Does Red Hood hate Nightwing?

Even though he couldn't say it at the time, it's undeniable that Red Hood has always cared about Nightwing as his brother.
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Do Red Hood and Nightwing get along?

So although Red Hood and Nightwing are on better terms in real life than this nightmare suggests, their tumultuous relationship is still one that's a work in progress. Red Hood might see Nightwing as the antagonist at times, but at least these problems are all in his head… well, mostly.
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Who is Red Hood and Nightwing?

Despite both being trained as Robin by Batman, Red Hood and Nightwing tend to have a contentious relationship. Dick Grayson is the embodiment of hope, while Jason Todd is a cynic whose rage at the world can often lead him to extremes.
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Who does Red Hood hate?

Jason has long resented Batman for refusing to kill the Joker, believing he chose the villain's life over his.
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Has Red Hood ever fought Nightwing?

As the two most competitive Robins in history, Nightwing and Red Hood finally enter into a fight to the death - thanks to Joker's scheming.
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Is Nightwing stronger than Red Hood?

So who would win if these two ever truly went at it in a hypothetical nerd fight to the bitter end? It might be easy to say Red Hood would come out on top thanks to his mean streak and questionable tactics, but as the dust settles, the clear winner would undoubtedly be Nightwing.
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Who is the strongest Robin?

Warning! Contains Spoilers For Lazarus Planet: Omega! Batman has trained many young heroes as Robin, and while they have all been impressive on their own, DC just confirmed that one stands above the others in terms of power: Damian Wayne is the most powerful Robin.
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What is Red Hood afraid of?

Red Hood is one of DC's greatest anti-heroes, but when readers got to see his true fears, it wasn't his darkest deeds, but instead fears of Batman.
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Why was Jason Todd hated as Robin?

Fans were quick to despise this more vengeful version of Robin. Although Jason was motivated by good intentions, he displayed a ruthlessness that was uncharacteristic of the Boy Wonder.
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Why was Jason Todd the worst Robin?

The main thing that Jason Todd's Robin was criticized for is his impulsive nature and tendency to jump headfirst into a dangerous situation, something Batman repeatedly chastised him for. This aspect of Jason's personality has spilled over into his life as Red Hood.
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What does Nightwing think of Red Hood?

Nightwing Claimed Red Hood is the Robin Most Like Batman - Is He Right? While every Robin shares certain similarities with Batman, Nightwing believes Red Hood is the most like the Caped Crusader.
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Why did Nightwing change to red?

While is first non-disco Nightwing suit was all blue and grey, he eventually changes the blue part of his suit to red. The red is believed to be a nod to the Bat Family, as most members of the Bat Family have used red in their costume in some way.
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Who does Nightwing really love?

Throughout his career, as both Robin and Nightwing, Dick Grayson has been in committed romantic relationships with several heroes, including the Huntress. But perhaps his two greatest love interests have been Barbara Gordon, who he met while he was still Robin, and Starfire, his teammate on the Teen Titans.
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Who ends up being Nightwing?

Dick Grayson became Nightwing after Batman fired him from his own mantle of Robin for getting shot by Joker. Grayson's Flamebird was Bette Kane. After The New Teen Titans, Nightwing teamed up with old friend Speedy in Action Comics #613-618 & #627-634 later collected in New Friends Old Enemies.
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Who will Nightwing end up with?

Despite their time apart romantically, it looks like Nightwing and Batgirl both knew that they'd ultimately end up together. A Bat-Family ally reveals that the two heroes were secretly harboring feelings for one another long before they rekindled their relationship.
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Which Robin does Joker hate?

Joker also brings up the fact he knows there has been more than one Robin. The one he hates most isn't Jason Todd, the Robin he murdered in cold blood; it's actually Tim Drake. Joker admits that he actually rather liked Jason.
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Why did Red Hood hate Batman?

The former Robin would be resurrected and became the Red Hood, who initially took the opposite approach in dealing with crime from Batman, as he wasn't afraid to kill to get justice. Jason has long resented Batman for refusing to kill the Joker, believing he chose the villain's life over his.
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Why did Batman disown Jason Todd?

Jason Todd's relationship with Batman turned sour as a result of his battles with criminals, which were almost suicidal. Batman decided to relieve Jason from his duties as Robin in order to allow him to mourn the death of his parents. Jason resented this and stormed out, refusing to discuss the issue of his parents.
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How was Red Hood killed?

While fighting with each other, Tim makes the remark that, "The crowbars are a little bit morbid, no?" Jason responds by correcting them that he wasn't actually killed by a crowbar, he was killed by the bomb that the Joker detonated after Jason tried to get his mother to safety.
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Does Batman forgive Red Hood?

Although his relationship with Bruce never truly healed, it did mend after a while with Bruce forgiving Jason for his actions and allowing to join Batman Incorporated as Wingman.
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Does Red Hood ever turn good?

After being revived by Ra's al Ghul with a Lazarus Pit, he took up the Red Hood alias and became a murderous vigilante at odds with the Bat Family and their allies, before later redeeming himself and becoming an ally of Batman again.
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Who is Batman's best sidekick?

Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing)

It'd be difficult to not regard Dick Grayson's Robin highly. After all, he is the original Boy Wonder and the other half of the famed Dynamic Duo. As Batman's most famous partner, Dick has always had a good head on his shoulders.
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Who is Batman's favorite Robin?

Jarro grew attached to Batman and even often calls him “father”. He wanted to prove to Batman that he can be the best Robin and even convinced Batman to give him a chance. Jarro became the new Robin and was even said to be Batman's favorite Robin, admitted by Batman himself.
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Which Robin became Joker?

In Dark Knight Strikes Again, Frank Miller reimagines Dick Grayson as a Robin whose bitterness towards Batman turns him into a new terrifying Joker. In Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Strikes Again, the original Robin became a dark new Joker.
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