Could Palpatine have beaten Yoda?

The Sith Lord's powers were enough to overwhelm the Jedi and send him plummeting down to the depths of the senate chamber. Yet the battle wasn't a complete loss for Yoda, as Palpatine was just as overwhelmed and seemed to have taken the same level of beating. Even so, Yoda saw the fight as a loss and took his leave.
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Who was more powerful Palpatine or Yoda?

If Yoda had turned to the dark side in Star Wars, he would have eclipsed the might of even the strongest Sith Master, Emporer Palpatine. Each Jedi at some point comes face-to-face with the dark side of the force.
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Was Palpatine afraid of Yoda?

He understood he lost the ethereal battle before their physical fight even began. Thus, Palpatine never viewed Yoda as a major concern, even though the Jedi Master fought him to a de facto draw during the events of Revenge of the Sith.
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What if Palpatine was killed by Yoda?

Originally Answered: What if Yoda killed Palpatine? If Yoda killed Palpatine, and the duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker went the same was as in the movie, then the Sith would be destroyed as no one would come to Anakins rescue.
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Who could have beaten Palpatine?

Considering on-screen evidence and lore-based power levels, here are 10 Jedi who could defeat Palpatine across canon and Legends.
  1. 1 Ben Solo.
  2. 2 Galen Marek (Legends) ...
  3. 3 Rey. ...
  4. 4 Mace Windu. ...
  5. 5 Thon (Legends) ...
  6. 6 Anakin Skywalker. ...
  7. 7 Nomi Sunrider (Legends) ...
  8. 8 Yoda. ...
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Why Yoda COULDN'T Beat Palpatine BUT Mace Could!! - Star Wars Explained

Has Yoda ever lost a fight?

His hold on the smooth edge failing, Yoda lost his grip and fell several stories to the floor. Yoda chose to retreat as Sidious cackled in triumph above him. If the galaxy had any hope of freedom from the Sith, Yoda realized that he needed to survive for that to happen.
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Could KYLO Ren beat Palpatine?

As the grandson of Anakin Skywalker (on his mother's side), one of the most powerful Force users in the galaxy, Kylo Ren has the appropriate bloodline to destroy Palpatine. It was a redeemed Anakin Skywalker who killed Palpatine the first time, and the same midi-chlorians flow through Ren's veins.
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What if Order 66 never happened?

In this example, the Jedi would likely have failed to survive the Empire. Thwarting Order 66 would only delay the inevitable. With almost the entire galaxy on his side, it would only be a matter of time until Palpatine wiped out the remaining Jedi.
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Could Mace Windu have beaten Palpatine?

In the canon timeline, Mace Windu is known as the Jedi Order's greatest champion. With this in mind, it's easy to understand why Mace is one of the few beings capable of defeating Palpatine.
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What would happen if Yoda became a Sith?

Yoda's 900 years of Jedi experience and knowledge would be weaponized on a scale never conceived. Sith Yoda's destructive power would be so strong it could wreck the entire galaxy. Once Dooku saw the vision, he couldn't deny the threat a Darth Yoda would pose. Of course, Yoda didn't turn to the Dark Side.
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Which Jedi did Palpatine fear?

She may have not been a powerful Jedi warrior, but few can say Jocasta Nu didn't play a vital role in Star Wars history, showing just why she scared Emperor Palpatine so much.
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Why did Yoda not sense Darth Sidious?

Sidious concealed his nature. Yoda sensed that the Dark Side was focused on the Jedi Order, but he didn't recognize Sidious until it was too late. The clearest demonstration of Sidious's skill is the fact that he dealt in person with Jedi Masters for 20 years and they never realized what he was.
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Could Mace Windu beat Yoda?

Windu has created and fully mastered Vaapad, a variant of Form VII. Yoda mastered the original variant known as Juyo. Both of them were able to fight with Palpatine on equal ground, matching him blow for blow. It is stated that Yoda beat Mace in a sparring match.
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Who would win, Vader or Yoda?

There are certainly scenarios where Darth Vader would have the upper hand in a duel with Yoda, but in most cases, Yoda would be the more likely victor. Vader wields absurd levels of Force power during his dark side prime that would certainly rival Yoda's own abilities, but likely not exceed them.
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Who is the strongest Star Wars character ever?

Ahsoka Tano is the strongest Star Wars character. She is a focused, cunning, and capable warrior. Wielding two sabers, she illustrates highly developed martial arts and acrobatic skills.
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Could Dooku beat Windu?

That notwithstanding, Master Windu was also one of the best. If the two spared as Jedi, Dooku would probably win the match because he was the better all-around duelist.
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Did Palpatine fake lose to Windu on purpose?

Yes. This is going to be unpopular, however, it's fairly clear from various sources, including Lucas himself, that Palpatine did let Mace Windu win. Lucas himself noted during hos commentary on the film But this part where he, he pretends to lose his power and be weak was something I added later.
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How many Jedi survived Order 66?

According to Imperial Estimates in Star Wars Inside #87, only about 100 of the Jedi survived Order 66. Most were subsequently hunted down and killed in the years following the Great Jedi Purge.
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What was Order 67?

Execute Order 67." "Yes, my lord." Order 67 was an order requiring clone troopers to dance and clean their armor.
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Could a clone refuse Order 66?

Some clones disobeyed the infamous order than decimated the Jedi order, and refused to execute it. SOME of these Clones include; Captain Rex: Captain Rex, as most know removed his chip that would later be the way that Palpatine would execute order 66. Wolffe: As with Captain Rex Wolffe removed his bio chip.
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Why didn t Yoda warn about Order 66?

So, it's likely Yoda didn't want to interfere and alter the future, as he'd be at risk of preventing the Sith from being defeated many years later. While Yoda sensed that the Sith's plan involved the Clones, it was too late to prevent Order 66.
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Is Rey as strong as Palpatine?

Is Rey more Powerful than palpatine? We all know rey, the most hated Character to exist, No character arch, practically perfect. That doesn't Exclude the fact that she still defeated Palpatine.
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Is Snoke more powerful than Kylo Ren?

Supreme Leader Snoke is presented in The Force Awakens and Last Jedi as an extremely powerful Force user. He is easily able to move objects with his mind from great distances and has other abilities that suggest he is more than capable of defeating his Apprentice, Kylo Ren.
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