Does Katniss have a temper?

Katniss has a temper that just won't quit, and her defiance, she learns, can be a huge asset in the arena. Being on fire with her own personal brand of rebellion can be even more powerful than one of Cinna's amazing dresses.
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Does Katniss have a short temper?

As her character develops throughout the films, Katniss becomes increasingly irritable and prone to angry outbursts. She is easily startled, as evidenced by her response to Gale's approach in the woods, or her exaggerated reaction to Prim's cat Buttercup jumping through the kitchen window at her home.
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Why was Katniss mad at Peeta?

Katniss is at first so angry with Peeta for his comments, believing that he made her look weak, that when they get off on floor 12, she shoves him. He knocks an urn over, shattering it, and then falls and cuts his hands on the shards.
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What makes Katniss mad?

Katniss has just learned that Peeta has romantic feelings for her, and initially she feels she is being used. She becomes angry with Peeta as a result, going so far as to shove him over an urn of flowers.
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Why does Peeta lose his leg?

Peeta urges Katniss to run and stays to fight fellow tribute Cato while she escapes. He survives the encounter with Cato but suffers a stab wound on his leg. He camouflages himself into the rocks and mud alongside a riverbank, slowly dying of blood poisoning until Katniss finds him days later.
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Hunger Games: Why Katniss Ends Up With Peeta, Not Gale

What disorder does Katniss have?

Pozios and Dr. Praveen R. Kambam reveal the symptoms of Katniss' PTSD and how this is demonstrated throughout the books and films.
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What mental disorder does Katniss Everdeen have?

While she manages to escape both Games with her life, she is left suffering significant psychological distress and displays symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
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What is Katniss biggest flaw?

For example, Katniss Everdeen has a fatal flaw of valuing others (beginning with her sister) and putting herself last. She does this numerous times, especially with Peeta. This major flaw in her character nearly gets her killed several times. She must overcome it to survive.
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What personality type is Katniss Everdeen?

But through the course of her journey, she reveals her INTJ personality type to the full. Determined, fearless and focussed, Katniss overcomes the immense challenges thrown at her by thinking strategically.
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Why did Katniss not like Gale?

Sadly, however, Katniss began to see Gale as a representation of war and anger as most of Panem's 13 Districts embarked on the Second Rebellion. What started as an admirable attribute quickly ended up driving a wedge between the former allies once Primrose met her death.
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Why did Peeta hate Katniss?

His feelings and memories are distorted with hallucinogenic tracker jacker venom, in a mind-control technique known as "Hijacking." The Capitol uses this method to turn Peeta against Katniss, making him believe that she is not only responsible for the death of his family, friends and the destruction of District 12, but ...
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What mental illness does Peeta have?

People who suffer from PTSD can also experience trouble sleeping, which both Katniss and Peeta deal with, exhibit self-destructive or reckless behavior or can be aggressive and irritable. Both tributes also have trouble controlling themselves and often react aggressively to situations that upset them.
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What disorder does Peeta have?

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Given the amount of trauma that both Katniss and Peeta experienced in their young lives, it would not be surprising if one or both of them develops PTSD.
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What is Peeta's disability?

"The disability erasure still gets me. Peeta has his leg amputated following the events in the first games, and he has a prosthetic leg for the rest of the series. This is completely ignored.
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Is Katniss asexual?

'Hunger Games' Director Says Rachel Zegler's Lucy 'Wears Sexuality on Her Sleeve,' Whereas Katniss Was 'Almost Asexual'
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Why is Katniss mad at her mom?

Katniss has a conflicted relationship with her mother. Following her father's death, her mother fell into deep depression and now rarely speaks. As a result, Katniss has a difficult time feeling love and affection for her mother, even as she recognizes that her mother is a kind and intelligent woman.
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Is Katniss intelligent?

Katniss is the smart, independent, and fiery protagonist of the Hunger Games series. She is 16 when the series begins and lives in the poor coal mining region of District 12 with her mother and younger sister, Prim.
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Does Katniss have depression?

Given the situations she is living under, her depression and inability to cope makes some sense, but it leaves Katniss with a lot of responsibility. It's definitely unfair that Katniss has to worry about providing and caring for her family.
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Was Peeta disabled in The Hunger Games?

2. Also, when Peeta's leg is amputated and he has a prosthetic leg for the rest of the series, which is important when he goes back into the Games in Catching Fire. "The disability erasure still gets me.
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Does Peeta ever get cured?

Like Katniss, Peeta ended up back in District 12, which was still recovering after being firebombed. By that point, Peeta greatly recovered from the brainwashing, but he still had PTSD from having his mind hijacked. Being in close proximity to Katniss was greatly beneficial as they relied on each other to heal.
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Is Peeta's mom abusive?

His mother was abusive, physically beating him whenever he made an error at the bakery.
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Is Peeta an abused child?

Although he grew up in the merchant area of District 12, Peeta's childhood was less than desirable, as his family life was difficult. His father was kind, but his mother was known to beat Peeta--and presumably his two brothers--if they made a mistake (for example, she hits Peeta for burning the bread).
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What disability did Katniss and Peeta have?

Like the film's portrayal of Katniss' hearing loss, Peeta's leg injury is shown on screen. Due to an earlier leg injury, he is unable to outrun the mutts as easily as Katniss and can't climb to safety as smoothly as she can.
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Why did Katniss fake her love for Peeta?

Katniss here's this and understands that even though she may not love Peeta (then) that it's one less person who has to die. (At least that's what I have always thought.) Katniss realizes that if she pretends to be in love with Peeta people will want the capitol to let them survive.
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Why did Peeta call Katniss a mutt?

While a prisoner of the Capitol, Peeta was hijacked into believing that Katniss was not human, but in fact one of the Capitol's mutts. Conversely, Johanna Mason suggested that the Capitol's torture replaced Peeta with an "evil-mutt version" of himself. This sentiment was later echoed by Katniss.
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