Did Jack Sparrow survive being eaten by the Kraken?

When kraken ate Jack Sparrow , he reached to Davy Jones's locker. Davy Jones used kraken to capture people in his locker. The one who was eaten by kraken was not died but reached at world's end in the locker. Jack sparrow did not die.
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Did Jack Sparrow defeat the Kraken?

The Kraken is found washed up and dead by the former rivals and now-uneasy co-conspirators Captain Jack Sparrow and Barbossa in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, but how did the legendary leviathan end up there and what compelled its master Davy Jones to kill it?
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What happens if the Kraken eats you?

So when they get eaten by the Kraken, they are presumably dead and end up in the Locker in the other side of the world, unable to die nor live. In Pirates Of The Caribbean, why was Captain Barbossa more powerful than other pirates (except for Jack Sparrow)?
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Can a kraken be killed?

Kraken arms will spawn in the area of black water. To defeat the Kraken, enough tentacles must be destroyed depending on ship type, with larger ships requiring more damage to destroy a tentacle and more tentacles destroyed to complete the event. If the crew can survive long enough the Kraken will also retreat.
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What can destroy the Kraken?

-CANNONS; The job of the cannons is to damage the Kraken by shooting the tentacles. 2-4 well placed cannons will send the tentacle back under water.
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Massive Deep-Sea Shark Checking Out Our Submarine

Did the Kraken follow Jack's hat?

To the surprise of his crew, Jack was willing to abandon the hat, such was his desperation to find land and avoid the Kraken. The hat was later picked up by a Turkish fishing boat, which was summarily targeted and destroyed by the Kraken. The tricorne was consumed amid the wreckage.
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Why is Jack Sparrow immortal?

Right before the film's climactic battle with the pirates at Isla de Muerta, Sparrow swipes a cursed coin from the treasure chest, making himself immortal and capable of dueling Barbossa. He shoots his nemesis with the pistol he has carried for ten years just as Will breaks the curse, killing Barbossa.
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Who defeated Kraken?

It is assumed that Zeus forced Hades to lock up the Kraken so he wouldn't harm anyone. The Kraken was released onto Argos to destroy it, but Perseus slayed it with Medusa's head, which turned it to stone.
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How old is the Kraken?

The kraken's more ancient origins are in Nordic folklore. The earliest written reference to the kraken goes all the way back to 1180, according to paleontologist Rodrigo Brincalepe Salvador, who describes the mythical sea monster's history in the Conversation.
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Who is the god of the Kraken?

Normally, the Greek god Poseidon had dominion over the oceans and would be a more likely choice to summon the Kraken.
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Who saw the Kraken?

Seafarer sightings of the Kraken took place in the 1700s, but it was first recorded by King Sverre of Norway in 1180. Kraken mythology said that the Kraken was a creature so large that it could be mistaken for an island.
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What is Jack Sparrow's curse?

His most powerful curse, the Black Spot, infuses his arm in uncontrollable cursed magic, but Captain Jack Sparrow was never one to let such a thing hold him back. After all, no self-respecting swashbuckler leaves the cabin without their captain's hat, pirate coat, and…
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How did Jack survive the Kraken?

Jack sparrow did not die. He was struck at a place between life and death which is Davy Jones's locker. Elizabeth,Will along with help of Barbossa and Tia Dalma reached at the world's end( Davy Jones locker) to make Jack free from locker.
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Did pirates fear the Kraken?

The Kraken was feared by sailors and pirates and they believed it was a leviathan that was sent to prey on unwary ships at sea.
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What do Kraken's eat?

The Giant Kraken can eat any sort of fish that it wraps its tentacles around. They prefer harder creatures, crab-like animals in which they use their sharp beak to shatter to pieces. Kraken have a special salivary gland in which it can poison its meal with venom.
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How big is a Kraken?

Bishop Erik Pontoppidan describes the Kraken as the world's largest animal (a circumference of 2.5km) in his work, The natural history of Norway(1752; 1752-1753).
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What is Jack Sparrow's worst fear?

Being trapped in one place. He loves his freedom. If he was forced to stay in one place for too long, he'd go mad (see: Davy Jones' Locker.)
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Who was Jack Sparrow's love?

Angelica. Despite the character being a lead for all five Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Jack Sparrow only receives a conventional love interest in On Stranger Tides. The fourth movie introduces Angelica, the daughter of Blackbeard who Jack seduced years before the sequel's action begins.
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What were Jack Sparrow's last words?

Last: "I Have A Rendezvous Beyond My Beloved Horizon."

Ready for another adventure, Jack gets ready to set sail, this time beyond the horizon. Jack makes it clear that his first and only love is the sea, therefore his final line encapsulates him perfectly.
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Does Jack Sparrow have a crush?

Tia Dalma. Tia Dalma, or Calypso, is the sea goddess that sailors both loved and feared. It was implied that she and Jack Sparrow shared a romantic history due to her willingness to help out seafarers.
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How old is Jack Sparrow at the end?

What can be said with reasonable confidence is that Captain Jack is virtually the same age as Johnny Depp when the franchise begins and at least 60 years old by the end of the most recent Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
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How old is Jack Sparrow 5?

In the book, The Price of Freedom, he is 25. By the second film, he should be ~38, because of his deal with Davvy Jones, he got 13 years to captian the Pearl, in the first movie it had been 12 years, 10 since the mutiny. 15 years later, on stranger tides, he would be 53+5 for the 5th film. He is ~58.
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What is the Kraken's real name?

Later, David Crantz in Historie von Grönland (History of Greenland, 1765) also reported kraken and the hafgufa to be synonymous.
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Are Krakens evil or good?

Krakens were highly destructive and evil creatures. With their strong tentacles and massive strength, they could pull an entire ship down into the ocean. They often completely wiped tropical islands of all life, and deep beneath the ocean, they had cavernous lairs where they bred human slaves to feed and tend them.
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