Does Deadpool fix his face in Deadpool 3?

Deadpool. Despite being able to heal from the gravest wounds, Deadpool is unable to heal the scarring on his face and body in his recent film appearances.
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Why is Wade disfigured?

This version is a dishonorably discharged Canadian Special Forces operative and terminal cancer patient who volunteers for an experimental treatment to awaken latent mutant genes in his body, giving him a regenerative healing factor that counteracts his illness but leaves him disfigured.
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Why was Deadpool's mouth sewn shut?

Deadpool's new powers as Apocalypse's Famine manifest through the antihero's mouth, from which Deadpool can conjure a deadly cloud of locusts. In order to control this ability, Deadpool has his mouth sewn shut, and only breaks the stitching when he needs to unleash his disgusting yet incredibly effective new ability.
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Is Deadpool's healing better than Wolverines?

Ultimately, the Merc with the Mouth became a fan-favorite hero, and in modern stories, his healing outshines even that of Wolverine, with Wade able to survive incredible injury, from decapitation to incineration.
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Is Deadpool's face burned?

Deadpool's face is not burnt, it's deformed. His face started becoming deformed after he murdered Slayback, an evil SoB who was on Wade Wilson's very first super team.
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How NOT To Introduce Deadpool

Will Deadpool's face heal?

Though initially reluctant after his previous experiences with Weapon X, Deadpool agrees and is met with an experimental serum that may enhance his healing ability. Taking a test sample of the serum actually healed every scar on Deadpool's body, gifting him back his old, attractive face.
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Does Deadpool ever find a cure?

The Weapon X program did more than just cure Deadpool's horrific cancer. It granted him a healing factor that enables him to regenerate destroyed tissue and organs at a superhuman rate. Whether it's a paper cut or a decapitation, Deadpool can recover from it so long as his head remains intact.
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Who can Deadpool beat in a fight?

Deadpool might have his fair share of comedic moments in the Marvel universe, but the mercenary's powers allow him to be one of the strongest Marvel characters, proficient enough to defeat and kill major Marvel heroes ranging from Captain America to The Fantastic Four.
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Who heals faster Deadpool or Hulk?

Of course this is the Immortal Hulk we are talking about and no other Hulks. Hulk could potentially heal faster than Deadpool due to the whole angrier he gets the faster he heals things. But they are pretty much at the same level currently.
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Who is immortal Deadpool or Wolverine?

While Deadpool and Wolverine are both practically immortal because of their respective healing factors, the way the two abilities work within their bodies are very different.
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Can Deadpool lift Thor's hammer?

Deadpool's trap separated Thor from his hammer long enough that he turned back into Olsen and Deadpool then took advantage of the chaos to grab the hammer... Deadpool then transformed into a version of Thor!
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Would Deadpool's head grow back?

If his head is chopped off and not reattached, the head will grow the body back. The body will die. Once the severed part of Deadpool's whole form begins to heal, the limbs/parts cut off can't be attached to him again, additionally they will begin to rot separate from him.
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What is the weakness of Deadpool?

Cows, Clowns and Other Phobias

The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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How long can Deadpool live?

Powers. Extended Lifespan - It is unknown how long Deadpool will live but it has been shown to be further than 800 years into the future, it is believed he is unable to die as he has established a romantic like relationship with the personification of Death.
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Who is Deadpool in love with?

Vanessa Carlysle, also known as Copycat, is one of the most well-known love interests Deadpool's had. This is thanks to Vanessa being the primary love interest in the hit films starring the Merc with a Mouth. However, the movies don't reveal that she's a shapeshifter and depict her instead as a normal human.
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Does Deadpool have a daughter?

Deadpool's Daughter

Born from parents Deadpool and Carmelita Camacho, Eleanor “Ellie” Camacho is raised by her mother. Deadpool does not find out about her existence until Carmelita tracks him down seeking child support, to which Deadpool refuses on account of the child being too beautiful to have come from him.
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Can Deadpool beat she Hulk?

Why She-Hulk Would Beat Deadpool In A Fight. She-Hulk's control over her rage and ability to transform at will diminish the impact of Deadpool's attacks. If she manages to incapacitate him early in the fight, it'll be game over for Deadpool. His usual weapons put him at a disadvantage.
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Can Hulk defeat Deadpool?

The Planet Hulk and World-Breaker Hulk storylines saw the Jade Giant almost completely obliterating all the Marvel heroes, even the Sentry. The Hulk is one character Deadpool can't beat.
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Who heals faster than Wolverine?

After the two heroes experience the same trivial yet costly hilarious problem, the Flash proves his healing ability is much faster than Wolverine's! For one very specific and very hilarious reason, DC Comics' the Flash proves to have a better healing factor than Marvel Comics' Wolverine.
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Who kills Hulk?

The Avengers and Fantastic Four died to stop him. During that ultimate sacrifice, Hulk also died. Jean Grey shut down Bruce Banner's brain, turning Hulk into a savage. The two ended up separated, and Hulk ended up in an irradiated cocoon, one that killed Hulk completely, which led to a new Hulk being horn.
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Could Deadpool beat Wolverine?

Deadpool isn't stronger than Wolverine.

Fans have already seen the outcome of the clash when the superheroes first collided in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine. On that occasion, Wolverine proved he was stronger than Deadpool, who still went as Weapon XI at the time.
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Who is Deadpool's biggest enemy?

A mercenary for hire, he played an important role in the series Deadpool; T-Ray served to remind Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, what a failure he was. He is Deadpool's archenemy for many issues and almost everything that happened to Deadpool was a part of an elaborate plan orchestrated by him.
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Why does Deadpool hate Wolverine?

Behind the jokes and the usual insanity, Deadpool ain't just depressive, but also very bitter. He has a grudge against the world, and has a grudge against himself. But he also has a grudge against Wolverine, and that's where his “hatred" of him comes from, if and when it's shown; It's jealousy.
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Can Deadpool heal his heart?

The way his healing factor works is that as long as a single cell of Deadpool remains, any and every part of his body is capable of regenerating at an alarming rate. This allows Deadpool to survive everything from a stab through the heart to decapitation.
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Does Deadpool have a mouth?

Deadpool might have been mute in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, but they're overlooking one small part of his history as a comic book character. Deadpool became the Merc Without A Mouth after having it sewn shut so the writers weren't forced to derail their movie on his account.
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