Does Batman ever catch his parents killer?

After the death of the Criminal Joker and the surrender of the Comedian Joker who was revealed to be the original Joker, Bruce Wayne visits Joe Chill on his death bed as Bruce shakes his hand. Joe Chill peacefully dies, and Bruce Wayne finally finds closure over his parents' killer.
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Does Batman ever get over his parents death?

But he's gotten over it much more often than you'd think. While it may seem like the Caped Crusader is powerless to escape the cowl, Batman has more than once found peace with the murder of his parents... only to instantly decide he'd rather hold on to his grief.
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Does Batman ever get revenge for his parents?

The main premise behind Batman is that he was seeking answers and justice for hi parents death. Being that his parents died while he was a child it's hard for him to exact any type of effective revenge on them and it doesn't seem to fit his motivation that he would want to.
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Does Batman meet Joe Chill?

The animated series Batman: The Brave & the Bold had Batman confront Chill in the episode 'Chill of the Night!' adapting the events of Batman #47 and Detective Comics #235, with Chill working as a hitman before his fellow mobsters turn on him for creating Batman.
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Who raised Batman when his parents died?

With his last dying breath, Bruce's father called out his mother's name in a whisper while the mugger ran off into the night. From then on, Bruce was raised by the Wayne family's bodyguard, Alfred Pennyworth.
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Batman Knows Who The Joker Really Is, So Why Doesn't He Tell Him?

Who is Joker's dad?

In Joker, Thomas Wayne (Batman's father) and Penny Fleck (Joker's mother) are key characters. Penny claims that Thomas is actually Arthur's father.
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Is Thomas Wayne The Joker's dad?

Later, Arthur goes to Arkham State Hospital and steals his mother's records, and finds out that he was in fact adopted, and that Thomas Wayne is not his father and that Penny is not his true mother.
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Did Batman ever forgive Joe Chill?

The Criminal Joker plans to dump Joe Chill in a mixture of the Lazarus Pit and Joker Venom in hopes of making him the ultimate Joker, but Joe Chill is saved by Batman who forgives him. Joe finally learns that Bruce Wayne is Batman.
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What is the Joker's real name?

Jack Napier, also known as the Joker, is a fictional character introduced in the 1989 superhero film Batman, directed by Tim Burton.
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Is The Joker Batman's Brother?

Batman and Joker definitely aren't brothers in the comics. While the Joker movie plays very deeply with this idea, it still maintains the same stance. In the books, Joker's origin story has been a mystery. Readers have come across multiple different ones over the years.
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Why was Thomas Wayne killed?

The Batman

Desperate, Wayne turned to Falcone to have the latter intimidate the reporter, only for Falcone to kill him so he could have something on the Wayne family. Wayne, wracked with guilt, threatened to reveal everything to the police; he and his wife to be killed were murdered a week later.
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Did Batman ever turn evil?

1 The Evil Batmen Of The Dark Multiverse

Many of them killed a specific member of the Justice League and gained significant power in the process. They're led by The Batman Who Laughs, a version of Bruce who finally killed the Joker, but became infected with Joker toxin.
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Is Alfred really the Joker?

During Batman's funeral, it was revealed that Alfred created the identity of the Joker to antagonize Batman, presenting himself as the Dark Knight's greatest villain.
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Which villain killed Batman parents?

DC Comics have generally made one man responsible for killing Bruce Wayne's parents, a common criminal named Joe Chill. Small-time mugger Joe Chill first appeared in Detective Comics #33 in 1939 and was created by Bob Kane.
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How many endings does Batman Death in the Family have?

Death in the Family is an interactive film. When presented with a choice point, the user has ten seconds to make a choice or a default decision is made for them. The film has an average viewing of 95 minutes, and at least 9 alternate story paths (two paths lead to same or similar conclusion), with 7 alternate endings.
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Why is Talia obsessed with Batman?

A master of hand-to-hand combat and swordplay, Talia had dueled with Batman on several occasions and considered him an honorable opponent. Despite Batman's elusiveness, her attraction to him had only increased - an attraction that her father encouraged in his mad quest for a male heir.
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Who is Joker's girlfriend?

Following her introduction to the comics in 1999, Harley Quinn was depicted as the sidekick and lover of the Joker as well as the criminal associate and best friend of Poison Ivy.
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Who was Joker's son?

DC has made it common not to give The Joker any solid backstory or family, but they still managed to accidentally give him a son. Due to DC canceling a comic just a bit too early, they unintentionally left Joker with a son in the form of Lonnie Machin, also known as Anarky.
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What mental illness does the Joker have?

The psychopathology Arthur exhibits is unclear, preventing diagnosis of psychotic disorder or schizophrenia; the unusual combination of symptoms suggests a complex mix of features of certain personality traits, namely psychopathy and narcissism (he meets DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder).
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Does Joe Chill regret killing the Waynes?

Despite his murders, Chill, now an elderly man was accepting full responsibility and remorse for his actions, where he continuously tried sending letters to Bruce Wayne for the deaths of Thomas and Martha, but was unable to due to his learning disability and advancing age.
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What is Batman's greatest regret?

While Bruce has saved countless lives over the years, he will always regret that he stood still and stared as his parents were slaughtered — no matter how much good he has done since.
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Has Batman ever lost his cool?

Has Batman ever lost his cool? Finally, we have possibly the most recent case of Batman finally losing his cool with a foe. Bane killed Alfred Pennyworth at the behest of Thomas Wayne, the Batman of the Flashpoint timeline.
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Who is Batman's brother?

The original Thomas Wayne Jr. was an assassin and was eventually possessed by Deadman, while an alternate version became Owlman. The current Thomas Wayne Jr., introduced as Lincoln March, claims to be Bruce's long-lost brother, creating uncertainty and potential for Batman's character development.
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Are Batman and Superman brothers?

Yes, they're not just best friends and two of the most beloved super heroes on the planet. Superman and Batman are also half-brothers. Or at least they were for one day in the hearts and minds of some of our fans.
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Who is Joker's real mom?

However, given her role in Arthur's descent into complete insanity, there's one certain thing about Penny Fleck: she is partially responsible for making her son to become the person he is now.
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