Does Darth Vader ever regret what he did?

The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain. Vader destroyed everything he had ever known for a chance to save Padme.
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Does Darth Vader feel guilt?

Did Vader ever feel guilt? Darth Vader, now Anakin, redeemed himself during his last moments - no doubt, he felt regret for what he had done, but was resigned to fate at this point.
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Does Darth Vader repent?

Vader's act of repentance meant that he could no longer stand among the series' other bad guys, but Return of the Jedi never attempted to figure out whether that alone was enough to allow him to stand alongside the heroes.
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Does Vader ever redeem himself?

Vader might not be fully redeemed from years of murders and war crimes, but he is redeemed in his estranged son's eyes. Luke refuses to believe that there is no shred of good left in his father, and Vader proves him right. This redemption arc is charted in a few key scenes from the Star Wars movies.
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Did Darth Vader ever turn good again?

Once he becomes Darth Vader, each evil act he commits shatters any hope or connection towards his previous life, which makes it harder for him to return to the light, but he ultimately escapes the dark side and redeems himself by sacrificing his life to save his son, Luke Skywalker, and kill the Emperor in Return of ...
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EXTRA footage from 1977 REVEALS Darth Vader’s Backstory

Did Anakin regret killing Padme?

Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor. The film ends with Anakins standing side by side with the man on whose behalf he has committed all his crimes.
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Who does Vader hate the most?

However, when it comes to who Darth Vader hates more than anyone in the Star Wars galaxy, himself and Obi-Wan Kenobi don't hold a candle to the true point of Darth Vader's hatred, Emperor Palpatine.
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Did Vader still think he was the chosen one?

The reborn Sith Lord was aware that the Jedi believed Skywalker to be their prophesied Chosen One, and that Vader still considered himself as such despite his fall to the dark side.
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Did Vader regret turning?

The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain. Vader destroyed everything he had ever known for a chance to save Padme.
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Can Leia redeem Vader?

Leia's Anger Would've Made Her Strong In The Dark Side

Leia's capacity for anger is so great even without her corruption to the dark side that she remains reluctant to forgive her father for his actions as Darth Vader, even after his redemption and despite Luke's willingness to forgive.
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Who is Darth Vader scared of?

Star Wars: Darth Vader's Greatest Fear Has Always Been Sand.
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Did Anakin regret killing the Younglings?

The canonical comic Star Wars: Darth Vader #7 confirms the younglings' deaths caused Anakin grief, self-loathing, hatred and pain, fueling his descent even further into the dark side.
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Does Vader ever cry?

Sadly, Anakin, and later Vader cries every time he does something evil. they had to modify his helmet so that he didn't drown in his own tears.
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Did Vader feel pain in his suit?

Darth Vader's Suit Embeds Needles In His Skin

Unfortunately, these needles, which transmit neurological data throughout his body and allow him to control his limbs, also cause him constant pain. Between the never-ending itchiness and walking around with needles in his skin, it's no wonder he is so angry.
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Could Darth Vader cry?

He cried before he was burnt in RoTS, but after he was burnt, he lost his tear ducts and could not cry.
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Why did Vader let him go?

So, Vader let him go so that Obi-Wan could regain his full strength because what Vader really wanted was to prove that he was more powerful than his master ever was -- and offing "Ben Kenobi" would have been a massive letdown. To see Vader and Obi-Wan's second confrontation, watch Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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Did Anakin regret killing Dooku?

'He's too dangerous to be left alive', was the same comment Palpatine said when Anakin showed remorse after having slain an unarmed Dooku, the said action not being the Jedi way.
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Why did Vader hate himself so much?

Because Vader destroyed everything that mattered to him. He betrayed the Jedi Order to save his wife, only to end up killing her and their child in a fit of rage. He dreamed of liberating all the slaves, only to end up enslaving the galaxy. He thought himself to be the Chosen One, only to end up a tool of the Sith.
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Is Rey more powerful than Anakin?

ANAKIN - More Powerful

Although Rey is also strong with force, she doesn't compare to Anakin's pure strength with the force and his connection, being created by the Force itself. Even in the movies, comics, and shows we see Anakin accomplish greater feats of strength that Rey was years away from learning.
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Who is stronger Luke or Anakin?

The realistic answer seems to be, yes, Anakin in his prime could have defeated Luke Skywalker (in the current canon) if they battled one-on-one. The main reason behind this is Luke's lack of formal Jedi training, at least when it comes to combat.
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Who was the chosen one if not Anakin?

Luke's resolve was that he would help redeem his father, or die trying. This is why some people believe that maybe Luke was the Chosen One, but, in actuality, it was Anakin who destroyed Darth Sidious; and he destroyed Darth Vader when he chose to exchange his power for the love he had for his son.
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Who can beat Darth Vader easily?

While Vader had his weaknesses, including vulnerability to electricity, characters like Emperor Palpatine, Mace Windu, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi all had the potential to defeat him in battle.
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Who did Vader respect the most?

But none of this kept the Sith Lord from finding a handful of people he could respect, even if he hated some of them.
  1. 1 Princess Leia Stood Her Ground.
  2. 2 Grand Admiral Thrawn Had No Fear. ...
  3. 3 Erv Lekauf Was Always Loyal. ...
  4. 4 Grand Moff Tarkin Was Good At His Job — Until He Wasn't. ...
  5. 5 Dr. ...
  6. 6 Boba Fett Had A Great Work Ethic. ...
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Is Darth Vader a good guy or bad guy?

In conclusion, Darth Vader is the ultimate villain for a variety of reasons. He's powerful, intimidating, ruthless, enigmatic, and symbolic, and his tragic backstory makes him a sympathetic villain. He's also one of the most memorable villains in popular culture, with his iconic appearance and menacing presence.
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