Could Wolverine heal before adamantium?

It is said that without the adamantium, his healing rate increases. This power even amends psychological wounds inflicted as a result of traumatic experiences.
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Is Wolverine's healing factor better without adamantium?

So, a part of his natural healing factor is constantly healing him from all the ill effects of having Admantium on his bones. And that is why his healing process was faster when he didn't have admantium skeleton.
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Would Wolverine live forever without adamantium?

Wolverine's max-age would be 466.32 years. Meaning having been born in 1832, in a perfect world without Transigen and the Adamantium skeleton, Wolverine would have lived to the year 2298 at the age of 466. That's a long time, so much more longer than any of us.
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Could Wolverine be killed before adamantium?

Yes, Wolverine Can Technically Be Killed

In Ultimate X-Men #12, Sabretooth had the light-bulb idea to try drowning him: "How does a healing factor fix a suffocated brain?" Essentially, the reasoning was that while Logan's body could heal all the way to perfect condition, the brain would still be rendered inoperable.
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Why can't Logan heal from adamantium poisoning?

Because in the movie Logan his powers were beginning to fail him. Adamantium poising IS mentioned in the comics where it's states that it slowed down his healing factor because it forced it to deal with adamantium poisoning 100% of the time and thus slowing it down for other physical damage he was suffering.
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Strongest X-Men Of All Time

Can Magneto control Vibranium?

As seen in certain comics from Marvel such as Black Panther #48, vibranium in its purest form does not respond to Magneto, resisting his powers a rare exception.
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What if Wolverine had Vibranium instead of adamantium?

Wolverine's abilities, such as enhanced durability, would be affected if he had Vibranium instead of Adamantium, as Vibranium could make his bones nearly unbreakable. Wolverine with Vibranium could withstand powerful blows and attacks, and potentially store and release energy through its kinetic energy absorption.
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Did Magneto pulls Wolverine's skeleton out?

Magneto engages the X-Men in battle, and in a fit of rage after nearly being gutted by Wolverine, tears the adamantium out of Wolverine's skeleton. Professor X, enraged by Magneto's actions, mindwipes Magneto, leaving him in a coma.
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Can Wolverine survive being ripped in half?

Despite getting cut in half and shot to bits, Wolverine managed to make it out of the violent situation alive. However, he still felt the pain and he'll have to deal with the mental trauma that comes with it.
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Can Wolverine survive a headshot?

Wolverine's healing doesn't actually work like it's shown. His healing factor will rebuild his body at an accelerated rate, but it isn't 'intelligent' enough to expel foreign material (and definitely not if a bullet was impacted directly onto his skull, like this one-in-a-million shot happens to be).
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Can Logan regrow his adamantium claws?

Director James Mangold's 2013 film The Wolverine set a new precedent for the fan-favorite X-Man when the Silver Samurai cut off his Adamantium claws. Although Logan regrew bone claws, the Adamantium ones wouldn't be restored until X-Men: Days of Future Past was released the following year.
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Why can't Wolverine heal anymore?

Meanwhile, the Adamantium was constantly poisoning his insides; Logan's healing factor initially kept the metal's toxicity in check but, as it gradually failed, the poison began overwhelming his system and killing him. Adamantium poisoning may also have turned into the cause of his healing factor's increasing failure.
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What's the worst things Wolverine has survived?

Wolverine has survived numerous traumatic experiences, including drowning, being shot with dozens of arrows, and being shot in the head with an adamantium bullet.
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Is Deadpool's healing factor stronger than Wolverines?

Why Deadpool's Healing Factor Is Objectively Better Than Wolverine's - IMDb. A lot of Marvel's finest heroes and most sinister villains find Deadpool to be annoying, but try as they might no one has yet succeeded in being able to kill him, and this is due to a healing factor that rivals that of even Wolverine.
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Who healing factor is stronger Wolverine or Hulk?

Hulk Is Stronger Than Wolverine's Healing Factor

On his journey, he runs into Bruce Banner, who is on a monster-hunting quest of his own at the moment (as detailed in Phillip Kennedy Johnson's current ongoing Incredible Hulk series).
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Who heals faster than Wolverine?

After the two heroes experience the same trivial yet costly hilarious problem, the Flash proves his healing ability is much faster than Wolverine's! For one very specific and very hilarious reason, DC Comics' the Flash proves to have a better healing factor than Marvel Comics' Wolverine.
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Can the Hulk break Wolverine's claws?

Hulk's inability to break Wolverine and his adamantium claws isn't an indictment of the green monster's strength but more shows how strong Wolverine's metal-coated bones really are. If the Hulk can't snap his claws, then it's unlikely many other heroes or villains could do so, either.
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Can Wolverine's claws cut Hulk?

His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head. In fact, if it came down to it, Wolverine could cut Hulk's head off, ending the Hulk once and for all.
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Could Wolverine cut Hulk?

It's not so much that they're strong enough, but rather that they're sharp and strong enough. In their first encounter in The Incredible Hulk #181, Wolverine admits that his claws can't cut the Hulk.
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Has Magneto ever met Red Skull?

After killing the S-Men, Magneto attacks the Red Skull, who then tells Magneto that Professor X's greatest fear was leading the X-Men. Magneto kills the Red Skull while the others look on in horror. Magneto believes everything is over, only for the Red Skull to appear as a giant called "Red Onslaught".
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Why can't Victor survive adamantium?

The animosity between Victor and James was made even worse when Stryker revealed that, contrary to his deal with Victor, he couldn't merge adamantium to Victor's skeleton because it would kill him. Stryker claimed that Victor's healing factor was not strong enough to allow him to survive the process.
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Is adamantium slowly killing Wolverine?

Yes, his cause of decline is the Adamantium poisoning he's endured over the last couple decades.
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Can adamantium cut the Hulk?

The ability of Adamantium to pierce Hulk's hide has changed over time, but currently it can, though it requires a decent amount of force for it to cut him, as shown in Immortal Hulk #8. Adamantium can cut Hulk's skin, it just isn't all that easy.
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Why doesn't Iron Man use adamantium?

Adamantium is incredibly expensive by weight to minesynthesize, refine and work. Tony is a business man, he sees the costs of the material, and while there is an upside to the survivability of an adamantium suit, there is a point of diminishing returns for the materials.
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Can Hulk break adamantium?

Hulk has broken adamantium twice. It depends in the main universe Hulk can't break Adamantium, only reality manipulators can break that metal.
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