Do actors have to follow the script exactly?

Sometimes a script feels right but when it's time to film a scene the director and the actors involved in it may feel like it's missing something or that a certain aspect of it needs to be changed, and as long as they agree, they'll change it to whatever they feel fits best.
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Do actors have to follow the script?

Acting is a craft that requires skill, creativity, and the ability to bring characters to life. While actors often follow a script provided by the writer, there are moments when they deviate from the written lines and improvise.
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What is it called when actors don't follow the script?

The informal term is “ad-libbing”; the more technical term is “improvisation.”
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Do actors follow script word for word?

Some actors are less willing than others to follow scripts, but ultimately it's the director who decides how closely the script will be followed.
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Are actors allowed to change the script?

This is entirely up to the director, and the choices go all the way from, “No! You can't change one word” to the actor ad-libbing an entire scene.
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Samuel L. Jackson: Memorizing scripts 'totally simple'

Do actors read whole script before audition?

Oftentimes actors will just look at the lines for their own character. When you arrive at an audition, the first thing you should do is read the full script. If it is not there, ask to take a look at it.
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Can actors refuse to do something?

It is always okay to turn down a role. There is, however, a time when it is not okay to accept work and that is when you are already booked to do something else, no matter how trivial. Your word is your bond. Actors are freelancers, meaning they are free to do whatever they want.
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Do actors really memorize their lines?

We have all wondered how do they do that. But actors do not possess some kind of supernatural memory, and they do not simply memorize their entire scripts by heart. The process is much more complex than that and involves various techniques actors use to remember the lines.
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How do actors memorize lines so fast?

Actors are able to memorize their lines so well because they spend more time connecting with their character rather than rotely memorizing their lines. According to the researchers, actors engage in a process called “active experiencing” when they are working on embodying a particular character.
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Do actors forget their lines?

But, most importantly, actors must start by remembering their lines so that their performance doesn't fall flat on screen. For some, this is relatively easy and with years of practice in the acting business, remembering lines is a piece of cake. But that's not the case for every A-list movie star.
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What is an actor with no lines called?

A background actor or extra is a performer in a film, television show, stage, musical, opera, or ballet production who appears in a nonspeaking or nonsinging (silent) capacity, usually in the background (for example, in an audience or busy street scene).
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What do actors do when they go off script?

“Goodfellas” Courtesy Warner Bros. Going off script means you're adding dialogue or actions to a scene that aren't in the screenplay. You may even run into situations where you'll be acting without a script entirely.
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What is it called when an actor forgets his lines?

If someone 'dries' (a commonly used phrase in the theatre for when someone can't remember their lines) we need to think quickly and improvise around it, which is why it's important to be listening carefully every show.
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Do all actors have to memorize the whole script?

Acting is a passion that requires a great amount of discipline, and learning how to memorize lines is just one of many skills that every great actor must master. While some roles may only have one or two quick lines, for some parts, it could require memorizing close to an entire script.
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Do actors watch the movies they acted in?

Some actors who have been in the industry for longer may prefer not to watch their movies. They might enjoy performing, but are not interested in watching the film itself; or they might avoid watching their movies to prevent being self-critical and negatively affecting their future performances.
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Do directors get a say in the script?

Can The Director Change the Script? Absolutely, a director can make any creative changes they like to any aspect of the film, the script included. Directors are often hired or attached for that explicit purpose, to bring their unique sensibilities and style to a written work and to translate it into a visual medium.
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Do actors drink real alcohol in movies?

Do actors drink real alcohol on set? While some performances make you believe the actor must have been intoxicated while filming, actors do not usually drink actual alcohol on set. Instead, they are given prop drinks, which look like alcoholic beverages but do not contain any level of alcohol.
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How do actors do kissing scenes?

The stage kiss: In this technique, one actor cups the other's face in a way that appears natural and romantic before drawing them in. Right before they connect, the former places their thumb over the latter's lips so that no direct mouth-to-mouth contact occurs.
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How do actors cry on cue?

Another method for manufacturing tears comes in the form of menthol sticks. A menthol stick is a small cylindrical tube that carries a menthol crystal. Similar to a tube of lipstick, the menthol stick can be unwound and “rolled” onto the skin. In this case, you'd apply the menthol stick directly under your eyes.
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How long does it take for an actor to learn their lines?

Most of the actors I talked to said they could memorize a six-page script (translation: a six-minute scene) in about an hour. "If you're giving me six pages to memorize," said Russell, "I would love to say, 'Give me an hour to learn it, and then give me a 15- or 20-minute nap.
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Do actors use teleprompters?

Actors on stage always need to memorize their lines, but film and television drama actors don't since they're usually not in front of a live audience. For his Best Actor Oscar-winning turn in The Godfather, screen legend Marlon Brando used a version of a teleprompter.
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Do actors rehearse before filming?

Rehearsing scenes with your actors is a crucial part of film production. It helps you to communicate your vision, refine the performance, and avoid surprises on set. But how can you make the most of your rehearsal time and ensure that your actors are prepared, comfortable, and confident?
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What not to say to an actor?

Things that don't help
  • Saying Nothing. Actors love notes, even if that note is something small. ...
  • Vague Feedback. When you are giving those notes, don't be too vague or cryptic. ...
  • “What's with your Face?” ( Unconstructive criticism) ...
  • Bad attitude.
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What should an actor never do on stage?

Talking and horseplay during can be disruptive, distracting, and, at times, dangerous. Practical jokes have no place in performance - ever. An actor never gives another actor an unsolicited note on performances. Actors should arrive at costume fittings on time.
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What are actors not allowed to do?

The actors must not promote their projects via social media, tours, personal appearances, interviews, conventions, fan expos, festivals, panels, premieres/screenings, award shows, junkets and podcast appearances.
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