Do angels exist in Hellraiser?

The angel Jophiel is a character introduced in 2018's Hellraiser: Judgment. Once the angel who guarded the Garden of Eden, it was she who banished Adam and Eve from Paradise after their fall from grace. She is introduced as a minor antagonist; manipulating events upon God's will.
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Are the Hellraisers angels?

The original novella and first two films indicate they are morally ambiguous ("demons to some, angels to others") but later films and comics depict them as often malicious and taking delight in causing harm.
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Does heaven exist in Hellraiser?

First book and first couple of films? No (or, at least, not any mention of it). Later films and the second book, however, have definitely adopted a traditional christian view of heaven and hell. Hell is Heaven in Hellraiser.
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Is there a God in Hellraiser?

According to Hellraiser lore, the Leviathan is a god who is responsible for creating Pinhead and his pain-loving colleagues. It is likely this deity who is responsible for Voight's transformation and it is also likely that they are turning him into a new Cenobite.
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Who is the most powerful Cenobite?

Hellraiser: 12 Strongest Cenobites, Ranked
  • 8 Butterball.
  • 7 Chatterer Beast.
  • 6 The Gasp.
  • 5 Female Cenobite.
  • 4 Angelique.
  • 3 Chatterer.
  • 2 Dr. Channard, AKA The Doctor.
  • 1 Pinhead, AKA The Hell Priest.
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Demons to some, angels to others

Is Freddy Krueger A Cenobite?

Freddy is a member of the Cenobite council and the rival of Laughing Jack. He is also the most feared and dreaded enforcer of Zalgo, even more so than Pinhead. Freddy is played by Robert Englund.
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Who is the weakest Cenobite?

After killing J.P. and releasing Pinhead, Terri was turned into the Cenobite known as Dreamer. It was one of the worst Cenobite designs, particularly because Dreamer had no real powers in comparison to her brethren. She was also far more human in appearance than the rest, which didn't add much to her own malevolence.
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Who is the angel in Hellraiser?

Sean goes there and loses consciousness, waking up in the Stygian Inquisition's domain in hell. As the Inquisition prepares to hand down a verdict on Sean for his sins, the angel Jophiel intervenes and tells them to release him.
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Is Pinhead an angel?

In the script for the original film, Barker describes Pinhead and the other Cenobites as "demons" in his notes; the character himself, however, upon capturing Kirsty Cotton, describes himself and his fellow Cenobites as "explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some; angels to others".
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What do Cenobites want?

The Cenobites are disfigured, sexless, sadomasochistic entities tasked with capturing whoever solved the riddle of the demonic puzzle box known as Lament Configuration and submitting them to extreme physical torture, an act meant to reveal all of the hidden pleasures of intense pain.
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Which Hellraiser is bloodline?

Spanning several generations, this final bloody entry in Clive Barker's horror tour de force acts both as prequel and sequel to the original Hellraiser films.
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What realm is Hellraiser from?

The overall plot of the franchise focuses on a puzzle box, the Lament Configuration. It opens a gateway to the Hell-like realm of the Cenobite lifeforms. The Cenobites are an order of former humans who have become monsters who harvest human souls to torture in their sadistic experiments.
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Why does Hellraiser have nails in his head?

The use of nails and pins evolved out of one of Barker's short stories called The Forbidden, which featured a board hammered with nails at specific intersections of laid out squares. This aesthetic would resurface for the Pinhead character years later.
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Why was Hellraiser banned?

Hellraiser was initially banned in Ontario by the Ontario Film and Video Review Board. By a 3-2 majority vote, the film was deemed "not approved in its entirety as it contravenes community standards". It was banned because of its "brutal, graphic violence with blood-letting throughout, horror, degradation and torture".
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Who is God of the Cenobites?

The Cenobites are a monastic order in service to their god Leviathan. Leviathan rules an extra-dimensional realm called The Labyrinth. In the movie it is depicted as a giant living Lament Configuration, but presumably a god can take many forms.
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How are Cenobites made?

When a person solves one of the many boxes (Carborro, the Lament Configuration, etc), a small group of Cenobites arrives. If Leviathan, god of Hell, believes the person is worthy to become a Cenobite, they are taken to Hell to be made a Cenobite in a Cenobite Transformation Chamber operated by the Engineer.
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Why is Pinhead a woman now?

The original book that it's based on, The Hellbound Heart, was suggestive of a female Pinhead, and the comic books also explored the idea. There's also plenty of fan art, wonderful works that all theorized the possibility of Pinhead as a woman. So it only felt appropriate to us.
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Is Candyman a Cenobite?

Candyman is a Cenobite. Both stories which Hellraiser and Candyman are based off of are by Clive Barker. Each character only causes mayhem when they are summoned. To top it off all they know after their deaths are pain and pleasure.
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Are Cenobites demons or angels?

In Hellraiser, The Cenobites are summoned by a person who has knowledge of The Box usually thinking they can control the outcome. Once they find out there is torture and bodily pain they would refer to them as Demons.
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Is the new Pinhead a woman?

The Hellraiser reboot movie includes a female version of Pinhead, but this change to Hellraiser movie tradition actually closer to the character's original depiction.
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Was Pinhead banished to earth?

Jophiel furiously realized that Pinhead knew that would happen and warned him that he would suffer for it. Pinhead then spitefully ensnared her before torturing and finally killing her. Before she died, she sent an order to Heaven, and Pinhead was banished to Earth as a mere human.
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Is Pinhead the engineer?

Pinhead first appears in Clive Barker's novella The Hellbound Heart (1986), in which he only appears in the story's beginning, and is portrayed as a sexually ambiguous follower of the "Engineer": "Its voice, unlike that of its companion, was light and breathy-the voice of an excited girl.
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Which Cenobite was a child?

Like his fellow Cenobites, Chatterer has lost all memory of his life as a human before he became a Cenobite; Hellraiser: Hellbound indicates that Chatterer opened the box while still a young boy.
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Who can beat Pinhead?

This is Doctor Channard, the main antagonist of Hellbound: Hellraiser II. He has an insatiable thirst for the Lament Configuration and all it promises. So intense is his desire he literally descends to hell to obtain it. He slaughtered Pinhead and his three cenobite cohorts in about six seconds.
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How is Pinhead not a villain?

He even speaks to this neutral aspect of his character when he tells Kirsty that he and the other Cenobites are "Demons to some. Angels to others." Therefore, an encounter with Pinhead is akin to being caught in a natural disaster - neither evil nor good.
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