Do Vulcans have better hearing than humans?

Vulcan hearing is very sensitive. Not up to Ane, but better than Humans. They do not like loud noises.
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Can Vulcans hear better than humans?

Canonically, Vulcans possess superior hearing to humans, which was spelled out in The Original Series, Season 2, Episode 22, “Return to Tomorrow.” Like much of their physiology, it's explained by the fact that Vulcan is a far less hospitable world than Earth.
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Do Vulcans have superior hearing?

The notion of Vulcans having extremely sensitive hearing was referred to in the script of TOS: "The Conscience of the King", which characterized Spock as having "super sensitive hearing," so as to explain why, in that episode, he hears the sound of a nearby phaser on overload before Kirk does.
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Are Vulcan emotions stronger than humans?

Vulcan emotions are seemingly more intense than those of humans.
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Are Vulcans more intelligent than humans?

There are many ways that humans or other species display similar or greater intelligence than Vulcans. This is because in Star Trek, one's intellect is determined by their willingness to learn rather than whether their blood is green or red.
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Vulcans Are Afraid of Humans - Enterprise Clip

Why do Vulcans think humans smell?

But throughout the shows, it is shown with prolonged exposure, they grow accustomed to it, and it eventually bothers them much less than it did at first. While this is the most prominent reason Vulcans think humans smell, the reason they specifically think they smell bad is primarily due to the difference in culture.
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Who is stronger Vulcans or Klingons?

While Klingons are normally shown to be the strongest of all species within the Star Trek franchise, they are surprisingly weak when compared to the Vulcans. This is another perfect example of how Star Trek subverts expectations, hoping time and time again that raw power is not what gives a person power.
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Is Spock stronger than a human?

Owing to his half-Vulcan heritage, Spock was significantly stronger than the average human. His metabolism and lung capacity were superior to that of humans; he very nearly killed Captain James T.
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What is the lifespan of a Vulcan?

Lifespan. The Vulcan lifespan is longer than that of humans. Vulcans have been known to live over 200 years, though there has been cases where 250 or 300 can occur. After reaching adulthood, the aging process of Vulcans slowed a great deal.
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Why is Spock more Vulcan than human?

Spock is supposed to be half human, half Vulcan. But all human genes must be recessive, because it seems like he went with the Vulcan trait in every respect. He has 100% pointy ears rather than rounded ones (and not a halfway option). He has copper-based blood rather than the human iron-based -- not a blend of the two.
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Can Vulcans feel love?

Vulcans do feel emotion and react to it; it's just that mental discipline has been so engrained into their society that they don't understand emotion anymore than what they see in the displays of more emotional races.
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What do Vulcans think of humans?

When Admiral Maxwell Forrest (Vaughn Armstrong) met with Ambassador Soval (Gary Graham) at the United Earth Embassy on Vulcan, Soval outright confessed the reasons why Vulcans fear humans: "We don't know what to do about humans. Of all the species we've made contact with, yours is the only one we can't define.
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Why do Romulans look different from Vulcans?

The Romulans used to look just like their Vulcan cousins until they were given characteristic V-shaped forehead bones in TNG. Even all of the few 22nd century Romulans on Star Trek Enterprise had this feature.
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Do Vulcans ever lie?

Spock tells Nurse Chapel: "Vulcans cannot lie. At least not in the way that humans can" (SNW: "Amok Spock").
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Are Vulcans actually logical?

They are written as humans that have just adopted a thin veneer of logic to address the violence they experienced in the distant past. Everything and every emotion present in humans is also present in Vulcans. So they are capable of the same level of illogic that we are.
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How often do Vulcans sleep?

Under stress, Vulcans could do without sleep for weeks. Tuvok once claimed that as a Vulcan he was capable of going without sleep for two weeks, although shortly after making this claim he was observed to fall asleep in the command chair after having gone a little over ten days without sleep.
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How old is Spock when he dies?

The elder Spock died off-screen on New Vulcan on January 2, 2263. Ambassador Spock was 161 when he died in the Kelvin timeline, although his final death chronologically happened 12 years before his original Prime timeline death in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
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How long do Klingons live?

Memory Alpha notes that there is no canonical maximum estimate for Klingon lifespans, but several Klingons are known to have exceed a century, and some may have made it past 150 (earyh) years. That makes them pretty comparable to 24th century humans.
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How long do Romulans live?

Yes, Romulans have a maximum life expectancy of 250 years, but the average appears to be 200 to 230 years. The same is true for Vulcans, with the average being about 220 years. Spock's father, Sarek, lived to be 202 years. A good deal longer than his half-Vulcan son, Spock, who only lived to be 162 years old.
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Is Data stronger than worf?

While Data is physically stronger, Worf achieves a mental strength superior to the newly-upgraded android by the end of Star Trek: Picard season 3.
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Who is the most powerful species in Star Trek?

The Q. The Q, as they called themselves, are a Star Trek species of omnipotent god-like beings inhabiting a separate plane of existence called the Q Continuum.
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Why did Spock never marry?

Spock needed to return to Vulcan to marry T'Pring, who he had been bethrothed to since childhood. However, T'Pring had other plans and, instead of going through with the wedding, she handpicked Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) as her champion to fight Spock in kal-if-fee - a fight to the death.
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Why is Romulan Ale illegal?

Why Romulan Ale Is Illegal. Romulan ale is illegal in the Federation because of the fraught political situation with the Romulan Star Empire. Following the end of the Earth-Romulan war, a trade embargo was in place alongside the rules on cloaking devices.
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Is Khan stronger than Spock?

Spock Couldn't Overpower Khan In Star Trek Into Darkness

Spock once took on a genetically enhanced human he couldn't overpower — Khan Noonien Singh. Khan was the product of late 20th-century genetic engineering and ruled over a significant portion of Earth during the height of the Eugenics Wars.
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Is Spock 100% Vulcan?

Spock's mixed human–Vulcan heritage serves as an important plot element in many of the character's appearances.
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