Does Moon Knight beat Batman?

There's also the recent battle with the Avengers in which Moon Knight was able to steal Ghost Rider's Spirit of Vengeance, Iron Fist's chi powers, and Mjolnir from Thor. All of this is to say that Moon Knight could beat Batman depending on the personality in charge, the phase of the moon, and if Khonshu wills it.
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Who can defeat Moon Knight?

Without Khonshu, Iron Man could easily take Moon Knight down, as he simply has more advanced technology. However, the supernatural abilities Khonshu grants Moon Knight may give him the edge.
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Can Moon Knight defeat Superman?

Pretty much no-one would back Moon Knight against any Superman-class enemy, but Marc Spector has made a career of taking on unbeatable odds and somehow walking away intact - hopefully, he can bring that same luck and creativity to his fight against Taegukgi when the Contest of Chaos begins.
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Who can destroy Moon Knight?

Based upon the conflicts seen thus far, it seems as though nothing can kill Moon Knight so long as he has the armor and powers granted to him by Khonshu.
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Can Moon Knight beat any of the Avengers?

Spoilers for Moon Knight: Black, White and Blood #4 ahead! The greatest indicator of Moon Knight's impressive strength is that he squares off against each of the Avengers every night — and wins.
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This is how lore accurate Batman would've beaten the Suicide Squad (Animation)

Could Moon Knight beat Thor?

Thor and Moon Knight isn't really a fair fight either. Thor is the God of Thunder and possesses immense strength and durability. Even without Mjolnir or Stormbreaker in hand, Thor would quickly win a close-quarters fight against Moon Knight. The one exception would be if Moon Knight could manipulate Mjolnir.
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Can Moon Knight defeat Thanos?

No. This is an example of “ABC” transitive property scaling, and the reason why people look down on power scaling in general. There are mitigating circumstances to why Moon Knight beat thor. I've literally never seen Thor beat Thanos, but in the event that he does, there are mitigating circumstances.
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Can Moon Knight defeat Spider-Man?

While Spider-Man has the edge in raw superhuman abilities, Moon Knight's tactics and unpredictability could make it a close fight. In the end, Spider-Man's experience and enhanced powers might give him a slight advantage, but it would be a fantastic matchup to watch in the world of comics.
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Can Ghost Rider defeat Moon Knight?

Ghost Rider is pretty much a top tier threat with potential of accessing divinity level powers that could take out Thor or the Hulk under the right conditions, his human host acts as a limiter so he can only use so much at a given time but Moon Knight is a peak level human to low level super human and Deadpool is a ...
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Is Moon Knight stronger than Captain America?

Knight's strength in the MCU is at least on the same level as Rogers' Captain America. However, perhaps Khonshu will grant Steven and Marc even greater levels of strength as the stakes get higher in future episodes of Moon Knight.
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Can Moon Knight beat Wonder Woman?

She's mostly given up her old life, working with the Bat Family and proving she's just as great a hero as she was a villain. She's strong and skilled enough to outfight just about anyone and crafty enough to outsmart Batman. She would give Moon Knight a great fight, but it wouldn't be one she could win.
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Who can beat Ghost Rider?

As powerful as Cosmic Ghost Rider is, Immortal Hulk would destroy him. Castle couldn't do anything that would actually kill him, which would give Immortal Hulk time to destroy his opponent. While Immortal Hulk is certainly the most powerful Hulk, even other forms could defeat Cosmic Ghost Rider.
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What is the weakness of the Moon Knight?

Khonshu is very real, and he is not a caring god. Spector's ongoing struggles with dissociative identity disorder and the pull of Khonshu often lead Moon Knight to self-destructive tendencies, isolating him from friends and falling prey to his misguided desires to help others.
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Can Moon Knight beat Black Panther?

Although Black Panther is extremely resourceful, it does not mean that Moon Knight cannot keep up with the Black Panther for a while. And even though Moon Knight's two personalities could put up a massive fight, Black Panther would not go down so easily.
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Who can defeat Thor?

Steve Rogers is one of the few mortals able to not only lift Mjolnir, but wield its full power, making him someone who legitimately could defeat Thor. Assuming the reason for their battle is due to Thor being deceived, possessed, or otherwise out of his mind, Cap would be able to use Mjolnir against him.
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Who can Khonshu beat?

While Khonshu can easily defeat Thor, utilizing his ability to control moon rock and immobilize Mjolnir, he stands no match against the Allfather. Odin at his strongest can lift 90+ tons, while Khonshu has only been able to lift 60.
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Can Thor beat Ghost Rider?

This would be a interesting fight if it was against regular Thor but this is RUNE KING THOR. RKT would definitely be able to take out Ghost Rider with ease. RUNE KING THORS power level surpassed his father ODIN by a large margin. RKT showed no mercy and he did not hold back at all when he obtained his new powers.
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Who will win Ghost Rider vs Thanos?

In the recent comics, in the future, Thanos beat Ghost rider fairly easily. Also the penance stare from Ghost rider didn't work because of the fact Thanos doesn't have any regret with all those life he murdered. Also the future Thanos got Ghost rider working for him. So Thanos is way above Ghost rider.
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Is Moon Knight stronger than Wolverine?

Moon Knight's healing abilities are useful – but not quite as advanced as the ones that Wolverine has. Unlike Marc, Wolverine can take high-caliber bullets to the head, collisions with vehicles, and devastating stab wounds that puncture major organs.
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Can Moon Knight beat Hawkeye?

Moon Knight would have some trouble getting within striking distance of Hawkeye, assuming Clint Barton saw him coming. However, if Moon Knight got within punching range, it seems likely that even Hawkeye would find himself overpowered by the skill of the Moon Knight.
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Who would win, Moon Knight or Daredevil?

For Moon Knight to be able to defeat the Avengers and put the premier superhero team on the run, he has a decidedly more accomplished track record than Daredevil. The Man Without Fear may have Moon Knight beat in conviction, but conviction alone doesn't win fights.
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Can Moon Knight beat Deadpool?

Moon Knight has managed to even fight the Punisher to a draw on several occasions. While Deadpool employs the use of guns, knives, and swords, Moon Knight could almost certainly dispatch those weapons and force Deadpool into a straightforward fist-fight, where Moon Knight would certainly have the advantage.
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Can Hulk beat Thanos?

Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in Marvel lore, with Thanos even admitting he was scared to face the Hulk before acquiring the Infinity Stones. While Thanos is usually the victor, it's generally down to him using superior tactics and technology, rather than simply possessing greater physical strength.
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Could Odin beat Thanos?

Portrayed by Anthony Hopkins, Odin is the powerful ruler of the Nine Realms who has sworn to protect every kingdom under his rule. With Odin still ruling Asgard, Thanos would have easily been stopped had he made a play for the Infinity Gauntlet.
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