Does Obi-Wan not remember R2-D2?

Obi-Wan Was Pretending He Didn't Know R2-D2 The base assumption of why Obi-Wan doesn't remember R2-D2 -- in light of the prequels -- is that Obi-Wan is feigning ignorance in A New Hope to downplay the importance of the droid's arrival.
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Does Obi-Wan not recognize R2-D2?

While Obi-Wan Kenobi seemed not to know R2-D2 in Star Wars: A New Hope, one theory argues that he recognized the droid but chose not to tell Luke. Despite acting as if he did not know the astromech droid, one theory holds that Obi-Wan Kenobi recognized R2-D2 in Star Wars: A New Hope.
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Why wasn't R2-D2's memory wiped?

During the Clone Wars, it was common practice to wipe the minds of astromech droids after every mission to avoid the risk of Separatists taking valued information. But Anakin remained staunchly against this idea for R2-D2, meaning the droid never had to worry about losing the memories of his past.
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Does R2-D2 still remember Anakin?

Star Wars Theory: R2-D2 Didn't Know Anakin Skywalker Became Darth Vader. R2-D2 served Queen Amidala and later Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by C-3PO. Unlike the golden protocol droid, R2-D2 never had a full memory wipe, so he was well aware of all events that happened around him.
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Why didn t R2-D2 tell Luke?

secondly, in Legends, R2 was given programming that actually restricted him. from sharing any information with Luke or Leia. about their parents or relation to one another. this was all part of the plan. to conceal this information from the twins.
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Why Doesn't Obi-Wan Remember R2-D2 in A New Hope? - Star Wars Explained

Does Darth Vader not recognize C3PO?

in the Dark Horse comic series star Wars Tales, which is now part of legends, it's revealed that Darth Vader did recognize C. 3PO on Cloud City. when 3PO was shot by Stormtroopers, his parts were brought before Vader. because the Imperials thought he could hold valuable.
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Why did they only wipe C-3PO's memory?

Shortly after the Galactic Empire was formed, Bail Organa had C-3PO's memory wiped clean in order for the droid to not spill any confidential information. When he purchased C-3PO and R2-D2, Owen Lars also wanted the droids' memories wiped after he learned they were looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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Why is C-3PO's mind wiped?

On a mission to Pasaana, C-3PO discovered safeguards in his programming made it impossible for him to translate Sith runes that could help the Resistance locate the legendary planet Exegol. With the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance, C-3PO reluctantly agreed to have his memory erased so the runes could be read.
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Why did they wipe C-3PO's memory but not R2?

Because Lucas wrote himself into a plothole when he made C-3PO belong to Anakin Skywalker in the prequel trilogy, when he clearly had no memory of that in the original trilogy. So his memory had to be wiped. The reason R2-D2's memory couldn't be wiped was because R2 recognized Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope.
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Does Yoda recognize R2-D2 in Empire Strikes Back?

A story called “The First Lesson”, written by Jim Zub, explains that Yoda did in fact recognise the droid, but chose to remain silent. “Carefully moving through the swamp while staying beneath the fog, Yoda soon spotted the boy and his droid unpacking their supplies,” reads the passage.
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Why doesn t Obi-Wan recognize R2-D2 and C-3PO?

The base assumption of why Obi-Wan doesn't remember R2-D2 -- in light of the prequels -- is that Obi-Wan is feigning ignorance in A New Hope to downplay the importance of the droid's arrival.
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Did Vader recognize Luke's lightsaber?

Vader mocked Luke for his lack of training in lightsaber combat, and he easily pulled the lightsaber out of Luke's grasp through the Force. However, before Vader could strike the unarmed Luke down, he suddenly recognized Luke's lightsaber as his own former weapon.
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Why doesn't Owen Lars recognize C-3PO?

Being a practical man, he viewed them as tools to be used and replaced when they no longer functioned. He could have recognized C-3PO as a tool from his past, but showed no outward signs of remembering him because he thought it unessential.
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How does C-3PO not remember Princess Leia?

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Threepio was also there when Luke and Leia Amidala Skywalker were born. They were later left under the care of a Captain Antilles. In order to protect Luke and Leia from their father, Darth Vader, Bail had C-3PO's memory erased, causing Threepio to forget everything from his past life.
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Why didn't Lars remember C-3PO?

Another important factor to keep in mind is that when Owen goes to the Jawa sale, C-3PO does not introduce himself. So Owen had no idea his "new" protocol droid's name was C-3PO.
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Who killed C-3PO?

After a chase through an asteroid field, the Falcon escapes to Cloud City at Bespin. While exploring a room in Cloud City, C-3PO is blasted by an off-camera stormtrooper.
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Is there a human inside C-3PO?

In fact, since the 1977 original, only Daniels has been inside the C-3PO costume and voiced the character — and not only in the movies, but in the animated series, on “Donnie & Marie,” at the Oscars, on “Sesame Street,” for video games, anti-smoking PSAs, Underoos commercials, amusement park rides.
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How did C-3PO lose his arm?

A bunch of droids, C-3PO and the FO protocol droid included, escaped in a pod and crashed on a harsh acidic planet. A creature ripped off 3PO's arm, while the acid rain began to corrode the other protocol droid's inferior metal casing. In doing so, the grey paint was burned off, revealing the red metal underneath.
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How did Anakin get R2-D2?

R2 was later able to restore his companion during the Battle of Geonosis. After the battle, R2-D2 and C-3PO were the sole witnesses to the marriage of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala in Lake Country. After this Padmé gave ownership of R2 to Anakin while she kept 3PO.
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Is the O in C-3PO a zero?

Is it "C-3PO" or "C-3P0" (zero)? After doing some Googling on the topic, it seems that pretty much all canon references (movie scripts, novels, etc) to the droid spell his designation with the letter O and not the number zero. So that is of course pretty significant evidence that it is a letter and NOT a number.
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What does R2-D2 stand for?

The name derives from when Lucas was making one of his earlier films, American Graffiti. Sound editor Walter Murch states that he is responsible for the utterance which sparked the name for the droid. Murch asked for Reel 2, Dialog Track 2, in the abbreviated form "R-2-D-2".
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Why did Vader stop Boba from shooting Chewie?

He states this with the line "I don't want the Emperor's prize damaged, so we will test it on Captain Solo." I would now add that he doesn't want Chewbacca killed either. If Solo is killed, Chewie is bait for Skywalker.
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Does R2-D2 know who Darth Vader is?

To answer the original question, I'm pretty sure that R2 never knew that Anakin became Vader. He wasn't there when Anakin was named Vader, he didn't know what happened on Mustafar. All he knew is that Anakin told R2 to stay with the ship, and that was the last time R2 saw Anakin.
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Why doesn t Vader use Force Lightning?

Darth Vader can not use force lighting, because of his severed arms. Robotic hands can't summon the force lighting. However Darth Vader can still use other forms of the force, such as force choke.
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Does C-3PO know Darth Vader made him?

C-3PO's memory was erased after Revenge of the Sith - but a revelation in Rise of Skywalker hints he may have gotten those memories back.
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