Could Qui-Gon have beaten Maul on Tatooine?

It's worth noting that Qui-Gon may have beaten Maul if he had more training in fighting opponents with lightsabers. Until then, most of the Jedi in the Order believed the Sith to be extinct.
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Could Prime Qui-Gon beat Maul?

Unfortunately for this wise Jedi master, Qui-Gon was unable to defeat Darth Maul, costing him his life in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
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Was Maul more powerful than Qui-Gon?

So Qui-Gon lost because Maul was physically stronger and quicker than him. Qui-Gon is skilled but not a prodigy. And he's quickly worn down by Maul in both their encounters.
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Was Qui-Gon more powerful than Mace Windu?

No he wasnt. While Qui Gon Jinn was a talented duelist and a powerful force user, he was revered in the Order more for his wisdom than his skill at arms. Furthermore the lightsaber form he was master of Ataru, was one that requires great stamina to properly utilise, something he had less and less of as he aged.
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What if Qui-Gon defeated Darth Maul?

There would still have been war had Qui-Gon defeated Darth Maul and lived, for Palpatine had already become Chancellor and his greater plans were already in motion. But it's quite possible the Sith would never have conquered the galaxy, and the Empire would never have been established.
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Why Maul Was ASHAMED of the Way He Killed Qui-Gon Jinn

Does Dooku know Maul killed Qui-Gon?

Following Qui-Gon's death by Maul's hand on Naboo, Dooku visited Palpatine in distress about his apprentice's death, hoping to have one day made Jinn an ally while also directly stating he knew of Maul's existence.
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Was Palpatine afraid of Qui-Gon?

Qui-Gon Jinn was more attuned to the Force than any other prequel Jedi, and that's one reason why Emperor Palpatine needed him dead.
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Who is stronger Luke or Qui-Gon?

Though Qui-Gon Jinn was strong in the ways of the Force, including telepathy and levitation, there's just no way he would beat Luke Skywalker in a fight.
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Could Qui-Gon have beaten Vader?

Darth Vader would be stronger physically and in the force and could overpower Qui-Gon and most likely kill him.
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Could Palpatine have beaten Mace Windu?

Palpatine was by no means helpless after being disarmed by Mace Windu, as shown with his onslaught of Force lightning. As described in the Revenge of the Sith novel, Palpatine was slowly pushing Windu's lightsaber blade towards him and could have killed him with his own weapon if he persisted.
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Could Maul beat Dooku?

That would be a close fight but I'd give it to Dooku seven times out of ten. Maul briefly held his own against Sidious who is superior to both of them. While Dooku held his own against Yoda who is superior to both of them. Maul rivals Dooku in saber skills and is physically superior to the Count.
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Could Darth Maul beat KYLO Ren?

Kylo Ren's probably more powerful in the force but Maul is much better trained fighter.
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Could Maul beat Anakin?

By the time of Episode 3; Anakin is in his prime, and already one of the Jedi Order's most powerful “masters” (although technically still a knight), just behind Obi-Wan, Windu, and Yoda. Maul wouldn't stand a chance.
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Why was Maul so strong?

Having trained in the ways of the Force, Darth Maul was a formidable warrior strong with the dark side and possessed deadly skills in lightsaber combat. In addition, he was a scheming mastermind who plotted his return to power despite losing his place in the ranks of the Sith.
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Was Maul trying to prevent Order 66?

Because Darth Maul was Darth Sidious' apprentice for years, and because he later became a renegade Sith with a distinct agenda, he was in a unique position during the Clone Wars to stop Order 66.
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Could Maul defeat Palpatine?

Unlikely. Maul and Palpatine were specialists in the same lightsaber combat form (VII), but Palpatine was more skilled and more experienced, and Savage had little to no technique at all - only brute strength.
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Could Qui-Gon have saved Anakin?

Qui-Gon Jinn, who is considered a maverick Jedi Master by his colleagues, might have been able to keep Anakin on the path of the Jedi, had he not been killed by Darth Maul. Star Wars' Qui-Gon Jinn would have been the ideal mentor for the young Anakin.
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Who was the Jedi that almost beat Vader?

Infil'a put up a fierce fight against Vader, almost killing him by throwing the already damaged Sith Lord off of a cliff. Despite severe damage to his suit, Vader survived the fall, and repaired himself with parts from Infil'a's droid, Arex.
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What Jedi could beat Vader?

While Vader had his weaknesses, including vulnerability to electricity, characters like Emperor Palpatine, Mace Windu, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi all had the potential to defeat him in battle.
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Is Rey more powerful than Anakin?

ANAKIN - More Powerful

Although Rey is also strong with force, she doesn't compare to Anakin's pure strength with the force and his connection, being created by the Force itself. Even in the movies, comics, and shows we see Anakin accomplish greater feats of strength that Rey was years away from learning.
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Who is the strongest Jedi ever?

30 Most Powerful Jedi In Star Wars, Officially Ranked Weakest To Strongest
  1. 1 Luke Skywalker. There's intense debate over whether Luke Skywalker is more powerful than his father.
  2. 2 Yoda. ...
  3. 3 Anakin Skywalker. ...
  4. 4 Obi-Wan Kenobi. ...
  5. 5 Ben Solo. ...
  6. 6 Rey. ...
  7. 7 Mace Windu. ...
  8. 8 Cal Kestis. ...
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How powerful is Cal Kestis?

He beat a fallen jedi and a gen'dai from the high republic era. He cuts through waves of enemies that could overwhelm even powerful jedi masters through sheer numbers. He even has a night sister girlfriend he can combine force powers with.
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Why was Qui-Gon killed so easily?

Qui-Gon was ultimately defeated by a move that can only be done with a double-bladed lightsaber as Darth Maul used the handle of the weapon, striking Qui-Gon physically on the chin, stunning him for just long enough to deliver the killing blow.
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Did Count Dooku care about Qui-Gon?

As Dooku says in Attack of the Clones, Qui-Gon was his kindred spirit in distrust of the Senate's corruption and he believed wholeheartedly that Qui-Gon would have joined him if he had survived his duel with Maul.
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What did Darth Vader think of Qui-Gon?

Unfortunately, he only knew him for a few days, but Anakin still loved Qui-Gon as he loved Obi-Wan. Vader, on the other hand, likely despised Qui-Gon and blamed him for all the suffering he went through.
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