Does Belle have a son?

Within minutes, Belle gave birth to her baby, but she quickly realized what she needed to do. Echoing Snow and Charming giving up baby Emma for her to have her “best chance” all those years before, Belle gave up her son. She gave the baby, named Gideon, to the Blue Fairy.
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Does Belle ever see her son again?

After Rumplestiltskin confronts her mother, he returns with Gideon's stolen heart and returns it to him, reuniting mother and son.
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Did Rhett and Belle have a son?

In 1850 (estimated), Belle gave birth to her son Tazewell Butler, who was adopted by Rhett as his ward and sent to school at his expense. It is also most likely that Tazewell was Rhett's biological son. Sometime after this, Belle Watling moved to Atlanta, Georgia.
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Does Belle and Rumple have a baby?

Rumple and Belle get married, but Rumple's dark side keeps getting the better of him and Belle banishes him from Storybrooke. Despite this, after Rumple gets back into Storybrooke and has the Darkness removed from him, they eventually reconcile and conceive their son.
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Does Belle have a child in Once Upon a Time?

When Belle gives birth to her son, she names him Gideon after the hero of her favorite book. Desperate to keep her son away from Rumplestiltskin, Belle has the Blue Fairy take Gideon somewhere safe. While transporting Gideon, however, Blue is ambushed by the Black Fairy, who takes him back to her realm.
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Does Belle lose her baby?

Within minutes, Belle gave birth to her baby, but she quickly realized what she needed to do. Echoing Snow and Charming giving up baby Emma for her to have her “best chance” all those years before, Belle gave up her son. She gave the baby, named Gideon, to the Blue Fairy.
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Who speeds up Belle's pregnancy?

When Gold returns to his shop, the Evil Queen is waiting and tells him that she is responsible for placing the spell in Belle's tea that resulted in her pregnancy to accelerate.
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Do Belle and Rumple get a happy ending?

Long story short: They did get their happy ending, traveling the world together with their son, Gideon (Giles Matthey), before Rumple confessed to searching out a way to get rid of the Dark One dagger so he could be mortal and live out his days with Belle.
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Why did Rumple want Ella's baby?

In a very basic sense, Rumpelstiltskin in the actual stories always asked for the girl's child in return for spinning straw into gold, which her father had foolishly (and publicly) boasted she could do. Put simply, asking for a baby is what Rumpelstiltskin does.
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What is the age difference between Belle and Rumple?

-The difference in age between Rumple and Belle isn't something like 20 years- it's something like 300-something years!! - Rumple and Hook were contemporaries, they flight over Milah in the day, remember?
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Why does Rhett leave Scarlett at the end?

Rhett, believing Scarlett has never loved him and will jump at the chance to marry the now free and receptive Ashley, becomes apathetic to Scarlett's declarations to the contrary. Tired of it all, Rhett walks out of his marriage, seeking to abandon everything to find something left of "charm and grace" in the world.
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Who does Rhett Butler end up with?

In this sequel Rhett marries Anne Hampton after divorcing Scarlett and he reunites with Scarlett only after Anne dies. He and Scarlett have a second daughter called Katherine, known as "Katie" or "Cat".
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Did Rhett really love Scarlett?

Rhett initially denies, then admits, that he loves Scarlett, but he does not want to "lose himself" over her again. Back in Charleston, Rhett leaves Scarlett near death at his mother's house, telling her, in a letter, that while he admires her bravery, he will never see her again.
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What happened to the kids at the end of Belle?

The film ended with no resolution as to where the boys would go. There's no way that the father was persuaded to stop abusing his kids because he was intimidated out of it in a public place one time. In fact, he's likely to be even angrier at them than usual for putting him in that position.
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How did Belle age so fast?

After Belle discovers a fairy prophecy that sends them to the edge of realms, where time moves differently, she grows old in an Up-style montage that will absolutely break you.
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What happens when Belle see her dad in the magic mirror?

Despite this new friendship, Belle longs to see her father. Using the Beast's magic mirror, Belle sees that Maurice is in trouble, so the Beast frees her. Belle finds Maurice in the forest and takes him home to the village, where Gaston has arranged for Monsieur D'Arque to take him away.
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Why can't Regina have kids Once Upon a Time?

A self-destructive Evil Queen Regina actually takes a potion that makes it so that she can never give birth to a baby. She does it really just to spite Cora, not thinking so much about herself, and believing that there's no way for her to ever find happiness again anyway.
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Why is Rumpelstiltskin evil?

Is Rumpelstiltskin evil or good? Rumpelstiltskin is a morally complicated character. He seems good at first because he offers to spin the straw into gold for the girl, but things quickly escalate when he asks for her firstborn in return. In the end, Rumpelstiltskin is evil.
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Was Emma pregnant in Once Upon a Time?

Ultimately, Wish Hook discovers Emma is pregnant, so he lets her and Hook-Prime return to Storybrooke to get their happy ending. It's then Wish Hook and Regina who continue on this journey with Henry, thus answering the question of how O'Donoghue is sticking with the show, but Morrison is not.
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Who does Regina end up with on Once Upon a Time?

As Parrilla notes, Regina's happy ending does not include a love interest, but the character was briefly reunited with Robin Hood (Sean Maguire) in a dream during the finale — read more about that scene in our interview with executive producers Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis here.
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Why was Once Upon a Time cancelled?

Co-creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis had tried to take the fantasy show in a new direction this year after losing most of the original cast. While hard-core fans followed “OUAT” from its traditional Sunday time slot to Friday, the audience was not large enough to merit renewal by the Alphabet network.
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Why was Season 7 of Once Upon a Time so bad?

OUAT season seven suffers from the same anvil-ish dialogue it always has. The curse in Hyperion Heights feels a bit too forced while the alternate lives of Regina, Rumple and Hook seemed a bit uninspired and, honestly, not all that interesting.
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How was the beast abusive to Belle?

It's ok to get angry—it's an emotion we all experience—but when a person lashes out physically or verbally because of their anger that is abusive behavior. In the Beast's case, he tries to intimidate Belle into submission by threatening to withhold food.
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Why did Belle marry the beast?

Belle runs back to the forest to take his fathers penalty and the Beast immediately falls in love with her and asks her to marry him, every night she refuses, every night he insist. Belle chooses to take this to hand only because she refuses anything bad to happen to her father.
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Did Belle ever marry the beast?

The queen left him in the care of an evil fairy who tried to seduce him when he became an adult; when he refused, she transformed him into a beast. Only by finding true love, despite his ugliness, could the curse be broken. He and Beauty are married and they live happily ever after together.
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