Does Gaston actually love Belle?

Voiced by American actor and singer Richard White, Gaston is an arrogant and ruthless hunter whose unrequited feelings for the intellectual Belle drive him to murder his adversary, the Beast, once he realizes she cares for him instead.
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Did Gaston really love Belle?

Gaston was Belle's greatest enemy. He wanted to marry her by any means necessary just because she was the most beautiful girl he laid eyes on. However, Belle strongly disliked Gaston for his snobbish, arrogant, and narcissistic personality and was the only girl in the village to not be infatuated with Gaston.
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Does Gaston have a crush on Belle?

Gaston suffers from obsessive love, which is shown by his intense infatuation with Belle. Indeed, he is so obsessed with her that he ignores all the other pretty women in the village who would be happy to be his "little wife", even ironically, those who technically matched Gaston's standards of how women should behave.
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Does the beast really love Belle?

Being humble, kind, and caring are inner qualities that result in the love between Belle and Beast and allows Beast to regain his human form and marries Belle.
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How many boys does Gaston want with Belle?

Because of this, Gaston's attempts to charm Belle constantly fall flat because of his chauvinistic and boorish behavior. His sexism is shown by the fact that he does not seem to even consider the possibility of fathering any daughters, as he states he wants "six or seven strapping boys" like himself as well.
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Should Belle Have Married Gaston Instead Of The Beast? - Analyzing Beauty and the Beast

Why was Gaston so obsessed with Belle?

Gaston pursues Belle, determined to marry her, as she is the most beautiful girl in the village and thus the only one good enough for him. He also finds her independence to be a thrilling challenge, and shows disdain for the Bimbettes who constantly fawn over him purely because of his appearance.
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Why won t Belle marry Gaston?

Because she has an insight into reading books she wants to teach children in her village to read. Belle doesn't want to marry someone like Gaston who can't share her enthusiasm for learning.
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Does Belle suffer from Stockholm syndrome?

The original Beauty of Beauty and the Beast did suffer from Stockholm syndrome. She developed feelings for the Beast under duress, alone and unsupported, rather than through genuine connection. However, as the story has been altered for modern audiences, elements of Stockholm syndrome have all but vanished.
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How was the beast abusive to Belle?

It's ok to get angry—it's an emotion we all experience—but when a person lashes out physically or verbally because of their anger that is abusive behavior. In the Beast's case, he tries to intimidate Belle into submission by threatening to withhold food.
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Did Belle ever kiss the beast?

Belle kisses the Beast when she tells him she loves him.

In the animated movie, the two don't kiss until after the Beast is transformed into a Prince, sealing the reversal of the enchantment over the castle. This time around, when Belle tells the Beast she loves him, she offers him a quick kiss on the lips.
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Does Gaston have PTSD?

They turn into villains," Evans explained to EW. "He probably does suffer from PTSD, which he manages to keep under wraps because he has people like the villagers and LeFou and the girls who puff him up and make him feel sexy and wanted. But below that is a broken human being.
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How old is Belle supposed to be?

Although multiple sources have claimed over the years that the character is 17, Henn estimated Belle to be in her early 20's. In an interview for Vanity Fair, Paige O'Hara stated to believe that Belle was the only Disney princess to be in her 20's.
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Why didn t Gaston like the Bimbettes?

Like most of the young women of the village (according to the 1994 Marvel comics as well as implied in the original film), they are infatuated with Gaston, showing neither awareness or concern over his truly boorish and chauvinistic nature, but he has no interest in marrying any of them because he only wants the most ...
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Why did Beast save Belle?

In his final act of selfless sacrifice, after sharing a ballroom dance with Belle, the Beast finally releases Belle in order for her to tend to her ailing father, despite that it would greatly upset him and would prevent the curse from being broken, because he indeed loves her.
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How long did the beast have to fall in love?

According to the opening narration, the Beast has only until his 21st birthday to find love before the petals fall off the rose and he is doomed to remain a Beast forever.
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Does Gaston stalk Belle?

He then stalks after Belle throughout the entire village and tries to gain her attention. However, his attempts to do so were unsuccesful, since Belle merely even took notice of him. He later organized a wedding between himself and Belle. As Belle walked out of her house, Gaston asked her to marry him.
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Why did Belle marry the beast?

Belle runs back to the forest to take his fathers penalty and the Beast immediately falls in love with her and asks her to marry him, every night she refuses, every night he insist. Belle chooses to take this to hand only because she refuses anything bad to happen to her father.
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Why does Belle look different in Beauty and the Beast?

Belle's early look in "Beauty and the Beast" was considered too glamorous to be relatable. In "Disney Princess: Beyond the Tiara," voice actor Paige O'Hara compared early concept art to Angelina Jolie. Belle was described as looking "a little too perfect." Animators changed her appearance, accordingly.
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Did Belle ever marry the beast?

The queen left him in the care of an evil fairy who tried to seduce him when he became an adult; when he refused, she transformed him into a beast. Only by finding true love, despite his ugliness, could the curse be broken. He and Beauty are married and they live happily ever after together.
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What is the mental illness in Beauty and the Beast?

There are several Freudian interpretation and psychological disorder that can be found in Beauty and the Beast story. They are: Stockholm and Oedipus complex syndrome in Beauty and severe depression in Beast. The syndrome exists whenever both Beauty and the Beast try to repress and manipulate their unconscious realm.
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What mental disorder does Belle represent?

Belle. Belle, the beautiful princess from Beauty and the Beast is an extremely intelligent lady who loves to read but was imprisoned by a mean beast to free her father. She suffered from Stockholm disorder which means a victim forms an emotional bond with the abuser.
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What is Belle's mental illness?

Clearly, Belle is schizophrenic, and the strain of her efforts to reconcile the ease and luxury of an aristocratic lifestyle with the oppression and social injustice required to perpetuate its existence causes her to experience increasingly vivid hallucinations.
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What happened to LeFou after Gaston died?

Following Gaston's death, LeFou is seen again with the castle servants as the villagers (who have all regained their memories after Belle breaks the curse, which transformed the Beast and his servants back to normal) reunite with their loved ones.
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What does Gaston do to Belle's father?

In the animated movie, Gaston pays a man to take Maurice to a mental hospital against his will after Belle refuses his advances. In the live-action version, his betrayal is far worse. He attempts to help Maurice retrieve Belle from the castle—if only to make himself look better.
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Why didn t the Enchantress curse Gaston?

Why is one picked out to receive aid from the enchantress and the other one left to fend for himself and ultimately die? The Beast was cursed because he refused her shelter. Gaston did nothing to the enchantress, so he was not cursed.
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