Does Jim know Bruce is Batman?

Gordon has hinted that he's figured it out, but he can't admit his knowledge because Batman is a vigilante and as police commissioner, he'd be forced to bring him in. Nevertheless, stories like Batman: Year One and “Ends of the Earth” have heavily implied that Jim knows more than he's letting on.
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Why does Jim Gordon trust Batman?

Gordon is aware that most people in position of power are corrupt and don't do their jobs efficiently, therefore he doesn't trust anyone else apart of Batman.
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Did Riddler actually know Batman was Bruce Wayne?

When the Riddler talks with Batman in Arkham, he repeatedly says "Bruce Wayne," as if he is talking directly to him, knowingly. Fortunately for Batman, that turns out not to be the case. Instead, the Riddler repeats Bruce's name as if it haunts him and Batman because he escaped the clutches of their plan.
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Does Harley know Bruce is Batman?

While Harley Quinn discovered Batman's secret identity long after the Joker involuntarily learned the truth, DC's first Harley Quinn found out Batman was actually Bruce Wayne decades before either of them–and did so after her first time meeting the Caped Crusader.
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Does Jim Gordon find out Bruce is Batman?

But Gordon proves his loyalty by not saying it outright and allowing Bruce to decide what the future of Batman will be. We see something similar in The Dark Knight Rises. When Blake asks Gordon if he ever wanted to know who Batman really was, Gordon just smiles and says, “I know exactly who he was. He was the Batman.”
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How does Jim Gordon still not know Bruce Wayne is Batman? (1960's Series)

Does Robin know Batman is Bruce?

In any and all of these cases, Red Robin knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman, because each of these three boys was, at one point, a Robin to Batman — as well as a ward to Bruce Wayne. As a result, it's natural that Bruce would be willing to let Red Robin know who he truly is, if he even ever had a choice.
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Why does Riddler hate Batman?

Resolving to enact revenge on Gotham City's corruption, Nashton assumed the Riddler moniker and gained followers who also sought to punish Gotham for its cruel and corrupt municipal government. Although Thomas Wayne was dead, The Riddler targeted Bruce Wayne, believing him to be no better than his father.
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Who was the rat in Batman?

Rataalada. Carmine Falcone (John Turturro) was the rat. Years prior to the events of The Batman, he tipped the police off to his main competitor in organized crime in Gotham, Salvatore Maroni, which led to the biggest drug bust in Gotham history.
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Does Catwoman know who Batman is?

However, during their first, Batman sure acts like Catwoman knows that he IS Bruce Wayne, right? And when she almost actually KILLS Batman, she realizes that her anger and jealousy had gone too far and she confirms that she knows that Batman is Bruce Wayne...
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Does Batman respect Jim Gordon?

He trusts him and respects him greatly. In some versions, Gordon is even the officer who talks to Bruce after his parents' death.
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Why did Harvey Dent turn evil?

Harvey became Two-Face due to a combination of Maroni's scarring, untreated mental illness, marital stress and his own personal choices. But one has to wonder if Batman and Gordon ever lay awake at night haunted by the role they played in Harvey's downfall.
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Why was Jim Gordon demoted in Gotham?

After the events of the first season, Gordon is demoted to patrol officer by a vengeful Loeb. He is later reinstated as a Detective after Cobblepot blackmails Loeb into retiring and appointing Captain Sarah Essen to replace him as Commissioner.
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Who taught Batman everything he knows?

Harvey Harris was the hotshot detective in Gotham, and as such, he imparted young Bruce with all his knowledge. Bruce was young at heart but determined in his aim to take down any sort of crime, even at his youngest most impressionable years.
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Who killed Bruce Wayne's parents?

In Batman's origin story, Joe Chill is the mugger who murders young Bruce Wayne's parents, Dr. Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne. The murder traumatizes Bruce, inspiring his vow to avenge their deaths by fighting crime in Gotham City as the vigilante Batman.
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Does Superman know who Batman is?

Superman figures it out when he hears Bruce's earpiece during the party. Batman most likely figured out Superman's identity during his research on him.
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Why does the Riddler hate Thomas Wayne?

For Edward Nashton, a.k.a The Riddler, Thomas Wayne (Luke Roberts) bears the blame, which carries over into jealousy for the orphan Bruce who was raised in the lap of luxury. The Ridder's provided backstory gives us the emotional motivation behind the Riddler's choice in targeting the wealthy elite as part of his plan.
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Who killed Riddler?

After realizing that John had set him up, Riddler was shot by a poisoned dart from a drone operated by Lucius' daughter Tiffany, who was investigating her father's murder. As he died, he mentioned how they had "broken the Pact".
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Was Thomas Wayne corrupt?

Trivia. Unlike most interpretations of the character, Thomas Wayne, in the Telltale series, is corrupt and has ties to criminals. Though he's shown to have saved a young Carmine Falcone in flashbacks during The Long Halloween storyline, there are no other instances where Wayne was involved in a life of crime.
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What villain hates Batman the most?

However, Batman's most hated villain is surprisingly one of his least famous - a figure who has appeared in multiple movies, only to be quickly forgotten by fans. In Kevin Smith and Walt Flanagan's Batman: Cacophony #1, Batman faces off against Victor Zsasz (aka Mister Zsasz).
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Why does Hush hate Batman?

Tommy and Bruce Wayne were childhood friends, and unbeknownst to Bruce, dark reflections of each other. A childhood sociopath, Elliot tried to kill his parents so he could inherit their fortune. When his plan failed, due partly to the surgical skills of Bruce's father, Dr. Thomas Wayne, Elliot blamed Bruce.
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Can Batman outsmart the Riddler?

Genius that he is, Batman can't always outwit them all. Sometimes, Batman has setbacks in order to raise the stakes. Other times, he's too focused on pursuing justice to notice the larger games his villains are playing. And when it comes to playing games, there is no equal to the Riddler.
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Which Robin betrayed Batman?

3 Damian Wayne (Robin)

In the comic series, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Batman suffers betrayal from his own son, Damian Wayne. Damian, the result of Bruce's brief relationship with Talia al Ghul, resents his father for his unwavering view of morality.
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Does Kara know Bruce is Batman?

And yet, while it was never made explicitly clear that Kara was privy to Batman's secret identity before Crisis on Infinite Earths, she was in the room when The Monitor revealed that information to most of the heroes on the Waverider in "Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Two."
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Does Dory know Bruce Wayne is Batman?

Given that Dory probably sees Bruce come and go at odd hours of the night, and there's no way she wouldn't notice his various injuries sustained from fighting crime, it would stand to reason she knows he's Batman. However, one scene in particular may prove that she doesn't.
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