Does Frankenstein's monster burn himself?

His tale told, Frankenstein dies. The monster then sneaks on board, gives an eloquent soliloquy about his sorrow and leaps off the ship onto an ice floe — gone to find himself some wood and burn himself alive.
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Does Frankenstein's monster set himself on fire?

The creature is often portrayed as being afraid of fire, although he is not afraid of it in the novel, even using fire to destroy himself.
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What happens to Frankenstein's monster?

He regrets what he has done. While Frankenstein dies feeling disturbed that the Monster is still alive, the Monster is reconciled to death: so much so that he intends to commit suicide. The Monster's decision to kill himself also confirms the importance of companionship.
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Does Frankenstein's monster burn down the cottage?

But by the time the monster reaches the cottage, the De Laceys have moved out. He sees Felix terminating his lease with the landlord, and never sees any of them again. His last link with society destroyed, the monster gives in to rage and a desire for revenge. He burns down the cottage and heads for Geneva and Victor.
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Why doesn't Frankenstein's monster like fire?

Frankenstein's creature is afraid of fire because fire is deceptive. When he first sees it, he is delighted by its brightness, color, and warmth. It fascinates him, so he tries to touch it. Only then does he discover that its beauty is illusory, hiding a potential to cause great pain.
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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994) - Done With Man Scene | Movieclips

How does Frankenstein's monster react to fire?

The Monster is encouraged by the fire's warmth but, thrusting his hand into the fire, learns that fire can bring comfort but also burn and cause pain. Thus, the Monster begins to understand the dangerous dual nature of fire, an element that can both give life or take it away.
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What does fire do to Frankenstein?

He has not been alive more than a few hours and he naively thinks that touching the fire will not burn him. He is comfortable with the fire because it provides him with light and heat, but that comfort turns into wariness as soon as he experiences pain.
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Does Frankenstein's monster become evil?

The Monster turns to evil after being cast out from his "family." Frankenstein has caused evil, in part, because, "In his obsession, Frankenstein has cut himself off from his family and from the human community; in his reaction to that obsession, Frankenstein cuts himself off from his creation" (Levine 92).
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What does Frankenstein's monster hate?

The Monster hates Frankenstein for abandoning him after his creation: “He had abandoned me: and, in the bitterness of my heart, I cursed him.” The Monster is also angry with Frankenstein for making the Monster the only one of his kind: “I was dependent on none and related to none.” The Monster also feels hatred and ...
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What is the monster's reason for killing Victor's brother?

What is the monster's reason for killing Victor's brother? He is jealous of William's attachment to family. He cannot handle any more contact with humans.
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Why is Frankenstein's head flat?

The flat-top was supposed to indicate the top of the head having been sliced off – like a boiled egg – in order to facilitate the brain of the freshly deceased criminal cut down from the gibbet. The top of the cranium is then replaced with a flat sheet of metal ( don't ask me how the hair was supposed to be attached ).
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Is Frankenstein's Monster Immortal?

Assembled from corpses and jolted to life, Frankenstein's Monster is many things—intelligent, sensitive, immortal—but mostly, he's a patchwork man seeking his place in the world.
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Does Frankenstein's Monster have a happy ending?

The monster and Victor both die at the end of the book, as they have sought to destroy one another and cannot both survive. Once he learns that Victor is dead, the creature feels that he no longer has a purpose.
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Did Frankenstein's monster hurt anyone?

Yes, the beast killed everyone Victor loved, but he gave Victor an ultimatum, he gave him a chance to fix things. Victor Frankenstein was the true beast, he was as my professor stated, “science's hideous prodigy,” the man behind the blood.
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What does Frankenstein's monster eat?

In Mary Shelley's famous novel, Frankenstein's Monster (a.k.a., The Creature) delivers a speech in which he describes his diet, saying that “acorns and berries afford me sufficient nourishment” and that he will seek out these sources of food in lieu of lamb and other meats.
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Does Frankenstein's monster have blood?

In Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein's Monster was described as having yellow skin that barely concealed the blood vessels and organs inside the creature.
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Does Frankenstein's monster cry?

After realizing that he is horribly different from human beings, the monster cries, “Of what a strange nature is knowledge! It clings to the mind, when it has once seized on it, like a lichen on the rock.”
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Why is Frankenstein's monster not a monster?

The creature is intelligent and is able to speak and reason, yet is not recognized as a human by society. He is able to voice his concerns, but due to the way he looks he cannot be considered human and is therefore denied the rights of man. This means he is unable to defend his crimes as a human normally would.
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Did Frankenstein's monster love?

In the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein's Monster does not have a specific love interest, although he does wish to love and be loved by someone. However, all humans seem to fear and hate him, so he asks Victor Frankenstein to create a companion, or wife, for him who is also a Monster.
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What does Frankenstein's monster symbolize?

Frankenstein's creature has been interpreted as symbolic of the revolutionary thought which had swept through Europe in the 1790s, but had largely petered out by the time Shelley wrote the novel.
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How tall was Frankenstein's monster?

Frankenstein's Monster is described as being 8 foot (2.4 m) tall in Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein (1818). Frankenstein's Monster was first portrayed by 5 foot 11 inch (1.8 m) tall Boris Karloff in Frankenstein (1931) with the assistance of lifted boots.
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Why did Frankenstein destroy the monster?

In Mary Shelley's 1818 novel, Victor Frankenstein destroyed his female creature to prevent the rise of a 'race of devils. ' Nearly 200 years later, population ecologists say Dr. Frankenstein's actions were justified.
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What is the irony in Frankenstein?

Instead of freeing humanity from the terror of mortality, he delivers his family into early and violent deaths. Victor dreams of founding a new species that would bless him as a father and creator. Instead, his creature curses rather than blesses him for abandoning him to a lonely life.
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Who is the hero in Frankenstein?

Victor Frankenstein is the protagonist of Frankenstein. His goal is to achieve something great and morally good, which will secure him a lasting reputation.
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Why was Frankenstein green?

Going green

Pierce's decision to paint Karloff's skin a greyish green was a conscious choice to play on these limitations, distinguishing the monster from the rest of the cast by giving him a skin color that would be captured as a ghostly white on film.
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