Did Vader try to revive Padme?

Once inside the spiritual realm, Vader went through various trials, but eventually, he found Padmé. All indication was that Vader could have brought her back to life just like Momin did with his body. But Padmé refused to come.
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Did Vader try to bring Padmé back to life?

Darth Vader hoped to accomplish the same; Palpatine appears to have been curious as well, anticipating a possible solution to his own quest for immortality. In the main Star Wars timeline, of course, Darth Vader's attempts to resurrect Padmé on Mustafar were doomed to failure.
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Did Darth Vader believe he killed Padmé?

Darth Vader awakens, and his first question is about the whereabouts of Padmé. Palpatine tells Darth Vader that in his anger he killed her, placing the blame for Padmé's death on Vader. Vader denies it, saying he sensed Padmé was still alive, which the audience knows she was as Obi-Wan escaped on the ship with her.
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Did Anakin become Darth Vader to save Padmé?

Believing that only the Sith had the power to save Padme, Anakin renounced the Jedi and became Darth Vader.
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Does Darth Vader still care about Padmé?

However, the animated series and comics are now revealing that the Sith Lord showed what Padmé meant to him even after his transformation. Considering his position as a servant of Emperor Palpatine, it can be assumed that Vader eventually moved past his feelings.
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Did Vader visit Padme's grave?

Before he could enter, however, Vader was stopped by Sabé, Eirtaé, Rabé, Saché, and Dormé, former handmaidens of Amidala, who refused to let him enter into the grave so he would not desecrate it. However, Vader would not be denied. As he entered the tomb, he became flooded with memories of Amidala.
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Did Anakin regret killing Padme?

Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor. The film ends with Anakins standing side by side with the man on whose behalf he has committed all his crimes.
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Did Darth Vader love Padmé?

Darth Vader Likely Hates Padmé

In other words, Vader could only be in love with the Padmé before she betrayed him and hates her for not accepting what he became. In 2017's Darth Vader series, the eponymous fallen Jedi goes out of his way to deform Padmé's personal shuttle he later acquires.
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Why did Anakin obey Palpatine after Padme died?

So, while it certainly wasn't his ideal, Anakin stayed on with Palpatine because he thought what Palpatine was morally correct. Would he have preferred to have shared that future with his wife and children?
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Could Palpatine really save Padme?

So overall, it seems highly likely that the answer is no, Palpatine didn't have the power to save Padmé's life. He hadn't even begun learning the power when Anakin became Darth Vader, and the idea of saving lives was of no interest to him.
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Did Anakin turn evil because of Padme?

The story is Anakin was manipulated to the dark side by Palpatine based on fears of losing Padme and appeals to his desire power and agency, over his life and the galaxy as a whole.
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How did Darth Vader react to Padme's death?

When Vader was placed inside his armor. and Learned that Padme had died, he screamed in anguish. and crushed all of the medical droids around him. Vader targeted Palpatine next, unleashing his rage upon his new master, sending him flying backwards into the wall.
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Did Padmé still love Anakin when she died?

Before Padmé's death, she still believed there was still good left in Anakin, and that one day he could be redeemed. During Anakin's time as the Emperor's enforcer, he continued to suffer from grief over Padmé's death, and guilt over his supposed hand in it.
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Why did Vader not go to Padmé's funeral?

TheLightSide Jedi Youngling

Vader is too grief-stricken about his mother to EVER step foot on Tatooine, even though the plans for the Death Star are there. Vader is too grief-stricken to EVER go to Naboo to go to his wife's grave. Typho is far, far too grief-stricken to go to Padme's funeral.
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Why couldn t Darth Vader save Padmé?

Because he had turned to the dark side impulsively, disregarding the light side completely which ironically, does allow for Force healing if you think about it. Anakin did not have the chance to save Padmé whatsoever.
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Why didn t Padme stay alive for her kids?

Obi-Wan's explanation was that she dies because she lost the will to live. People have said that it didn't make sense, after all, she just got her children. But she knew that Luke and Leia would be taken care of, and Obi-Wan would make sure of it.
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Why did Anakin choke Padme if he loved her?

Being the low-wisdom guy that he was, he acted on his hatred immediately as Palapine encouraged him to do. He couldn't force-choke Obi-Wan (the one he really wanted to do it to), so he did it to Padme (the one he could do it to). Anakin believed Padme brought Obi Wan to kill him, and reacted instinctively.
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Did Vader regret turning to the dark side?

Darth Vader: Who Is the Greater Dark Lord? The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain.
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What if Anakin didn t fall in love with Padmé?

If Anakin had never fell in love with Padmé, he would've never turned to the Dark Side because it was his fear for losing Padmé and his two unborn children which caused him to be easily seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. It was his fear which made it much easier for Palpatine to manipulate Anakin.
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When did Darth Vader realize Luke was his son?

In the post-2014 canon universe, the story that reveals Darth Vader discovering Luke Skywalker's identity (and thus the fact that the Death Star's destroyer is his son) is issue 6 of 2015's Star Wars comics by Marvel, which takes place sometime shortly after A New Hope.
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How did Vader feel about Leia?

Darth Vader only learned he had a daughter in Return of the Jedi - but there's no evidence he realized she was Leia before his death and redemption. Darth Vader may have never known Princess Leia was his daughter in Star Wars and never cultivated a relationship with her, even when he was a Force ghost.
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Who does Vader hate the most?

However, when it comes to who Darth Vader hates more than anyone in the Star Wars galaxy, himself and Obi-Wan Kenobi don't hold a candle to the true point of Darth Vader's hatred, Emperor Palpatine.
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Did Anakin regret killing Younglings?

The canonical comic Star Wars: Darth Vader #7 confirms the younglings' deaths caused Anakin grief, self-loathing, hatred and pain, fueling his descent even further into the dark side.
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Does Darth Vader ever turn good?

Once he becomes Darth Vader, each evil act he commits shatters any hope or connection towards his previous life, which makes it harder for him to return to the light, but he ultimately escapes the dark side and redeems himself by sacrificing his life to save his son, Luke Skywalker, and kill the Emperor in Return of ...
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