Does Spock eat meat?

Spock, feeling the negative effects of the jump in time, begins to revert into the mentality of his ancestors, displaying fits of emotion and even consuming meat. While not directly related, the moment heavily suggests that the consumption of meat is part of his transformation back into a wilder, more animistic Vulcan.
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Can Vulcans eat meat?

Vulcans are vegetarians by choice and were omnivores in ages past. It is a Vulcan custom for guests in the home to prepare meals for their hosts. Vulcans are said to not drink alcohol, though they are often depicted as doing so.
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What did Spock eat?

Spock liked Vulcan plomeek soup. It's all holographic, obviously. That's what the replicators do - they project holograms that's sustained by the shipboard systems.
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Is Spock vegan or vegetarian?

In the episode “All our Yesterdays,” of Star Trek (The Original Series), Spock is revealed as being vegetarian.
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Do they eat meat in Star Trek?

In fact, non-violence is a key part of their code and as such, most are vegetarian. And while hunting continues, to keep their survival skills honed, no animals are ever killed.
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Spock, The Vulcan Vegan

Why don't Vulcans eat meat?

Vulcan is a desert planet with a fairly harsh climate. Maintaining the production of enough livestock on such a planet would be hard, and while not impossible, it would have been much easier to grow crops than both livestock and the required crops to feed them.
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What was the banned Star Trek episode?

TOS episodes "The Empath," "Whom Gods Destroy," "Plato's Stepchildren," and "Miri" were all banned. Although TNG's "Conspiracy" may be the most well-known episode to have been banned, this kind of censoring wasn't new to Star Trek.
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What do Vulcans eat?

What do Vulcan's eat? Vulcans are vegetarians so they eat vegetable based foods, although if there is nothing else available they can eat meat (c.f. TOS s3e23 All Our Yesterdays).
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Is The Hulk a vegetarian?

While The Hulk eats people, it is shown in Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk that he is vegan, but it is not known if this has "anything to do with his alter ego's cannibalistic tendencies."
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Does Spock not like Italian food?

In the movie Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, when Dr. Gillian Taylor asks if Jim and Spock like Italian food, Spock adamantly denies liking it. Jim pointedly says, “Yes, I love Italian, and so do you,” which makes Spock give in, implying the reason for him not liking Italian food may lie in his alien history.
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What killed Spock?

Spock's First Death In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Tragically, the heroic Vulcan succumbed to radiation poisoning.
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Why was Spock killed off?

Spock Died in Every Version of the Star Trek II Script

The filming of the first movie was a disaster, and so Nimoy wanted no more to do with Spock or Star Trek. Jack B. Sowards wrote his first draft for Wrath of Khan with Spock in the story -- and killed him at the end of the first act.
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Did Spock drink alcohol?

Spock himself did later drink Saurian brandy in "Requiem for Methuselah" and Tennessee whiskey in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
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Can Vulcans drink alcohol?

A little digging shows that Vulcans are absolutely prissy when it comes to food and drink. First of all, alcohol reportedly has no effect on them (even though they do produce spirits on the planet Vulcan).
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What is the lifespan of a Vulcan?

Lifespan. The Vulcan lifespan is longer than that of humans. Vulcans have been known to live over 200 years, though there has been cases where 250 or 300 can occur. After reaching adulthood, the aging process of Vulcans slowed a great deal.
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Why do Vulcans think humans smell?

But throughout the shows, it is shown with prolonged exposure, they grow accustomed to it, and it eventually bothers them much less than it did at first. While this is the most prominent reason Vulcans think humans smell, the reason they specifically think they smell bad is primarily due to the difference in culture.
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Is Superman a vegan?

The series explains that Superman is deeply disturbed by the notion of taking the life of another living being and, for that reason, does not eat meat. Thanks to his powers, Superman has seen the passage of the soul when dying and realizes how similar the death of an animal is to that of a human being.
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Is Wonder Woman vegan?

In his seminal run on Wonder Woman, Greg Rucka controversially chose to make Diana a vegetarian.
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Do airbenders eat meat?

13 No Meat For This Guy

Aang carries on the philosophy and culture of the Air Nomads, who believed all life was sacred. This is a big part of Aang's outlook on life, and he's a firm believer that violence should be a last resort. As part of his beliefs, Aang is a vegetarian, so he doesn't eat any meat.
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How do Vulcans kiss?

Vulcan finger-touching was a ritualistic gesture among Vulcans involving the index and middle fingers. It was used throughout their culture, including in public as a greeting or to signify affection, intimacy, respect, or meditation. It was also used at reunions, at wedding ceremonies, and during the pon farr.
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How old is Spock?

Ambassador Spock was born in 2230 and lived until 2387 in the alternate timeline, he was cast back in time to 2258 and lived an additional five years until 2263. 2387–2230=157, 157+5 = 162. He died at approximately age 161 and 361 days.
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How long do Klingons live?

Memory Alpha notes that there is no canonical maximum estimate for Klingon lifespans, but several Klingons are known to have exceed a century, and some may have made it past 150 (earyh) years. That makes them pretty comparable to 24th century humans.
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What is the saddest Star Trek episode?

As one of the darkest (and saddest) Star Trek episodes, Star Trek: Voyager's season 5 episode "Course Oblivion" sees the deaths of the entire USS Voyager crew. The episode opens with the wedding of Lt. B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson) and Lt. Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill), but their happiness is short-lived.
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What is the scariest Star Trek episode?

Top Ten Scariest Episodes of Star Trek
  • The Monster Revealed | Star Trek: The Original Series – The Man Trap.
  • Depths of DS9 S2 #14 – WHISPERS.
  • Star Trek The Next Generation Riker goes insane HD.
  • Automated Repair Station: Star Trek Bestiary.
  • The Birth Of The Gorns • Star Trek Strange New Worlds S01E09.
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What is the most controversial Star Trek episode?

  1. 1 Tuvix — VOY, Season 2, Episode 24.
  2. 2 Plato's Stepchildren — TOS, Season 3, Episode 12. ...
  3. 3 Patterns of Force — TOS, Season 2, Episode 21. ...
  4. 4 The High Ground — TNG, Season 3, Episode 12. ...
  5. 5 Up the Long Ladder — TNG, Season 2, Episode 18. ...
  6. 6 Miri — TOS, Season 1, Episode 8. ...
  7. 7 The Enemy Within — TOS, Season 1, Episode 4. ...
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