Does it matter what wand you choose in Hogwarts Legacy?

Hogwarts Legacy Wand Selection Does Not Impact Gameplay None of the customization options - from wand core to wand color or even the Hogwarts Legacy wand handles that players can find throughout the world - will change anything but its appearance.
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Does your wand matter in Hogwarts Legacy?

Wondering what difference wand flexibility makes in Hogwarts Legacy? Don't worry - it doesn't actually change anything and is little more than a bit of flavor to make you feel involved. No matter what core, wood, or flexibility you choose, it won't do anything in the game once you start playing.
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Does the Elder Wand make a difference in Hogwarts Legacy?

Said to have been constructed as a Death Hallow by Death, the Elder Wand appears in Hogwarts Legacy as the ultimate weapon for players to have, with two ways to get it. Capable of defeating any enemy in the game with any spell, the Elder Wand remains stronger than even Unforgivable Curses like Avada Kedavra.
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What do the different wand cores do in Hogwarts Legacy?

Hogwarts Legacy gives wand cores the following descriptive features: Dragon heartstring - known for producing powerful magic. Unicorn hair - known for producing consistent magic. Phoenix feather - capable of producing a great range of magic.
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Which wand core option is best?

Wand Cores
  • Unicorn. Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. ...
  • Dragon. As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. ...
  • Phoenix. This is the rarest core type.
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Does The WAND Core MATTER? | Hogwarts Legacy

What is the best wand core and wood Hogwarts Legacy?

WB Games Here is our best Hogwarts Legacy wand build with the Dragon Heartstring core. Using the Dragon Heartstring core, which is good for strong magic, we have chosen the following specifications for the build: Wand style: Stalk. Wood: Dark Brown.
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Does changing your wand in Hogwarts Legacy do anything?

Wand customisation makes no gameplay difference in Hogwarts Legacy. No matter what wand you design at the start of the game and no matter what wand handles you equip later, all those changes are purely cosmetic. It doesn't matter what wand style, wood type, or wand core you choose in Ollivanders.
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Is The Elder Wand the most powerful in Hogwarts Legacy?

More importantly, it is the most powerful wand ever made and is capable of magic that other wands simply can't manage. It's also one of the three Deathly Hallows, along with the Resurrection Stone and Cloak of Invisibility.
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What is the rarest wand style Hogwarts Legacy?

Phoenix feather is the rarest core type known to wandlore. Wands made with this core are known to be perfect in any situation, as they possess the "greatest range of magic." However, one of the most intriguing aspects of a phoenix feather wand is that it can take the initiative independently.
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What are the rarest wands in Hogwarts Legacy?

Pheonix Feather and Poplar

This is one of the rarest cores within the game. And interestingly, it sort of has a mind of its own. It would be hard for players to get hold of this particular category within the game, as the wand is pretty picky.
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How should I make my wand in Hogwarts Legacy?

Your choices don't actually matter when it comes to wand making. You're given a bunch of options when choosing how to customize your wand in Hogwarts Legacy, including the core, type, what wood it should be made out of, length, rigidity, and even more. But ultimately, none of these choices matter.
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Do the brooms matter in Hogwarts Legacy?

While it would be cool if different brooms had different stats, this simply isn't the case in Hogwarts Legacy. The difference between the brooms is purely cosmetic. All you really need to do is pick the one you like the look of, put down your hard-earned cash, and away you go!
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What's the rarest wand core?

This is the rarest core type of our Wizarding World fans, and in the wizarding world itself: 'Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this.
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Can you be evil in the Hogwarts Legacy?

Morality explained. While you can make certain choices and use spells that may be considered morally questionable, you cannot canonically be evil in Hogwarts Legacy. Essentially, there's no version of the story where you'll be recognised as inherently evil and rise up as a proto-Voldemort.
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What is the best broom in Hogwarts Legacy?

The Sky Scythe is one of the best Hogwarts Legacy brooms thanks to its eccentric style. Forest green bristles streaked with black make this broomstick stand out from the rest of the options, which sport neutral-colored bristles.
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Do wand core options make a difference?

No. The wand is entirely cosmetic, your choice of core is for RP purposes.
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What is the strongest wand?

The Elder Wand, the most powerful wand ever created, is one of three objects that make up the Deathly Hallows, including the Cloak of Invisibility and the Resurrection Stone. The Elder Wand was 15 inches long, formed by Death himself, made of elder wood, and contained the center of the tail-hair of Thestral.
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What's the best wand in Harry Potter?

The Elder Wand was said to be the most powerful wand in the Wizarding world. It was made from elder, the rarest of all casings for wands, combining a reputation for bad luck, extremely powerful magic, and a picky disposition.
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Does everyone get a unique wand in Hogwarts Legacy?

In Hogwarts Legacy, you'll start off with a hand-me-down wand, but you'll soon make your way to Ollivanders to find the right wand for you. You can keep the wand that chose you, or you can customize your wand's style, wood, flexibility, length, and core.
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Is there Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy?

Visiting Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy is exclusive to only one house. Inside Azkaban, players are met with Dementors and must help a wrongfully imprisoned individual while facing intense moments.
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Can you get the Deathly Hallows in Hogwarts Legacy?

Hogwarts Legacy and the Deathly Hallows

In the story, these items are crafted by Death, whom the player fights in the quest. Throughout the quest, the player will acquire and utilize the three magical artifacts, which together form the Deathly Hallows.
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