Could doomsday beat Darkseid?

Although Doomsday was able to take down Darkseid easily, Superman could never. It's a fact that Darkseid isn't an easy threat to defeat.
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Why is Darkseid scared of Doomsday?

Unlike Superman, Doomsday has no moral or emotional core to break, and would assuredly fight to the death. Darkseid's fear is prophetic, as Doomsday would go on from this day to kill Superman himself.
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Who could easily beat Darkseid?

Marvel has several Superman analogs, and the most powerful is Hyperion. There have been several versions of Hyperion over the years, but the most formidable is the one who joined the Avengers and helped them battle against threats like Thanos and the Beyonders. That Hyperion would be able to defeat Darkseid.
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Could Apocalypse beat Darkseid?

Even though Apocalypse has taken on arguably bigger opponents, Darkseid's drive and ruthlessness make him one of the greatest threats in all of comics. Because of this, Darkseid emerges as the victor.
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Who can beat Doomsday?

The Power Cosmic gives Silver Surfer access to the kind of power that would allow him to destroy Doomsday. He could atomize the beast with his power blasts, duke it out with him with his amazing strength, or use his molecular control powers to transform him into vapor. Surfer just has too much power for Doomsday.
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When You Underestimate Doomsday - Darkseid Found Out

Can Doomsday defeat Hulk?

The gamma-irradiated Hulk has fought many beings exactly like Doomsday - large creatures with no intent other than to kill - and has always come out on top. The Incredible Hulk may not be a genetically engineered killing machine like Doomsday, but he's intelligent enough to defeat one.
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Can Doomsday beat Superman?

Of the countless powerful enemies that Superman has fought in his quest to protect Earth, Doomsday has set himself apart by being the only one strong enough to kill the Man of Steel.
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Who can Darkseid not beat?

11 Justice League Villains Powerful Enough to Kill Darkseid
  • 4 Erebos.
  • 5 The Zone Child. ...
  • 6 The Limbo Cell. ...
  • 7 Black Racer. ...
  • 8 Mister Mxyzptlk (& Emperor Joker) ...
  • 9 Yuga Khan. ...
  • 10 Doomsday. ...
  • 11 Starro the Conqueror. ...
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Could Darkseid beat Galactus?

Galactus proved more than a match for Darkseid - who had ample opportunity to utilize his greatest powers and even try to turn the Silver Surfer to his will - and the Devourer of Worlds only spared his foe once it became clear that he had nothing to gain by continuing their conflict.
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Who would win Thanos or Darkseid?

Thanos is indeed formidable and without their universe ending weapons, the two would naturally have an incredible battle. Eventually, though, Darksied's pure strength, infinite resources, auto-win Omega beams and a vast amount of battle experience would give him the ultimate edge.
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Can Thor defeat Darkseid?

Yes. There are certain versions of Thor that can defeat Darkseid and vice versa.
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Who is Darkseid most afraid of?

Phobia: Incredible as it may seem, Darkseid fears his father, Yuga Khan, more than anything else; Yuga Khan is the one being in the universe far more powerful and evil and was worse of a tyrant than even Darkseid.
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Can Hulk beat Darkseid?

He has the Physical Strength to compete with Darkseid but overall in terms of powers , Hulk isn't a match for Darkseid , Darkseid has taken on and beaten worse than the Hulk.
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Why is Doomsday so weak?

After being regrown by Lex Luthor, Doomsday was genetically part-Kryptonian due to his genes having been spliced with Kal-El's. However, with the exception of his flame-breath, he displayed no additional abilities. In fact, he was shown to be weaker than previously when he was single-handedly beaten by Superman.
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Can Thor defeat Doomsday?

Thor can beat Doomsday but that's a close tie, he'll struggle. With the Odin Force he can beat Doomsday with ease. With the Runes he'll decimate Doomsday with a blink. Possibly Sentry, Warlock, Thanos, Galactus, Ultron, Dormamu, Ego, Annihilus, Sentry/Void, High Evolutionary, Molecule Man just to name a few.
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What is Doomsday's weakness?

Weaknesses. Entropy: This is the one thing that Doomsday cannot regenerate from nor form an immunity to. When sent to the end of time, he was finally destroyed along with the rest of the universe in that he simply ceased to exist.
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Can Darkseid defeat Silver Surfer?

As powerful as the Power Cosmic is, it won't be able to affect Darkseid because of his divine status but his powers would be able to hurt Surfer. One blast of the Omega Effect later and the fight would be over.
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Can Dr Manhattan beat True Form Darkseid?

While Manhattan can transform things using the laws of physics, Darkseid transcends those laws. In Doomsday Clock, Manhattan feared Superman would destroy him. If Superman possessed this power in the main DC Comics continuity, surely Darkseid, in his strongest form, would be powerful enough to destroy Dr.
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Who would win a celestial vs Darkseid?

As powerful as Celestials are, they aren't gods and that would their downfall against Darkseid.
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Can Black Adam beat Darkseid?

Darkseid dies in the fight as his minion Desaad cries out to his dead master. However, Darkseid's defeat in the fight by Black Adam isn't as it seems. Teth-Adam admits that Darkseid could never be so easily defeated as such a decisive win is impossible.
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Who can killed Darkseid?

As prophesied, Orion returns to Earth via boom tube for his final battle with Darkseid. During the massive fight, Orion ultimately kills him by ripping his heart out, which created a firepit of Apokolips from Darkseid's chest cavity (in reference to the prophecy of their final battle).
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Who is the Marvel equivalent of Darkseid?

1 Thanos / Darkseid

Of the numerous villains that each team has faced over the years, few have been as dangerous or iconic as Marvel's Thanos and DC's Darkseid, alien warlords obsessed with obtaining a MacGuffin(s) of unimaginable power that will grant them dominance over an abstract facet of existence.
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Can Doomsday beat Shazam?

Considering the effect of the lightning on Superman, it's very likely that the lightning would be able to hurt Doomsday in much the same manner. As a creature born of science, Doomsday has no built-in defense against magic, meaning Shazam could simply keep blasting Doomsday with his lightning until the creature fell.
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Did Hulk beat Superman?

In DC Versus Marvel #3, Hulk and Superman battled it out, with the Man of Steel using all of his strength to break through his opponent. Despite the defeat, the Hulk gave the hero everything he could.
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Can Thanos beat Doomsday?

Thanos cannot snap Doomsday out of existance. He evolves so fast that mid snap he would just become immune to it and regenerate his lost parts like he did here.
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