Planets from certain destruction. The Borg's encounter with the Enterprise-D led to Earth's vulnerability being exposed, prompting Starfleet to better prepare.
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Are there two Borg collectives?

As far as I know, the "Bad Borg" hail from the Delta Quadrant, and though we don't know just how old that collective is, it is ancient. The "Good Borg", Jurati's Borg, were established in the Alpha Quadrant in the 21st century, when the queen from the alternate timeline and Jurati merged.
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Was Seven of Nine a Borg Queen?

Seven arrives at the Artifact, a disabled Borg cube captured by the Romulans, after being summoned by Picard's companion Elnor. To save the former Borg onboard from execution at the hands of the Romulans, she temporarily connects herself to the cube inside the queencell, taking on the role of a Borg Queen.
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What species is the Borg Queen originally?

The whole race, except for 10,000-20,000, has been assimilated. The Borg Queen mentions to Seven that she came from Species 125. This species originally devised the procedure that led to Seven's method to save Neelix with nanoprobes.
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Why was Q so interested in humans?

His motives for this were that Humans had a desire to grow and explore, which the Q did not have or understand. Q wanted Riker to join the Continuum so they could understand and possess this desire because if they did not, Humanity could one day surpass the Q.
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Why did Q help Picard?

As such, he had set it up so Picard could travel back in time and become unshackled from his past ("As I leave, I leave you free.") For once, Q had not been acting for some grander design, but simply because he cared about Picard and genuinely wanted to help his friend.
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What happened to the Q continuum?

However, eventually, the Q came to realize that they had experienced, observed, or discussed literally everything imaginable. This resulted in the virtual shutdown of the Continuum as a society, as the immortal beings simply saw no point in even conversing with one another anymore.
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Was Q ever on Deep Space Nine?

Q only made one visit to DS9, and it was early on in Season 1. The moment that we love so much may be the reason why he never went back. Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) is not Jean-Luc Picard.
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How did Janeway defeat the Borg?

Admiral Janeway allows herself to be captured by the Borg Queen, so that she can implant a neurological pathogen into the Collective. The pathogen cripples the Collective, destroying the Queen's ship, and allowing the USS Voyager to ride through the Borg's transwarp corridor back to Earth.
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Did control create the Borg?

No. Nor are they actually that similar to one another. The Borg are a gestalt entity - a being formed by the combined intelligence of numerous independent organic minds. Control is a single AI that occasionally uses hollowed-out organic bodies as puppets to disguise itself.
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Is Q a god in Star Trek?

The crew on Star Trek often encountered space gods with immense power, but eventually, the sci-fi franchise moved away from deities entirely. Despite being a science fiction franchise, the characters of the various Star Trek shows often encountered omnipotent gods who challenged their belief systems.
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