Did the Doctor spent 24 years with River?

He uses time travel to ensure a perfect date, gives her the sonic screwdriver that she had in "Silence in the Library", and comforts her by revealing that the nights on Darillium last "24 years", giving River a happy life spent with the Doctor before her impending death in the Library.
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Did River and the Doctor spend 24 years together?

She does, however, meet Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor in Christmas episode, "The Husbands of River Song," where the couple spend 24 years together.
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How long were the Doctor and river on delirium?

Now, River does say no to traveling with him after The Angels Take Manhattan, but he doesn't make much of an effort to encourage her to stay. In the end he stays with her on Darillium for 24 years, but he also does this knowing it's his last chance to ever see her.
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Did the Doctor actually love River?

While River Song openly admits to being in love with The Doctor, The Doctor does not admit to loving her in return… at least, not verbally. However, he is more physically affectionate towards her than any regular companions, and, most notably, he actually marries her.
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Does the Doctor have a child with River?

Clara is the future child of the Doctor and River who's had her memory erased.
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Doctor Who || 24 years - River Song and The Doctor -

Is River Song the Doctor's Wife or Daughter?

Not only is River Song the Doctor's wife, but she is the child of companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams. She was conceived on the time-traveling TARDIS so was imbued with some Time Lord traits, including extended life and regeneration.
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Did the Doctor want to marry River?

He didn't seem to want to marry her, as evidenced by lines like "I don't want to marry you", mocking her when she said she loved him, and telling her she embarrasses him, so what do you think the real reason he married her was?
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What did River whisper in the doctors ear?

River, who is a professor of archaeology and carries a TARDIS-colour/pattern diary of her adventures, is able to convince the Doctor of his future trust in her by whispering his real name into his ear, which he explains he would only divulge under rare circumstances.
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Why does River Song not remember the Doctor?

River doesn't recognise the Twelfth Doctor as the Doctor because "he has limits", referring to the Time Lords' twelve-regenerations limit first mentioned in The Deadly Assassin (1976).
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Does the Doctor sleep with river?

It has been hinted that they did, and it has been hinted that they didn't. The Doctor doesn't seem to be very sexual, but apparently has the equipment, and jokes about it sometimes.
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Does Clara ever meet River?

In the Name of the Doctor when Clara and River meet at the Conference, River doesn't seem to know about her or met before - yet River knew Donna by name even though they never met.
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Does River Song know the Doctor's real name?

There are some exceptions, River Song knows the Doctor's real name and whispers it to him in series 4, episode 8, “Silence in the Library" which is River's first appearance, and the moment the Doctor starts to trust her.
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Does River know that Amy is her mother?

River reveals her parentage – A Good Man Goes to War (again) Just as she is born as "Melody Pond" (see No. 1), the older River, now a married woman, reveals who her mum and dad are: Amy and Rory.
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Did the Doctor love River or Rose more?

He loved Rose as both a lover and friend. They had fun together and never fought and were clearly a dynamic duo if there ever was one. The love he felt for her was passionate love, but what he felt for River was closer to true companion love.
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Did River Song remember killing the Doctor?

It can't be that she doesn't remember doing it, because she knows why she's in prison. When asked she says it's because she killed a good man, she clearly remembers that she shot the doctor.
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Will River ever come back to Doctor Who?

As the years pass, there will likely be ample opportunity for River to reappear in the future. She hasn't been featured on the series since 2015, so the time is already ripe, but the series' penchant for anniversary specials may afford her another opportunity to appear sooner than later.
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Why did River marry the Doctor?

There she sees the miniaturized Doctor and realizes that he is inside the Teselecta ship and will not actually die if time's flow is restored. He then requests that River allow him to prevent the universe's destruction. They seal this agreement, and their marriage, with a kiss.
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Why doesn t River recognize Rory?

As you say; she doesn't recognize Auton Rory, because in River's mind at this point she only has a mother, and due to the effects of the Cracks the oddity of this doesn't occur to her. Look at Amy; her parents were erased by the crack on her wall when she was a child, but she never even considers it.
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Why didn t River recognize 12?

In this episode, River fails to recognize the Doctor because she has no idea that he managed to gain another regeneration cycle, and no matter what he says or how many blatant hints he keeps dropping to her about his true identity, she keeps missing the forest for the trees.
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Why is Clara the impossible girl?

Although there were parallels between Oswin and Clara Oswin, it was their similar deaths that sparked the Eleventh Doctor to begin his investigation into her identities - coining the "Impossible Girl" term after realizing that it shouldn't have been possible for him to run into the same woman when she had died twice.
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Why is Rose called Bad Wolf?

When Rose absorbed the time vortex into herself, she became a deity that could see all of space and time at once. She scattered the phrase "bad wolf" as a warning for the doctor, both ecclestone and tennant. She chose the words bad wolf because she knew their final meeting would be at bad wolf bay in norway.
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Who did the Doctor love the most?

Truly, madly, deeply. To some, companion Rose Tyler was the greatest love of the Doctor's life. He seemed to have a closer bond with her than almost anyone he'd travelled with before, and as time went on it was increasingly clear that she was deeply in love with him.
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Why did the Doctor call River his ex?

The River Song who appeared in The Name of the Doctor was only a copy that existed in the library's computer, so, in the literal sense, she was his ex-(as in deceased)-wife. Of course, when the Doctor met her again in The Husbands of River Song, it was before she died, so she was still his current wife.
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What is the meaning of the wedding of river song?

“The Wedding Of River Song” acknowledges his actor's passing, and pays respect to Nicholas Courtney, who died in 2011. It's a pretty sad moment, and a sobering reminder to the Doctor that death is a part of life and it comes for everyone eventually, so he finally accepts his fate.
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Did The Tenth Doctor only meet river once?

And as the Doctor and River investigate, the truth of what's happening on the planet of ghosts may prove deadly for them both. Producer David Richardson said: “The Tenth Doctor only met River Song once on TV, and that was at the end of her life.
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