Does Joan sleep with the Jaguar guy?

The following day, Roger summons all the partners to his office to learn the fate of their Jaguar presentation. Don locks eyes with Joan when she joins them, realizing that she has, in fact, slept with Herb. Roger receives the congratulatory confirmation call from Jaguar, and the office erupts in celebration.
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Why did Joan sleep with the Jaguar guy?

In "Christmas Waltz", they truly enjoyed each other's company at the bar, so it came as a real shock in season 7 when Don turned his back on her. Joan slept with a powerful Jaguar representative for the company, only so Don could throw the account away and boost his ego.
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Who does Joan sleep with in Mad Men?

In "Babylon", we learn that Joan has been having a lengthy affair with Roger Sterling, which we later learn has been going on since the mid-1950s. While they have serious feelings for each other, Joan does not consider him a long term potential, never pushing for him to divorce his wife to marry her.
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Who did Joan partner with at the end of Mad Men?

In the series finale, "Person to Person," Joan starts her own film production company. She attempts to recruit Peggy as a partner, but Peggy chooses to stay at McCann. Joan and Richard continue dating and become somewhat serious about one another, but he is opposed to her re-entering the business world.
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What did Greg do to Joan?

Uncomfortable it isn't her office, she asks Greg to stop, Greg then begins to question Joan about “that Sterling guy” knowing a lot about her, defending herself by saying she has been working there for “nine years” Greg carries on his pursuit of Joan, where she continues to protest, forcing her to the floor, he rapes ...
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Scorched Earth (Mad Men S04E08)

Does Joan stay married to Greg?

We know Joan is divorced from her rapist Greg, and she's said that other men have proposed to her, but it isn't until season six's “To Have and to Hold” that we find out Joan was married before Greg. To someone named Scotty, apparently.
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Does Joan have Rogers' baby?

Roger also has a son who is younger than his grandson. Having been conceived and born of an affair both he and his son's mother, Joan Holloway Harris, wanted to keep quiet, Kevin bears the last name of a man who never was any kind of father to him at all.
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Who is the father of Joan's baby Mad Men?

Which brings us to Roger, the father of Joan's son and a man who appears to have no idea that his former lover went ahead and gave birth to the child she told him she had aborted.
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Who did Peggy Olson end up with?

Whether it's dating someone who has a totally opposite viewpoint from her own or falling for a married man who makes false promises. However, by the end of the series, Peggy finally finds her man. He just happens to be Stan, who has been right in front of her the whole time.
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How many times was Joan from Mad Men married?

Yes, We Knew Joan Had Been Married Twice on Mad Men - IMDb.
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Why does Joan hate Peggy?

Throughout the entire show Peggy and Joan have a complex relationship and while they end up respecting and liking each other, early on Joan works as a bully to her. Mainly this is because she's jealous of Peggy's success at copywriting, but even when she's just working on Don Draper's office, Joan is critical of Peggy.
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Does Roger Sterling end up with Joan?

Roger: Roger puts Joan's son Kevin in his will, and decides to marry Megan's mother, Marie Calvet.
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What does Joan wear around her neck in Mad Men?

Joan wears a phallic pencil necklace round her neck (note when she takes it off) and the flowers on her dresses bloom and recede depending how happy her love life is.
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What happens to Joan at the end?

Time passes and the real Joan opens a coffee shop, which the real Annie Murphy seems to regularly visit. They have matching ankle bracelets, indicating they're both on house arrest — but seemingly happy with their friendship. It's a happy ending, "Black Mirror" style, especially when compared to other episodes.
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How did Joan get pregnant Mad Men?

Joan has an affair with Roger, and becomes pregnant. When she goes to her gynecologist, he references her past abortions. Joan goes to an illegal abortion provider and pretends she's there for her imaginary teenager daughter. In later episodes we learn she decides to carry her pregnancy to term.
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In what episode does Peggy quit?

Peggy quits SCDP – Episode 11, 'The Other Woman'

Don takes her decision as a personal affront, and tells her not to bother giving two weeks' notice. But when she extends her hand to say good-bye, fighting back tears, Don realizes he's lost his best collaborator.
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What happened to Peggy and Pete's baby?

It is revealed that at the end of Season 1, Peggy gave birth to a son, which she gave up for adoption.
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Who adopted Peggy Olson's baby?

She also reveals that she gave her baby up for adoption to Stan, a man with whom she has spent four seasons building intimacy. Peggy wasn't able to erase that from her identity like Don suggested, but she comes to peace with it so many years later.
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Do Pete and Trudy get divorced?

Trudy at first refuses his heartfelt request, admitting she still loves Pete but can't forget his adultery. Eventually, however, she agrees to renew their marriage. The reunited Campbell family is last seen happily boarding a Lear Jet for their new life in Kansas.
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Is Gene Draper Don's son?

Eugene Scott “Gene” Draper is the youngest child of Don Draper and Betty Hofstadt. He was born on June 21, 1963 at Phelps Memorial Hospital in North Tarrytown, New York and was named after Betty's father, Eugene Hofstadt, who had died shortly before he was born.
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Who is the father of Clara's baby on Mad Men?

Since season 7, episode 1, "Time Zones," Cutler, Gleason, and Chaough account man Rich Torkelson (played by Jonathan Bray) has been involved with Ken's (formerly Pete's) secretary, Clara (played by Alexandra Ella), and he has gotten her pregnant.
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What happens to Kinsey Mad Men?

Paul Kinsey (Michael Gladis)

He reappeared toward the end of Season 5, however, when he runs into Harry (Rich Sommer) and reveals that he's joined the Hare Krishna movement. Harry gives him $500 and a ticket to Los Angeles, telling him to go follow his dream of being a TV writer.
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Why didn't Roger and Joan get together?

Originally Answered: What are some of the reasons why Roger Sterling and Joan Hollaway have not ended up together? The truth is that Joan doesn't trust Roger. Roger wants a relationship, wants to be in the child's life, but Joan knows how he can really be. He's is and will always be a playboy who is never satisfied.
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Did Peggy's sister take her baby?

At the end of the first season, much to her own surprise and indicative of how alienated she has become from her own body, Peggy gives birth and goes into shock. The state declares her incompetent and contacts her family, resulting in her sister's adoption of the child.
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What happened to Don Draper at the end of Mad Men?

Don's Journey Comes To An End With A New Idea

In "Person To Person," the series finale of Mad Men, Don goes to a retreat in California, to find some kind of enlightenment after all the pain and suffering his lies have caused not only himself but just about everyone he's ever come into contact with.
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