Do burgers exist in Star Wars?

A Whiphid vendor sells bantha burgers and dewback ribs. A bantha burger was made from the grilled haunches of a bantha, served between two pieces of bread. They were sold by the Whiphids Fillin Ta and Norun Gep, at Gep's Grill on Tatooine.
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Do sandwiches exist in Star Wars?

Some clone troopers ate sandwiches. During the High Republic Era, Yoda made a type of sandwich called a sweetpuff jamwich with two crackers and sweetpuff jam. Vegetables could be part of sandwiches. Strono Tuggs suggested that Rings of Hudalla could be served with a sandwich.
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What food do they eat in Star Wars?

From Blue Milk To Roast Porg: 19 Star Wars Food And Drinks,...
  • Naboo Transport In-Flight Food.
  • Canto Bight Drinks. ...
  • Jedha Tentacles. ...
  • Shmi's Fruit Bowl. ...
  • Aacht-To Fish. Seen in: The Last Jedi. ...
  • Purple Juice. Seen in: Attack of the Clones. ...
  • Leia's Snack. Seen in: Return of the Jedi. ...
  • Jawa Juice. Seen in: Attack of the Clones. ...
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Does pizza exist in Star Wars?

Pizza was a dish consisting of crust, cheese, and sauce that was suitable for human consumption. The dish was served on the MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruiser known as the Halcyon in 34 ABY.
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Does coffee exist in Star Wars?

Coffee first appeared in Star Wars in a 1982 Marvel Comic. Other variations of coffee later appeared in the Lando Calrissian books, The X-Wing series, The New Jedi Order series, and more. Caf has existed in Star Wars canon since 2014.
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Why Walkers Exist in Star Wars

What is Palpatine's favorite food?

Emperor Palpatine was known to like chocolate, with the Gracious Government Mix being deemed his favorites.
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Does chocolate exist in Star Wars?

Chocolate was a sweet food that was rare in the parts of the galaxy where Anukara was located. Whilst posing as a school student on a tour of a munitions factory on Anukara, Seyn Marana was offered some chocolate by Anice, who said she received some for her birthday.
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Are there donuts in Star Wars?

Doughnuts were a type of foodstuff eaten as a treat. Doughnut dispenser droids could serve doughnuts, and were found in Ashton Stadium on the Wheel.
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Is there cheese in Star Wars?

Food specifications

Cheese was a type of food. Shortly after the destruction of the planet Alderaan, an old man operating the stall known as Hangra's Meat Shack on the planet Coruscant gave some scraps of meat and cheese to the human fugitive Anandra Milon when she approached him and seemed confused.
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Is there bread in Star Wars?

The Galactic Empire, Alliance to Restore the Republic, and the New Republic included dehydrated polystarch in their ration packs to make polystarch portion bread via chemical reaction with water. First Order stormtroopers were served mealbread in their mess halls.
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What is Anakin's favorite food?

Anakin loves meat treats and is definitely the most food-motivated of the three Jedi Boys. Besides jumping head first into the pool, his favorite time of the day is at night during feeding.
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What is baby Yoda eating?

Throughout the show, the Child's most commonly consumed food is soup. In Chapter 4: Sanctuary the soup is introduced as Bone Broth. And though it's not as specific in Chapter 12: The Siege, it seems to be about the same.
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What does Rey eat?

As a scavenger on Jakku, Rey frequently ate polystarch portion bread. A scavenger named Rey lived on Jakku and salvaged valuable parts from crashed ships to trade with Unkar Plutt for portions that included dehydrated polystarch.
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Is there bacon in Star Wars?

Bacon was a type of food the Besalisk Dexter Jettster enjoyed and served in his restaurant on the planet of Coruscant, Dex's Diner, before the establishment's destruction during the first two years of the Galactic Empire's rule.
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Are there eggs in Star Wars?

The Jawas from Arvala-7 loved to eat mudhorn eggs. Eggs could also be cracked into a bowl and used as an ingredient in cooking. The knobby white ice spiders laid eggs arranged in a wide area in caves. Grogu ate unfertilized eggs belonging to that of Frog Lady.
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What are the pancakes in Star Wars?

Panna cakes were a breakfast dish consisting of fluffy hotcakes that could be cooked on a robo-griddle. The cakes were served with bantha butter and carbosyrup, and optionally, ettel nuts or zoochberries could also be served with the dish.
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What is the spicy food in Star Wars?

Ahrisa was a type of spicy, spherical, baked food edible to humans that was brown in color with small black bits mixed in.
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What is the fried food in Star Wars?

Fried foods
  • Fried Endorian Tip-Yip.
  • Flash-fried zuchii.
  • Corellian Fried Ice Cream.
  • Bright Jewel Rice.
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What is the forbidden donut?

Marge explains that he ate the entire wedding cake by himself… before the wedding. On the back Homer pledges his soul to Marge, and the jury finds that his soul is the property of Marge, not the devil's. The devil begrudgingly agrees, but instead of taking Homer's soul, he turns his head into a big donut.
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Are there butterflies in Star Wars?

Butterflies were flying insects that sported two pairs of large, brilliantly colored wings. The planet Maridun was notably home to the carrier butterflies, who were often used as messengers. A species of blue-winged butterflies could be found on the Forest Moon of the planet Endor.
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Are there elephants in Star Wars?

Real elephants were significant in the production of the Star Wars films. In A New Hope, an Asian elephant named Mardji played the bantha. The movements of the AT-ATs seen in The Empire Strikes Back were based on footage of Mardji walking. Elephants were also used in the sound design of the films.
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What was Luke Skywalker's favorite drink?

Hot chocolate was an exotic warm chocolate milk drink. It had many aficionados, some of the most famous being Lando Calrissian and Luke Skywalker. Skywalker had grown so fond of the drink that he had kept a secret stash of the pods used to make it aboard his brother-in-law's freighter.
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Is there white milk in Star Wars?

While milk was typically white, the one produced by bantha cows was blue, the one produced by thala-siren sea sows was green, and the one produced by po'acksters was pink. Other species that secreted milk included the whilks, the nerfs, and the falumpasets.
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