Did the Jedi even know of Darth Plagueis?

After Palpatine tells Anakin the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise he mentions the Jedi wouldn't ever have told him about it. This insinuates that the Jedi were aware of Plagueis's existence and that they were actively trying to cover it up.
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Were the Jedi aware of Darth Plagueis?

The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise

Skywalker, who was unaware at the time that his friend was in fact a Sith Lord, and having developed premonitions of his secret wife's death in childbirth, was intrigued by the story of Plagueis, particularly his ability to prevent death.
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Did the Jedi know Darth Sidious existed?

The Jedi were unable to secure further information on Sidious throughout the Clone Wars despite their suspicions that the "Second Sith" could be someone in the inner circle advising the Supreme Chancellor, with such people as Sate Pestage and Mas Amedda as possible suspects.
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How did the Jedi not know Palpatine was evil?

Palpatine used his powers to hide his true nature from the Jedi, utilizing Force Concealment to completely hide his presence in the Force while clouding the Force for the Jedi. The Clone Wars also kept the Jedi busy and weakened, preventing them from realizing his true identity.
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Who was Darth Plagueis disguised as?

Darth Plagueis traveled the galaxy with his master, masquerading as Rugess Nome's young accountant while the two carried out the Sith plan of spreading discontent to ripen the galaxy for their rule.
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The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise HD Star Wars Episode III Revenge of The Sith

Was Darth Plagueis a Snoke?

That didn't stop fans speculating on whether Snoke was really Darth Plagueis or Anakin Skywalker's evil twin or something else entirely. It didn't turn out to be anything as grand when The Rise of Skywalker revealed that, actually, Emperor Palpatine was in charge all along.
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Is Darth Plagueis Anakin's father?

However, given that this confirmation was never made into the movie, nor was it ever revisited, the idea that Darth Plagueis created Anakin remains just a theory. The same applies to whether Palpatine created Anakin, which has never been confirmed by the Star Wars canon.
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Why did Vader never betray Palpatine?

The novel explained that, had Vader killed Obi-Wan on Mustafar, he would have tried to kill Palpatine too, but given how badly wounded he was after the duel, his power wasn't the same and he was weak, both physically and mentally.
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Did Palpatine know Darth Vader would betray him?

Return of the Jedi, however, proved that Palpatine had a significant blind spot. There were plenty of warning signs Palpatine could have heeded that Vader might turn on him, and yet his ignorance and arrogance led to his decisive downfall.
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Did Vader know Palpatine tricked him?

During that hate-filled process, the crystal pushes back against Vader, showing him all of his memories at once. It was seemingly at that moment that Vader realizes how Palpatine has played him like a Bith's Kloo Horn.
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Did Maul know Palpatine was Sidious?

Maul most likely knew Sidious' double role as Palpatine and Sidious when he served as Palpatine's apprentice. He definitely knew about Palpatine's goal of creating a galactic empire ruled by the Sith. Maul knows that Sidious is the Emperor.
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Who knew Palpatine was Sidious before Order 66?

Anakin Skywalker's old apprentice Ahsoka Tano was one of the few to figure out Palpatine was a Sith Lord.
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Was Dooku aware Sidious was Palpatine?

With that said, it's almost certain that Dooku did know the truth about the Chancellor, and that the criticism and kidnapping was all part of Dooku's act to foster war within the galaxy. In Revenge of the Sith, the "captured" Palpatine eggs Anakin on to kill Dooku, prompting a look of betrayal in the Count's face.
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Did Plagueis know Maul?

Plagueis, however, was fully aware of Maul's existence, and supported Sidious's decision to train him. The primary reason for Plagueis's support, despite the violation of the Rule of Two, was that Maul was trained to be expendable.
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Did Plagueis know about Dooku?

He most certainly did. In the Darth Plagueis novel, in the chapter titled Days of Wine and Impropriety, we are given a glimpse into how Hego Damask, aka Plagueis, knew of Count Dooku. Plagueis had been aware of the Count from Serenno from before the Muun had even killed his former Bith master, Darth Tenebrous.
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Why did Plagueis make Anakin?

Some details were left vague, but the story suggests Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious reached out through the Force to try to create a child they could use as an ultimate weapon. But the Midi-chlorians, sensing their attempt, foiled their plans... creating a child that would bring about the end of the Sith, instead.
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Did Sidious want Anakin to surpass him?

Sidious always said that Anakin—well Vader—would become more powerful than him and anyone in the galaxy. He said this to Yoda prior to their duel and he continued to say it.
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Why does Vader obey Palpatine?

Vader had lived most his life with Palpatine. He probably thought of him as a father figure. They were in constant contact with each other and planned and plotted every action to secure power. 90% of the time they got their way.
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Did the empire know Vader was Anakin?

Did Emperor Palpatine know that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker before he revealed it to him? Yes, of course. Palpatine had known Anakin since childhood: “We shall watch your career with great interest”.
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Why wasn t Vader stronger than Sidious?

As Darth Vader, he was one of the strongest beings in the entire galaxy. But even then, he was never able to surpass his master, Darth Sidious. A Sith Apprentice can only become the master when they murder the one who trained them.
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Did Palpatine actually care about Vader?

No, Palpatine did not care even in the slightest for Vader. Sheev only had affection for himself. He cared for Vader only as a tool and weapon.
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Did Vader really want to overthrow the Emperor?

He certainly wanted to, but he knew he wasn't powerful enough to do so on his own. That's why he wanted Luke to join him at the end of The Empire Strikes Back.
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Is Jar Jar a Sith?

Summary. Jar Jar Binks's clumsiness may not be genuine, but rather an act to disguise his true nature as a Sith Lord infiltrating the Republic. Palpatine carefully orchestrated events to manipulate the galaxy, and Jar Jar's involvement suggests he may have been the eyes and ears on Naboo.
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Are Kylo Ren and Rey related?

Finally, Rey is Kylo Ren's aunt through Anakin Skywalker. This means that Kylo and Rey's romance is just as genetically awkward as Luke and Leia's kiss on Hoth was. Granted, neither pair knew they were related at the time, but that's no excuse.
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Who has the highest M count in Star Wars?

The other outliers in the Sith consist of Anakin Skywalker (27000 midi-chlorians), The Chosen one with the highest midi-chlorian count ever seen who was believed to be concieved through midi-chlorians, and Darth Vitaite (25000 midi-chlorians), a Sith Emperor that killed his step-father with a thought and defeated his ...
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