Does Percy ever meet his dad?

Percy wins, gives the helm to the Furies to return to the Underworld, and travels back to New York with the bolt in time to prevent a war. At Olympus, Percy meets his father face to face. Poseidon seems distant and sad, but says he is proud of his son.
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Does Percy ever meet his father?

Does Percy ever meet his dad? Percy's father is the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon. Percy meets his father in the first book, The Lightning Thief, and multiple times throughout the series. Poseidon is not a main character, however, and only appears in short scenes.
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Does Percy Jackson see his father again?

Once Zeus leaves, Percy finally has a moment with his father, and asks him if he ever dreams of his mother. Poseidon sends Percy back to the human realm, and Percy returns to Camp Half-Blood a hero.
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Why did Percy Jackson's dad leave him?

In Percy's case, Poseidon left to protect him and his mother from Zeus who would have been angered to discover that his brother broke the oath; a pact made by Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, also known as the Big Three, to avoid having any more demigod children.
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What chapter does Percy find out who his dad is?

Summary: Chapter Eight

As Percy settles into the camp, he discovers his skill in sword fighting, his gift with water, and his father's identity.
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Percy Jackson Meets His Dad Poseidon For the Very First Time

Who betrayed Percy in the end?

Upon returning to Camp Half Blood, Percy is betrayed by his friend Luke, son of Hermes, who turns out to be the human hero whom Kronos used for the theft. Luke poisons Percy, and tells him before leaving that Kronos will rise and destroy the age of the gods. Western Civilization is unraveling.
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Did Percy ever get his mom back?

Unable to rescue his mother at first, Percy defeats the Minotaur and retreats to Camp Half-Blood until he is allowed to go on his own quest with Grover and Annabeth Chase, a daughter of Athena. After ten days, Percy rescues Sally by returning the Helm of Darkness to Hades in the Underworld after a fight with Ares.
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Who had the saddest death in Percy Jackson?

Which character in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians had the saddest death? Michael Yew, Silena Beaguar, and Charlie Beckendorf had the saddest deaths.
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Do Percy and Annabeth get married?

Yes, Annabeth is married to Percy Jackson, and has three kids: Cast, Ethan, and Zoe. How was Annabeth Chase born? Annabeth Chase is the half-blood daughter of the goddess Athena and the mortal man Frederick Chase.
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Why didn't Percy's mom tell the truth?

We know that Sally isn't above lying to keep Percy safe. She lied to him for years about who he was, why she married his ex-step-dad, and why he could never stay with her during the school year.
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Who is Poseidon's favorite child?

He also tells Percy that he is his favorite son.
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Does Percy get a sister?

In The Hidden Oracle, Sally is seven months pregnant with Paul's child, and later gives birth to Estelle in The Tower of Nero, making her Percy's half-sister. Percy has a half-brother named Tyson, who is a cyclops.
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Why did Percy choose Grover?

Although Grover is not the strongest fighter, their friendship motivates Percy to make this decision. Similarly, Percy knows Annabeth has been waiting for the opportunity to go on a quest to prove herself, so he invites her to go with them.
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Why does Grover betray Percy?

While this may seem like a betrayal at first, it was actually Grover playing the part of protector to a tee. Knowing that monsters will find Percy at Yancy, Grover realizes he has to get him away from the school as quickly as possible.
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Who did Percy kiss?

Percy pulled Annabeth close and kissed her... long enough for it to get really awkward for Piper, though she said nothing. She thought about the old rule of Aphrodite's cabin: that to be recognized as a daughter of the love goddess, you had to break someone's heart.
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Did Nico have a crush on Percy?

Nico admits his feelings for Percy when he is confronted by Cupid with Jason. This makes Nico the first demigod acknowledged as gay in the series. He indirectly shares this secret with Jason, who is with him at the time, and then is obliged to explain.
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Who is Percy Jackson's girlfriend?

Annabeth Chase

Demigod daughter of Athena. Girlfriend of Percy Jackson. If you're stuck in Tartarus, she's the one you want on your team.
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Does Percy propose to Annabeth?

Well technically he proposed to Annabeth in the lightning thief when Percy threw a apple at Annabeth when playing hacky sack. Because that's how you propose in Ancient Greek.
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Does Annabeth break up with Percy?

"Have it your way!" Annabeth and Percy have broken up. But Annabeth has a terrible secret that no one - besides Will Solace - knows about.
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Did Annabeth cheat on Percy?

A true fan would know that Annabeth Chase would NEVER cheat on her own boyfriend. Being the daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, that would go against EVERYTHING her mother stands for. But to answer your question, no this never happened in the book. It's not canon, and never will happen.
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Has Percy ever killed anyone?

Tammi - Killed by Percy in Goode High School. A boy from Seattle - He was mentioned by Kelli to Luke that he was just a snack. Antaeus - Stabbed by Percy in his third and final duel. Dracaena - Killed in Percy's first duel (out of three).
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What kills Percy Jackson's mom?

One main event was when the minotaur killed Percy's mom. The minotaur is a half bull half man.
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Does Percy ever apologize?

Despite this, however, Percy is not entirely without reason, as after the Ministry fell and was taken over by the Death Eaters, Percy finally realised his wrongs and admitted to them and apologised sincerely to his family, reconciling with them.
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Why did Percy's mom disappear?

In "The Lightning Thief," after Percy reveals his true nature to his mother, Sally Jackson, they are attacked by the Minotaur. In the fight, Sally is taken away by the monster, disappearing in a golden light. This leads Percy to believe she is dead, fueling his rage and determination to complete his quest.
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What does Annabeth regret?

In Percy Jackson episode 4, she mentioned that she ran away from home at a young age due to her dad's mortal family. It could be the case that Annabeth regrets running away without trying harder to make her home life work or that she regrets not getting in touch with her dad more recently.
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