Could Hela have beaten Thanos?

In the Mad Titan's possession, it would be incredibly difficult for Hela to defeat him either in a straight fight, or some other means. The powers of the Infinity Gauntlet could turn Hela's conjured blades into pieces of paper, her armies to literal, actual ribbons and Fenris to dust with a simple gesture.
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Could Hela beat Odin?

Storming the palace and sacrificing Asgardian lives, Odin stood between Hela and the throne. Unable to kill his own daughter, Odin defeated Hela and imprisoned her using his own power to keep her at bay in another realm for eons.
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Who can defeat Hela?

The Asgardian Angela seeks to free the Angels of Heven who raised her as well as her lover Sera, from Hel. In her effort, she defeats Hela in her own realm but spares her in hopes Hela sees the error of her ways.
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Can any avenger beat Hela?

MCU Hela would have little trouble with any of the other Avengers. She's shown a mastery of fighting and combat second to none, she's so ridiculously powerful that right upon emerging from her banishment and before she grew stronger, she destroyed Mjolnir.
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Could Thor have beaten Hela?

Thor realized he was not going to be able to defeat her, and in an interesting turn of events, he ended up restoring Surtur's power by having Loki drop the crown in the Eternal Flame. This unleashed Ragnarök, which was the only way to defeat Hela as Asgard was her power source.
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Could Hela beat Superman?

Assuming we're talking DCEU and MCU versions, then Hela wins this. Yes, she's not as fast as Superman and he'll give her quite a thrashing, but nothing Superman does will keep Hela down for long.
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Can Hulk defeat Hela?

Originally Answered: Who would win a fight, Hela or The Hulk? If the 'Hulk' you are talking about is from MCU then I would say Hela because the Hulk portrayed doesn't can't even hold a candle to his true strength as shown in his fight with Hela's wolf which he barely won.
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Can Hela beat Darkseid?

1 Can't Beat: Darkseid

The king of DC supervillains will ultimately prove to be quite the challenge for the superpowered Asgardian antagonist. Darkseid has survived the destruction of a planet and Hela's weapons are incapable of that kind of damage, despite their might.
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Can Hela beat Dr Manhattan?

7 Can't Beat: Doctor Manhattan

For all her daunting capabilities, Hela can't do a thing to a being capable of instant intangibility.
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Can Ghost Rider beat Hela?

Ghost Rider holds back as to not destroy it's host. Without that worry, Hela would be down in seconds. Who would win in a fight between Hela and Ghost Rider? In the comics, anyway, Hela won.
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Can Thor defeat Hela with Stormbreaker?

Stormbreaker can summon the bifrost and Hela is stronger in Asgard. Thor can teleport her and himself and open her chest killing her, or cut off her limbs ir head. Plus, Stormbreaker is stronger than Mjolnir.
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Can Hela beat Galactus?

Originally Answered: Who would win, Hela vs Galactus? Hela would stand zero chance. She is quite powerful but she can't do anything at all to Galactus and would get one shotted with ease.
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Can Thanos beat Odin?

He has feats such as defeating Surtur (who can destroy a planet), conquering the 9 realms, and sealing away Hela. While there isn't much doubt that Thanos could beat Odin if he had all 6 stones, Odin could probably defeat Thanos if he only had one or two of them.
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Can Hela hold Thor's hammer?

Thor, who is used to considering his weapon invincible, throws it at Hela without a second thought. To his horror, Hela actually catches Mjolnir in her outstretched arm, and shatters it with ease. It is a tremendously effective way to demonstrate just how powerful Hela really is.
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Who is stronger than Hela?

Even after tapping into his full potential, Thor still couldn't defeat Hela. The only thing that could stop her was Surtur, who, after being resurrected, destroyed Asgard and killed Hela. Supposedly, Thanos is even stronger than Hela.
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Can Hela beat Iron Man?

Hela Vs Iron Man and War machine, who will win? Whether it's in the MCU or the 616 Comic Universe, Hela wins this.
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Can Hela beat Captain America?

In a fight, Hela would win 10/10 against Captain America. The Goddess of Death is superior to the first Super Soldier in every way, and has already effortlessly killed many Asgardians, whom are around as strong as Steve.
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Can Hela beat Doomsday?

Can Hela beat Doomsday? doomsday for sure , he is far superior to hela in every way. Faster, stronger, truly immortal, his strength increases with each attack and death.
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Can Batman defeat Hela?

This is a pretty one sided fight. Hela is kind of unbeatable unless Asgard is destroyed.
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Can Hela beat Aquaman?

Hela is the Asgardian God of Death and the daughter of Loki. She has access to the power of life and death as well as ancient and deadly magics. Thor himself has never defeated Hela, and Aquaman would certainly find himself unable to defeat Hela.
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Can Wolverine beat Hela?

Can Wolverine beat Hela? Hela also as her own healing factor, which means that any bodily damage Wolverine is able to inflict with his claws wouldn't be enough to help him in this fight. Everyone's favorite X-Man would unfortunately stand no chance against the Goddess of Death.
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Could Hela beat Surtur?

The source of Hela's power is Asgard. By destroying Asgard, not only does Hela lose her source of power, she would die due to it. Thor defeated Surtur easily, but couldn't even hurt Hela while Surtur defeated Hela easily!
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Can Hela beat Ultron?

A lot of people are saying Hela, and justifying it by saying that her strength feats are far beyond Ultron. That's true, but only on a surface level. If you put the two into a cage match, then yeah, Hela would win but that's the boring answer.
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Can Hela destroy Vibranium?

No, probably not. People seem to forget that Hela was the original wielder of Mjolnir, which likely played a huge part in her ability to destroy it. She doesn't have that type of advantage against Vibranium.
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Could Hela beat Captain Marvel?

Round 1: Hela wins since she is physically stronger and more durable whereas Captain Marvel relies a lot on energy blasts. Round 2: Hela wins again. Captain Marvel doesn't have much durability especially not piercing durability. Hela can tank getting hit since she got up after getting hit by Thor's lightning.
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