Did Thanos send Loki to get Tesseract?

The Avengers He cuts a deal with a big, bad purple alien named Thanos: Thanos will lend Loki an Infinity Stone called the Mind Stone (which Loki wields in his scepter) so that Loki can retrieve the Tesseract (and Space Stone inside it) for Thanos. In exchange, Thanos provides Loki with an alien army to attack Earth.
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Did Thanos give Loki the Tesseract?

In Avengers (2012), Thanos loans Loki the scepter with the Mind Stone so Loki can take over earth, and in return, Loki promises to bring Thanos the Tesseract.
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How did Loki first get the Tesseract?

During the destruction of Asgard, Loki noticed the Tesseract and took it for himself before the vault, along with the planet, were destroyed. Thanos later acquired the Tesseract and crushed it to unveil the Space Stone within and then inserted the stone into his Infinity Gauntlet.
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Why did Thanos send Loki?

Thanos sent Loki to retrieve the Space Stone from Earth, but gave him the Mind Stone in order to help him achieve this goal, and in the process ended up not only getting the Infinity Stone he was after but also losing the one that he already had.
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How did they get the Tesseract in endgame if Loki stole it?

In Endgame Tony and Scott are assigned to travel back to 2012, right before the end of the first Avengers movie where Thor brought the Tesseract back to Asgard, along with Loki. Scott flies into 2012's Tony heart and causes him to go into cardiac arrest, so he'll drop the briefcase containing the Tesseract.
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Marvel Plot Holes EXPLAINED | Why Did Thanos Give Away an Infinity Stone?

Why didn t Loki use the Tesseract against Thanos?

Originally Answered: Why didn't Loki use the Tesseract against Thanos on the Asgardian ship? At the time, Thanos only had one Infinity Stone, and the Tesseract should have been able to hold its own against him, especially with the help of Thor and the other Asgardians. Simply because he doesn't know how.
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Who sent Loki to get the Tesseract?

Loki decides he wants to become supreme ruler of earth. He cuts a deal with a big, bad purple alien named Thanos: Thanos will lend Loki an Infinity Stone called the Mind Stone (which Loki wields in his scepter) so that Loki can retrieve the Tesseract (and Space Stone inside it) for Thanos.
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Is Loki still alive after endgame?

Technically speaking, the real Loki — or rather, the Loki that fans have watched since 2011 — is still dead. The version in the series is from a different timeline, and he is at a distinct point in his character growth.
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Why did Loki cry in Avengers?

He was under the influence of the Mind Stone that was in the Scepter, as were the Avengers in that scene where they were all sniping at each other. But Loki had been under the influence longer, and he had such a deeply rooted hatred and desire for revenge, it affected him more. Both for sure!
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What did Thanos give Loki in a deal for the Tesseract?

Thanos gave Loki the scepter that contained the Mind Stone, the only Infinity Stone he had at the time, which Loki used to control the minds of various humans, most notably Hawkeye and Erik Selvig.
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Are there 2 Tesseracts in Marvel?

As far as we know, there is only one tesseract in existence, and this is that tesseract. If there are two, doesn't that kind of throw of Thanos' grand plan to collect 'em all? There's never been mention of a second, which means the one Mar-Vel is using is the same one that's been around the galaxy multiple times.
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Who first found the Tesseract?

The Tesseract was lost in the ocean, recovered by Howard Stark sometime later as he attempted to find Captain America's body. As revealed in Avengers: Endgame, Stark kept the Tesseract close at hand over the decades, continuing to study it.
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How did Thanos know Loki had the Tesseract?

Once he boards the ship and finds Loki alive on board he almost certainly knows his best bet for getting the Space Stone is Loki. So it isn't necessarily that he knew Loki had the Tesseract, it's that he knew Loki was the most likely to have it.
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How did Loki get the scepter from Thanos?

Fortunately for Thanos, he was rescued by his "daughters" Nebula and Gamora, and the Lorespeaker was killed. The Mad Titan took the scepter as the spoils of victory, later gifting it to Loki in The Avengers.
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When did Loki pick up the Tesseract?

In Avengers: Endgame, Cap and the team travel back to the events of 2012's The Avengers to return an Infinity Stone to its proper place. While they're there, Loki steals the Tesseract and disappears with it.
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What is the most powerful Infinity Stone?

The Soul Stone Is Easily the Strongest Infinity Stone

Gamora's plan was eventually foiled - though the resultant Warp World is still in existence - but Infinity Wars showed that the Soul Stone had always been a device of unbridled cosmic power, whether wielded by a skilled individual or not.
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Why didn t Loki turn blue when Thanos killed him?

In Thor 2 Loki seemingly dies with a green skin colour and turns out to be alive after. Many theories suggest that Loki faked his death in Infinity war as well, so that might be a reason we never saw Loki turn blue when Thanos killed him.
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Why did old Loki laugh when he died?

But by sacrificing himself to help Loki and Lady Loki, Classic Loki proves himself wrong. He's not selfish like the other Loki variants. He does have a glorious purpose, and it's giving up his life to help others. He laughs because of the absurdity of it all.
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Why did Thor get angry with Loki?

This pushed Loki to sabotage his coronation, and the discovery that he was adopted all along made Loki go mad. Meanwhile, Thor never knew Loki's true motives until the end of the movie, and once he did, he was more angered by his actions and failed to see why Loki had seemingly broken bad overnight.
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How did Loki come back after Thanos killed him?

Loki has always delighted in cheating death, manipulating others into believing he was dead in order to hatch his next scheme. At the end of Thor, he apparently took his own life — but Loki survived death by plunging into one of the many portals he knew could be found in Yggdrasil.
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Does Thor know Loki is alive?

Thor knew that Loki was alive and on Earth not because of Heimdall… because of Frigga. In the comics version of The Movie Thor (2011), it is noted that Frigga communicated with Loki and warned Odin & Thor that the God of Mischief is alive and well. Hope this helps.
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Is Loki alive in Ant-Man Quantumania?

The actor returned in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (in theaters now) not as his Loki character, He Who Remains, but finally as the villainous Kang the Conqueror... only for Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) and Hope van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) to seemingly kill him off by the end of the movie.
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Why didn t Thanos use the Mind Stone?

Thanos' plan was never about balance, no matter how much he protested. He was angry that people didn't recognize his "genius," and furious that they scoffed at his plan. The Snap was about punishing the universe, nothing more. Using the Mind Stone to subjugate people wouldn't have accomplished that.
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Why did Captain America crash the plane?

The autopilot was already set by red skull and the button was broken during their fight. So cap had to manually override the autopilot by forcing the steering wheel down. If he jumped out the plane most likely would have corrected its course and continued heading for the city with the bombs on board.
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Who took Loki's Scepter after Avengers?

Gifted by Thanos, the staff was wielded by Loki to lead and command the invasion to Earth. After the Battle of New York, the Scepter was confiscated by S.H.I.E.L.D. for studying until it was stolen by Wolfgang von Strucker's HYDRA cell and taken to the HYDRA Research Base in Sokovia.
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