Did Darth Sidious fear Qui-Gon?

In fact, many fans now believe that Darth Sidious feared Qui-Gon Jinn, explaining why he was taken out so soon in the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
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Did Qui-Gon suspect Palpatine?

Almost certainly yes, or at the very least he would believe the Sith controlled the Senate, just as Count Dooku had told Obi-Wan (granted he had a front row seat).
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What did Darth Vader think of Qui-Gon?

Qui-Gon Jinn: the One Jedi of Value

Master Qui-Gon Jinn's words echo in Vader's mind. There's no anger, nor hatred in this memory – Vader simply recalls one of the first lessons the Jedi Master slyly gave to young Anakin Skywalker.
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Was Palpatine at Qui-Gon's funeral?

Many Jedi were in attendance, including Grand Master Yoda, Mace Windu, and several members of the Jedi High Council. Non-Jedi attendees included Queen Amidala, Boss Rugor Nass, newly-elected Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker, and Jar Jar Binks, among several others.
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What did Count Dooku think of Qui-Gon's death?

When Qui-Gon was killed by Darth Maul, Dooku was so saddened that Qui-Gon's death lead to Dooku's transformation into the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus. He would later provoke the memory against Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jinn's apprentice.
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Why Palpatine FEARED Qui-Gon Jinn - Star Wars Explained

Was Dooku sad about Qui-Gon's death?

You can also see how much Qui Gon Jinn's death affected Dooku when he was talking to Obi Wan in AOTC. Look at the raw, pure emotion Dooku feels over a decade after Qui-Gon died. It affected him significantly.
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Why did Qui-Gon kneel to Darth Maul?

Not only was Obi-Wan tired toward the end of the battle, but Qui-Gon was as well. When Qui-Gon and Maul are separated by a force field, Qui-Gon kneels and rests for a moment—gathering what little strength he had left to try and finish off Maul.
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What did Dooku think of Qui-Gon?

In his speech, he genuinely showed grief for the loss of Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan's old master. Dooku seemed very confident Qui-Gon would have left the Order and joined the Separatists after learning the same "truth" he had.
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Could Qui-Gon have saved Anakin?

Summary. Qui-Gon saw potential in young Anakin Skywalker as the Chosen One, and could have prevented his dark fate. Marvel's new Phantom Menace Special issue further confirms Anakin needed Qui-Gon's guidance to control his emotions and remain on his Jedi path.
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Did Dooku love Qui-Gon?

Although Qui-Gon never felt close with him, Dooku was quite fond of his former pupil, and Jinn's death on Naboo devastated him. The 2012 Legends novel Darth Plagueis showed Dooku's gradual fall to the dark side in detail, and his feelings on the death of Qui-Gon contributed to this fall from grace.
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What was Palpatine afraid of?

Most viewers have forgotten that Palpatine seems to have been afraid of Yoda in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - and even tried to flee from their duel. Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi were among the few Jedi to survive Order 66.
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Did Darth Sidious fear Yoda?

Sidious believed himself to be far above any Jedi. Until this moment: It was then, that he realized they were relative in power. He was by no means afraid of Yoda.
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Did Yoda like Qui-Gon?

Though Yoda and Qui-Gon respected each other, they were often at odds due to their differing beliefs; Yoda looked to the future while Qui-Gon lived in the moment.
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Who did Palpatine respect?

Palpatine himself seemed to have a positive relationship with his mentor Darth Plagueis, and while he tortured Darth Vader to bring out his strength, he also gifted him Mustafar as a show of respect, having first offered his own home planet of Naboo to his apprentice.
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Who does Palpatine hate?

Summary. Palpatine's true source of power comes from his intense hatred for everyone in the galaxy, which only fuels his strength. Not only that, but the more people hate Palpatine, the stronger he becomes as well, making inspiring hatred a crucial part of increasing his strength.
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Did Dooku go to Qui-Gon's funeral?

Jinn's former master, Count Dooku, had been considered to attend the funeral but had declined the invitation, claiming he would not be "pleasant company".
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Why did Dooku turn to the dark side after Qui-Gon died?

In addition, he revealed that he thought of the Jedi Council as being at least as responsible for Qui-Gon's death as the Sith who had killed him, and that it was their perceived short-sightedness and obstinacy which had truly lead him to leave the Order.
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Who knew Dooku was a Sith?

In the Star Wars prequel trilogy, the Jedi Order learned that Count Dooku was a Sith Lord in the film "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones." The revelation occurred during the course of the movie's events, which were set approximately ten years after the events of "Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace."
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How did Maul beat Qui-Gon so easily?

The duel was a brief but fierce skirmish, with Maul gaining the upper hand as soon as he leapt into action. Maul's terrifying combination of agility, anger and ferocity surprised Qui-Gon Jinn, who seemed to tire as the battle went on.
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Was Qui-Gon a weak Jedi?

It's already well-established that Qui-Gon was incredibly strong with the Force. He continuously studied the ways of the Force and eventually learned enough about the Cosmic Force and the Living Force to unlock the secrets of eternal life.
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Why did Sidious want Dooku dead?

Although Palpatine told Dooku the plan was for Obi-Wan's death to be used as leverage to turn Anakin, this was not the case at all. Sidious wanted Anakin to kill Dooku. The killing of a powerful Sith such as Dooku was the tipping point to set Anakin on track to the dark side.
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Why did Qui-Gon's body not disappear?

Qui-Gon: I cannot. My training was incomplete. As such, he can only ever materialize as a disembodied voice in the physical world. The other Jedi who have achieved oneness with the Force have disappeared upon death, such as Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Luke.
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What happened to Qui-Gon's lightsaber after he died?

After Jinn was mortally wounded, Obi-Wan Kenobi used it to defeat Darth Maul. The weapon would become the temporary lightsaber of Kenobi until 28 BBY when he constructed a second lightsaber identical to his first one that had been lost in the duel with Maul.
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