Does Deadpool have a heart?

What would happen if someone ripped out Deadpool's heart? It would grow back. He'd make a joke about it. ("Sorry, my heart belongs to another", etc.)
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Does Deadpool have a good heart?

He is a Canadian mutant former mercenary and an intelligent, good hearted, determined, altruistic, ironic and crafty superhero. He gained enhanced physical attributes and rapid cellular regeneration from an augmentation program from Ajax, and decided to get revenge on him for causing his deformity.
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Can Deadpool regenerate his heart?

The way his healing factor works is that as long as a single cell of Deadpool remains, any and every part of his body is capable of regenerating at an alarming rate. This allows Deadpool to survive everything from a stab through the heart to decapitation.
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Can Deadpool feel pain?

Yes, Deadpool feels every bit of pain as normal humans do. However, his regenerative ability allows him to heal from all injuries. While Deadpool can heal quickly, he isn't indestructible.
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Can Deadpool's blood heal people?

Revealed at one point that Deadpool saved Spider-Man's life after he died on the field of battle by giving him a transfusion of his mutated blood, this secretly executed Lazarus effect successfully keeps Peter breathing, but in the long run, results in some unintended consequences that see him live an unnaturally long ...
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Deadpool and Korg React

Who heals faster, Deadpool or Wolverine?

However, they are not identical. Deadpool has the superior healing factor, significantly. Professor X once stated that Wolverine could, most likely, be killed if he was decapitated. Deadpool can still move his body around normally even with a decapitated head.
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Why does Deadpool's face not heal?

This question is answered by the fact that Deadpool's cancer hasn't actually been cured but simply put on pause, meaning it is constantly battling with his healing factor, causing his severe disfigurement, which will assumedly still be in place when Deadpool joins the MCU in Phase 5.
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What would happen if you cut Deadpool in half?

In Deadpool's Dark Reign storyline, his head had to be sewn back onto his body after it was severed to begin the healing process. This leads readers to believe that the healing process might require slapping the two Deadpool halves together to even begin.
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What is Deadpool most scared of?

There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness. Wilson's always been scared of cows because he believes that their eyes are all-knowing. The Merc is also scared of clowns, finding them too creepy.
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Can Deadpool survive without his head?

Most likely, Deadpool would have to place his head back onto his neck, and it will then Regenerate in that location. This is also seen possible because of this, yes I know this is just epic cover art to build suspense, but it shows us that Deadpool can actively hold his head rather than it just regenerating instantly.
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Why does Deadpool hate Wolverine?

Wolverine is a killer, but one who managed to become a hero. Deadpool is not, he knows it and he hates it.
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What is Deadpool's weakness?

A fairly unknown fact about Deadpool is that he is weak when in contact with heavy Gamma radiation. Prolonged exposure to Gamma radiation significantly reduces Deadpool's regenerative abilities, making him easier to take down.
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Is Deadpool unkillable?

His power is so effective that it allows him to be immortal despite him carrying his cancer. But that doesn't mean he is unkillable. One way of killing him is to put a mutation-dampening collar on his neck. It will disable his regenerative ability and allow the cancer cells to grow, thus deteriorating his body.
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Who can easily beat Deadpool?

Characters like Blink, Domino, and Colossus have unique abilities that can give them an advantage over Deadpool. Characters with strong telepathic powers, such as Jason Stryker and Professor X, could potentially overpower Deadpool's chaotic mind.
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How long can Deadpool live?

Unlike Wolverine, whose wounds sometimes cause excruciating pain as they heal depending on the severity, Deadpool has some degree of pain insensitivity. Deadpool is effectively immortal, although he has died several times. He is still alive 800 years in the future when the new X-Force encounters him.
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Who did Deadpool love?

Deadpool's love interests range from supportive allies like Ilaney and Ms. Marvel to those who have betrayed him, like Carmelita and Anastasia. Deadpool's fling with Rogue was significant because she accepted him with his unflattering physical features, giving him a sense of acceptance and love.
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Who is Deadpool's biggest enemy?

A mercenary for hire, he played an important role in the series Deadpool; T-Ray served to remind Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, what a failure he was. He is Deadpool's archenemy for many issues and almost everything that happened to Deadpool was a part of an elaborate plan orchestrated by him.
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Why can't Deadpool feel pain?

In the case of dislocated bones, Deadpool has to manually set the bones back himself. And he can feel the pain. Note that Deadpool's healing factor does not render him immune to pain.
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What Deadpool eats?

Here are seven examples of Deadpool's foodie passion.
  • He Has An Unhealthy Love Of Chimichangas.
  • He Loves Bingeing On Pancakes.
  • Sometimes He Just Needs A Pizza.
  • Tacos Are Everything.
  • He's An Emotional Eater.
  • He's Picky About Certain Foods.
  • Fans Love His Obsessions As Much As He Does.
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Could Deadpool survive the snap?

Deadpool survived the Infinity War snap because he wasn't technically in the Marvel Cinematic Universe at the time.
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Can Deadpool survive a nuke?

Readers witnessed Wade Wilson's rapid regeneration abilities and Rogue's absorption powers work together at an unbelievable level, saving Rogue's life – and proving Deadpool can survive a nuclear blast.
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Can Deadpool bleed out?

However, to Deadpool's dismay, he's not healing and continues to bleed out as the issue ends. Alcaudón goes on to explain that Deadpool is being affected by "the most fascinating poison. One graze and it stops the blood from clotting. It shuts down the body's ability to heal.
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Why did Deadpool have no mouth?

Along with his extra mutant powers, one of the things Stryker did to Wilson was have his mouth surgically shut, making him the perfect soldier in Stryker's eyes. In the post-credits scene his mouth is partially open.
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Why does Deadpool look different in Wolverine?

There's a reason for that. The Merc with the Mouth has an advanced healing factor derived from Wolverine's powers, but that's where those similarities end. When William Stryker pooled a bunch of mutants' powers into Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, he went ahead and gave Deadpool an adamantium skeleton.
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Does Deadpool heal like Wolverine?

So, Deadpool's main superpower is his healing factor, and what a healing factor it is. In multiple comics over the years, it's been established that Deadpool's healing factor is more powerful than Wolverine's. Deadpool can survive anything. If his head is cut off, he'll regrow his body over a few weeks.
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