Could the Hulk survive the sun?

There are a number of storylines - though primarily the Immortal Hulk - that show the Hulk surviving even complete obliteration. This means that a trip to the sun might not actually kill him.
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Can the Hulk die in the sun?

In Marvel Comics it is highly unlikely that launching him into the Sun would kill him.
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Can the Hulk withstand heat?

The Hulk is capable of withstanding high caliber bullets, powerful energy blasts, pressures extremes, falls from orbital heights, maximized heat without blistering, maximized cold without freezing, and also massive impacts.
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Can Hulk absorb sun radiation?

No, the Hulk cannot absorb the Sun's power. Hulk has only been shown to be able to absorb gamma radiation.
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What happens to Hulk when the sun goes down?

This is a version of Hell that is saved solely for gamma-powered people, and they all have a way back. In this new book, Bruce Banner died many times, and he rose from the dead when the sun went down as Hulk. This is because Hulk would return to Earth through the Green Door.
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Hulk Escapes After 500 Years, But The Avengers Are All Dead

Why is the Hulk so weak in MCU?

One idea is that the creation of Professor Hulk let Bruce's intelligence inject more humanity into the Hulk. As a result, his rage was tempered enough to affect his strength. That being said, the traditional version of the Hulk wasn't without his humanity.
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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Can the Hulk heal himself?

The Hulk has one of the most powerful healing factors in the Marvel Universe, but his regenerative powers have an incredibly dangerous flaw. Most other characters with healing factors like Wolverine and Deadpool will always heal back in the same way, as their bodies rapidly repair damage.
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Can Hulk survive a fall from space?

And while in the comics the Hulk has been launched into space in a pressurized vessel for safety, once the vessel broke the Hulk just got angrier and as a result he got stronger, thus causing his body to adapt into one that can survive anything space throws at it.
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Can the Hulk bleed out?

Due to the gamma radiation that birthed him, his skin is nearly indestructible and takes massive force to break. Throughout Hulk's many on-screen fights, he has only bled twice, and both circumstances prove it takes a unique set of variables to accomplish that.
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Is Hulks skin bulletproof?

In addition, his skin gains a ridiculous greenish tone, and becomes bulletproof. As the Hulk, he can jump across a distance of 3-4 miles and a height of one kilometer. He also gains super strength and can lift more than 100 tons in the comics. The angrier he is, the stronger and larger he becomes.
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Can vibranium cut the Hulk?

They can cut through steel like butter. They have been shown to pierce Terrax, and damage Ultron, two highly durable & invulnerable characters (New Avengers v3#5 & Avengers v3#21); why not also Hulk? A vibranium weapon imbued with the power of the Wakandan gods. It's been shown to cut through anything.
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Could Hulk break Vibranium?

If MCU Thanos can easily break Vibranium, can the Hulk? He can dent it. However, every time we've seen vibranium being broken in the MCU, it's been done using a similarly durable weapon.
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Can Hulk survive in water?

The Hulk's skin is nearly impenetrable and his lung capacity allows for long periods of submersion in water, exposure to many forms of gases, and even to temporary survival in the airless vacuum of outer space.
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Is Hulk technically dead?

Although Marvel retconned the Hulk to be immortal, it does not prohibit him from being able to die, or at least be killed. He can die, and has...
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How long could Hulk live?

Technically forever. Even though we've never seen it play out in the canon Earth-616, there are plenty of storylines where Hulk and Bruce are the last ones alive.
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What is the heaviest thing the Hulk has lifted?

Lifted a 150 billion ton mountain range. Can shatter a mountain in a single blow. Lifted an entire castle, then destroyed it. Briefly lifted and threw Mjolnir.
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Can Hulk live without food?

No, the Hulk does not need food, water or even air to survive. He has a neat little ability that the majority of writers do not utilize called “Reactive Adaptation”. What this allows him to do is adapt to any situation.
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Can Hulk beat Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Can Hulk survive a nuke?

While the Hulk was easily able to survive the barrage of nuclear weapons, the noise of the explosions and cries of dying people eventually came to bother him. The Hulk returned to his birthplace in New Mexico and sealed himself in a cave with a massive boulder, trapping Banner inside with him for many years.
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Can Hulk beat Thanos?

Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in Marvel lore, with Thanos even admitting he was scared to face the Hulk before acquiring the Infinity Stones. While Thanos is usually the victor, it's generally down to him using superior tactics and technology, rather than simply possessing greater physical strength.
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Who heals faster, Deadpool or Hulk?

the Hulk has a better healing factor, as the angrier he gets, the quicker he can heal, so at its peak he could fully regenerate in seconds.
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Is Thanos or Hulk stronger?

Thanos Beat Hulk Because He Was A More Skilled Fighter

When it comes to pure brute strength in the MCU, Hulk is usually the first that comes to mind in the universe. The green giant is famous for his fits of rage that have him destroying everything in his path.
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Can Superman lift the hammer of Thor?

Yes he can, Or I should say *surprise* he had actually lifted and wielded Thor's hammer i.e Mjolnir. Lifting and wielding Thor's Hammer are two different things. according to enchantment by Odin: "Whosoever holds this hammer, if (s)he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."
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