Does Batman respect Superman?

Superman and Batman share one of the greatest friendships in comics. It's no small wonder that they command immense respect from each other. DC Comics has created many heroes over the ninety years of its existence, but few represent the company as well as the partnership between Batman and Superman.
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Do Batman and Superman respect each other?

While Batman and Superman don't necessarily completely trust each other right away, they do show a willingness to work together and mutual respect early on, even when Bruce says that he prefers to work alone.
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How does Batman feel about Superman?

And their methods sometimes clash. But they have massive respect for each other. In short, no, Batman doesn't consider Superman to be his friend. But he knows that Superman (and the other Leaguers) is the closest thing to a friend he can ever have.
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Did Batman and Superman get along?

Throughout their history, Batman and Superman's relationship shifts from cautiously friendly to overt hostility, producing a complicated dynamic between the two. There are some fun facts in the comics about the duo's rivalry that new fans might not have discovered yet.
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Was Batman right about Superman?

This future is exactly what Bruce feared, and his fears are more than warranted. The once symbol of hope is a feared ruler who will waste no time in destroying anything or anyone to get what he wants. While seen as an alternate reality, it is a reality where Bruce was right about Superman from the very beginning.
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Batman pays his respects to Superman

Does Batman regret killing Superman?

Bruce tells Diana that he regrets failing Superman and asks for her help in forming a team of metahumans to protect Earth in Superman's absence.
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Why does Superman respect Batman so much?

Since their first team-up, Batman and Superman have saved one another's lives countless times. Together, they've encountered villainous gods, evil armies, and assassins, with each hero often saving the other from certain death. It's not uncommon for the two heroes to reference how many times they've saved the other.
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Who does Superman trust the most?

Superman just revealed that when he has a problem, he goes to Justice League ally Martian Manhunter first, and for a very specific reason.
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Who is Superman's best friend?

The Daily Planet photographer, Jimmy Olsen, is often referred to as Superman's best friend. In most comics and spin-offs involving Jimmy Olsen, he is always mentioned with the tagline of Superman's best pal or something similar.
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Does Batman consider Superman his best friend?

Warning: SPOILERS for Batman vs. Robin #1The world's finest heroes, Batman and Superman, have long been considered close friends, but now Batman claims there's someone else who has always been his best friend: Alfred Pennyworth. Alfred's relationship to Batman, despite being his butler, is often depicted as fatherly.
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Who is Batman's best friend?

DC: Batman's Best Friends, Ranked
  • 7 Commissioner Gordon. Debut Comic: Detective Comics #27. ...
  • 6 Zatanna. Debut Comic: Hawkman #4. ...
  • 5 Barry Allen, The Flash. Debut Comic: Showcase #4. ...
  • 4 Wonder Woman. Debut Comic: All Star Comics #8. ...
  • 3 Nightwing. Debut Comic: Tales of the Teen Titans #44. ...
  • 2 Alfred Pennyworth. ...
  • 1 Superman.
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Why is Batman jealous of Superman?

Batman was deprived of his parent's love early on in life, so he's jealous that Superman grew up with love and affection from his Earth parents. Superman has incredible abilities, so he's jealous that Batman became the superhero he is on his own merit despite not having the privileges of superpowers.
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Why did Batman not like Superman?

Batman worries about anyone having the power levels of Superman, and he thinks Clark is a bit naive in his judgement. He also worries about what would happen if Clark were influenced by a villain (it has happened more than once), and he believes that he needs to able to stop Superman if it happens.
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Who would actually win between Batman and Superman?

Batman beating Superman is novel, while Superman beating Batman is to be expected. The logical conclusion is the one supported by the majority of their battles: when the two clash, Superman tends to win the day, but Batman is smart enough that it's never impossible for him to come out ahead.
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Why does Darkseid respect Batman but not Superman?

Why does Darkseid respect Batman but not Superman? Darkseid respects Batman because he understands Batman. Batman is an obsessive control freak on an unending quest for revenge. Darkseid knows all about that and he recognizes that batman does it better than just about anyone else.
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Does Superman respect Nightwing?

Nightwing represents Clark's entire El family legacy, and Clark trusts him to do so, showing Superman's respect for him. Nightwing is not only Batman's legacy but also Superman's legacy, highlighting their deep friendship and closeness.
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Who is Superman's worst enemy?

Most incarnations depict Brainiac (alias Vril Dox) as a bald, green-skinned alien cyborg or android from the planet Colu and one of the most dangerous villains in the DC universe, capable of possessing others, inventing extremely advanced weaponry (such as force fields and shrinking rays), physically matching or ...
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Who is jealous of Superman?

Most superhero fans may wish they were Batman, but Bruce Wayne has revealed it's Superman who has the one thing he is actually jealous of.
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Who is the most liked Superman?

1. Christopher Reeve. It couldn't have been anyone else. The most wholesome Superman, and arguably the best-known, Christopher Reeve only wore the cape for four films, starting with the 1978 Superman: The Movie.
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Who is Superman most afraid?

Summary. Superman considers Martian Manhunter the most powerful being in the universe, and admits he would be scared to face him in battle.
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Who does Batman trust most?

Dick Grayson / Robin / Nightwing / Batman

And it seems that of all the heroes Batman has chosen to fight alongside, it's Dick Grayson he trusts most - with all his secrets, and as we've seen on more than one occasion, and to take on the mantle of Batman when Bruce cannot.
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Who has a crush on Superman?

In 85 years of action and adventure, there's only ever truly been one woman for Superman. It's the greatest love story that comics have ever told: Clark Kent loves Lois, Lois loves Superman, and somewhere along the way, she falls for Clark as well.
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Why did Batman blame Superman?

"Bruce Wayne blames Superman." "You've got to remember, this is the first time Superman ever meets Batman," DC Comics chief creative officer Geoff Johns further explained. "Batman knows Superman was involved with something that had fire come out of the sky [to] destroy Metropolis."
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Does Darkseid respect Batman?

Darkseid Is Consistently Impressed by Batman

While Darkseid initially thought the Dark Knight was bluffing, he quickly realized that Batman was perfectly willing to let Apokolips, and everyone on it, explode unless Darkseid agreed to release Kara, calling Bruce's ruthlessness "an admirable quality."
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Does Batman respect the flash?

Batman and the Flash are friends. Based on history and current comic continuity, I'm referring to Barry Allen as the Flash. The two are not only friends but respected colleagues. While most people justifiably look at Batman as a detective, Barry sees him as a scientist.
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