Do Jedi hook up?

But it turns out that Jedi don't need to turn evil to get a little action: over two decades ago, George Lucas confirmed that “Jedi Knights aren't celibate,” claiming that the things are “forbidden” area ”attachments and possessive relationships.”
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Are Jedi allowed to have lovers?

According to Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi, however, they were not supposed to enter into a romantic relationship - it was essential for a Jedi Knight to make the right choice for the Order and not neglect their Jedi duties in the favor of their beloved, even if that would mean the end of the relationship.
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Are Jedi knights celibate?

It's natural.” even though he said, the relationship between Anakin and Padmé must not go beyond friendship, and what Lucas had to say on this: “Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships.” and “So you have to learn to give up everything.
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Can a Jedi have a girlfriend?

In the Jedi Order, emotional attachment and possession were forbidden because it was believed they could lead to jealousy and fear of loss, and ultimately the dark side of the Force; for that reason, Jedi were not allowed to marry.
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Are jedis allowed to reproduce?

Although the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones established that the Jedi Order members couldn't marry or have children, Star Wars creator George Lucas explained that despite their monastic culture, the Jedi were permitted to have sexual intercourse as long they didn't form attachments or possessive ...
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Did a clone get a Jedi pregnant?

During one of these missions she would break the Jedi Code's rule of attachment by falling in love with Darman, RC-1136, a clone commando in Omega Squad, and becoming pregnant with his child, Venku Skirata. The two would later marry in the traditional Mandalorian way shortly before her death in 19 BBY.
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Can Jedi have wives?

Summary. The Star Wars prequel-era Jedi Order forbade marriage among Jedi, but George Lucas allowed one Jedi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, to have multiple wives in Legends. The Expanded Universe, now called Legends, was the official Star Wars canon from 1977 to 2014 and continues to influence the new canon.
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Can Jedi hook up?

The director has, on several occasions, confirmed that Jedi were not expected to be celibate, but were expected to abstain from forming strong personal attachments to other beings. In Lucas's words, it's "possessive relationships" that cloud the judgment of a Jedi -- as was the case with Anakin and Padme.
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Which Jedi had 3 wives?

Like all Cereans, Mundi practiced polygamy due to the 1-to-20 male-to-female ratio among his species. Mundi first married Shea, his bond-wife, and later married four honor-wives, including Mawin.
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What happens if a Jedi falls in love?

This is the most well-known of the Jedi rules. Love leads to attachment and attachment leads to strong emotions, which are the path to the Dark Side of the Force. Because of this, Jedi are forbidden to fall in love. This, of course, doesn't stop Anakin Skywalker from falling in love with Padmé.
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Was Obi Wan a celibate?

Regardless, Obi-Wan's sexuality hardly seems to matter - the guy was a lifelong bachelor, hand-wringing over a kiss during the most hormonal years of his life. Although, come to think of it, we never did see what he and Force Ghost Qui-Gon up to in that cave …
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Can Jedi Knights have kids?

In the canon continuity, the Jedi Order has not been outright confirmed to have permitted marriage and families at any point, but The High Republic multimedia project strongly implies it during the eponymous era.
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Was Palpatine celibate?

During a new interview with Empire, actor Ian McDiarmid shared his own two cents on the subject of the villain's sex life, and even he's open to the idea that Palpatine might've banged. "But yes, he does [have sex]," he told the magazine.
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Are Jedi allowed to hug?

During the High Republic Era, the Jedi maintained the ideals of avoiding attachment but made sure to show great acts of compassion towards those who were suffering, such as offering hugs to those who were grieving.
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What is the Jedi rule against love?

George Lucas explained, the Jedi are trained, allowed, and expected to love people, even their enemies, the Sith, but they are not supposed to form attachments. Attachment connoted possession and the inability to let go, thus, it wasn't love, and led to the dark side of the Force.
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Are Sith allowed to love?

Love Must Be Recognized As The Weakness It Is

One of the first, of many, unwritten rules just about every Sith follows is not to love. Love is seen as a weakness by the Sith and can led to a member of the Sith making decisions that no longer help promote the Sith Order but rather the Sith himself.
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Were the Jedi virgins?

History. Under the original order, Jedi were forbidden to marry because they believed attachment could lead an individual to the dark side, as was the case with Shaela Nuur.
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Who is the strongest female Jedi?

  • 8 Yaddle. ...
  • 7 Luminara Unduli. Led Armies In The Clone Wars. ...
  • 6 Mara Jade. Helped Reform The Jedi Council. ...
  • 5 Leia Organa. Helped Lead The Galaxy In Every Universe. ...
  • 4 Jaina Solo. Ended The Second Galactic Civil War. ...
  • 3 Ahsoka Tano. The Ultimate Survivor. ...
  • 2 Nomi Sunrider. Led The Jedi Council. ...
  • 1 Rey. Defeated Palpatine At Last.
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Which Jedi was allowed to reproduce?

Ki-Adi-Mundi was an interesting case. He was on the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars. His species was endangered, so the Jedi gave him an exemption. He was allowed to marry and have children.
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What happens if a Jedi marries?

They consider attachment that came with marriage to be dangerous, despite the most pure and genuine intentions. Attachment and possession were forbidden by the Jedi Order because they could lead to jealousy and fear of loss, which would eventually lead to the dark side of the Force.
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Can I be a Jedi in real life?

The Jedi and The force are both fiction. Training yourself in sword skills, physical skills and patiences don't make you a Jedi because Jedi are only in the Star Wars universe.
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What is the Jedi code?

Each member of the Jedi Order — from the youngest initiate to the wisest master — was devoted to following the Jedi Code: There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony.
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Who is the Jedi with 4 wives?

Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi was the most famous member of the family. Due to the low Cerean birthrate, he was allowed by the other Jedi to follow the Cerean custom of polygamous marriage—he had four honor wives and seven daughters.
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Was Anakin allowed to marry Padmé?

The marriage, witnessed by the droids C-3PO and R2-D2, was kept secret due to Amidala's place as a prominent Senator in the Galactic Republic and because of Skywalker's membership in the Jedi Order; the Jedi Code prevented Jedi from falling in love and forming attachments such as marriage.
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Which Jedi married a clone?

After Qiilura, Etain became a full Jedi Knight. She spent some time serving with both Omega Squad and Delta Squad, both on Coruscant and elsewhere. She also married Darman, RC-1136, a Clone Commando in Omega Squad, with whom she had a son, Venku Skirata.
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