Does Dorothy Return to Oz?

Dorothy wishes her and her friends back to Oz and the whole land to be restored, and it is granted. Dorothy and her friends then find themselves back in Oz with the Emerald City and it's people being restored in the distance. The caged Mombi also appears with them.
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How does Dorothy get to Oz in Return to Oz?

Dorothy is rescued by a mysterious girl, who tells her the machines damage patients, and the two escape. Nurse Wilson chases the girls into a river, where Dorothy floats away on a chicken coop, unable to save the other girl. Dorothy awakens in Oz with her chicken, Billina, who can now talk.
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Does Dorothy come back from Oz?

She was killed at some point by the Witch but resurrected and thanks to the Good Witch of the North, was made immune to the Witch's power to kill. At some point she returned to Earth with the head of the Tin Man who had been killed and her father wrote his series of books based on her adventures.
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Does Dorothy ever go home?

The book contained the secret of the slippers, which could carry Dorothy anywhere in the world. Dorothy simply has to click her heels three times and command the slippers to take her home. She says a teary goodbye to all of her friends, then clicks her heels together to return to Kansas at long last.
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Why wasn t Glinda in Return to Oz?

As for why she isn't active during the events, one can assume she was turned to stone by the Nome King or that she is unable to act and is forced to stay in her palace in the Quadling Country.
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The TERRIBLE Wizard Of Oz Sequel...

Is Aunt Em and Glinda the same person?

In the RSC version she and Glinda are both played by the same actress even though in the original movie they were played by two different actresses.
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Was Dorothy just dreaming?

She eventually lands in Oz but by the movie's end, she wakes up in her bed with her family surrounding her. This reassures the viewer that the whole ordeal was simply a dream. In the book, however, there is no dream. Dorothy, Toto, and their home are all swept up by a cyclone and dropped into the magical Land of Oz.
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What did Glinda say to Dorothy at the end?

In the film The Wizard of Oz, the good witch Glinda tells Dorothy that she had the power to go home all along. It was within her all the time, but she wouldn't have believed it until she found it out for herself.
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What was Dorothy's last line in The Wizard of Oz?

[last lines] Oh, but anyway, Toto, we're home – home! And this is my room – and you're all here – and I'm not going to leave here ever, ever again, because I love you all! And... oh, Auntie Em, there's no place like home!
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What's the most famous line in The Wizard of Oz?

Take a look at this video to learn a few things you probably never knew about The Wizard of Oz! Although we'll always love the famous The Wizard of Oz quote, “There's no place like home,” (because, truly, there is no place quite as good as home) there are plenty more wise words to live by in this film.
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Why did they get rid of Dorothy?

The Golden Girls was known for its solid narratives, and she was simply no longer impressed with how the episodes were panning out. Arthur wanted to leave the show while it was still resonating with people. The same tell-all also revealed that she was actually offended by how much the show poked fun at her character.
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Who did Dorothy marry at the end?

At the end of the series, after living in Blanche's house for seven years, Dorothy meets and falls in love with Lucas Hollingsworth (Leslie Nielsen), Blanche's uncle (her father's baby brother). The two marry, and Dorothy moves into Lucas' home in Hollingsworth Manor in Atlanta.
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Does Dorothy have a daughter?

Kate Zbornak-Griffiths is the eldest child and only daughter of Dorothy and Stan Zbornak. She is the sister of Michael.
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Why did Dorothy forgive Oz?

“If Oz had taken a dose of the same courage he gave me,” added the Lion, “he would have been a brave man.” Dorothy said nothing. Oz had not kept the promise he made her, but he had done his best, so she forgave him. As he said, he was a good man, even if he was a bad Wizard.
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What is the scariest scene in the return to Oz?

At night, Dorothy sneaks into Mombi's closet to steal the powder so she can escape on her moose plane, but the headless witch awakens, along with her hall of heads, who scream after her. To this day, I consider this one of the scariest scenes ever put to film.
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Why didn t Dorothy leave in the balloon with Oz?

Toto took off chasing a kitten. Dorothy couldn't leave without him. Once she had found Toto and was racing toward the balloon, the ropes holding the balloon cracked, and the balloon took off without Dorothy in it.
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What was Dorothy's mysterious illness?

Dorothy learns that she has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Dorothy learns that she has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Dorothy learns that she has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
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What was the message at the end of the Wizard of Oz?

In the “Wizard of Oz,” the film ends with Dorothy realizing that while Oz has shown her an entirely new and possible world that exists beyond her imagination, her heart still yearns for her home in Kansas.
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What is Dorothy's weakness?

She's gullible, not particularly bright, and occasionally petulant, and even though these do count as weaknesses, the way she relates to them makes them much less effective. The main problem with Dorothy's weaknesses is that they don't really hold her back.
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Why didn t Glinda tells Dorothy?

“You've always had the power,” Glinda, the good witch tells Dorothy at the end of her journey. When Dorothy asks why Glinda didn't tell her that before, Glinda replies that Dorothy wouldn't have believed her — she had to find out for herself. And like Dorothy, women today are on a heroine's journey.
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Is Glinda The Wicked Witch's Sister?

She introduces herself as Glinda and explains that the true Wicked Witch is her half-sister, Evanora. Years ago, she poisoned their father, the King, so she could rule Oz uncontested. Before he died, the King predicted that a powerful Wizard would come and take his place.
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Who kissed Dorothy Goodbye?

Glinda the Good stepped down from her ruby throne to give the little girl a good-bye kiss, and Dorothy thanked her for all the kindness she had shown to her friends and herself.
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Why does the witch kiss Dorothy?

She kisses Dorothy on the forehead, a magical act that serves to protect Dorothy on the journey, because "no one will dare injure a person who has been kissed by the Witch of the North".
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Does Dorothy have mental illness?

We're no shrinks, but it seems like Dorothy could be suffering from HPD, a disorder that manifests itself through attention-seeking behavior, intense theatricality, and a shallow array of emotions.
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Which character did Dorothy miss most of all?

9. "I think I'll miss you most of all." Thus Dorothy says goodbye to the Scarecrow. Why the strange partiality? Because, in an earlier draft of the script, Dorothy and the Kansas counterpart of the Scarecrow are sweet on each other.
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