Does Spock marry Nurse Chapel?

While Star Trek: The Original Series confirms that Spock (Leonard Nimoy) and Chapel (Majel Barrett) don't last, it's clear that the breakup leaves a lasting effect on both parties.
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What happened with Spock and Nurse Chapel?

Ensign Boimler unintentionally contributes to the breakup by revealing too much about Spock and his emotions to Nurse Chapel. After the breakup, Chapel accepts a fellowship and develops feelings for Dr. Roger Korby, while Spock embraces his Vulcan side and vows to reject human emotions.
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Do Spock and Chapel end up together?

SNW takes an unexpected turn in the musical episode "Subspace Rhapsody," marking the apparent end of Chapel and Spock's relationship. The seeds of their breakup were sown in the Lower Decks crossover episode "Those Old Scientists," where Ensign Brad Boimler's observations trigger Chapel's realization.
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Who does Nurse Chapel marry?

Roger Korby

Chapel became engaged to Korby after having been a student of his. Despite his disappearance and the subsequent failure of two previous expeditions to locate him, she maintained hope of his return nonetheless.
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Do Spock and the nurse get together?

Strange New Worlds Confirms Spock & Chapel Had A Relationship In Star Trek: TOS. In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Naked Time," Christine Chapel confesses her love for Spock while under the influences of polywater intoxication.
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Spock's MILF'y Mom. (Feat. Pike being a terrible wingman.)

Who does Spock marry?

As Spock explained to Kirk in Star Trek: TOS, his union with T'Pring was "less than a marriage but more than a bethrothal." Indeed, Spock was meant to finally undergo the koon-ut-kal-if-fee marriage ritual with T'Pring in "Amok Time" before she invoked her right to have Spock fight to the death for her.
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Does Spock fall in love with Nurse Chapel?

Spock (Ethan Peck) is in love with her character, Nurse Christine Chapel. The attraction between Spock and Chapel was apparent since Strange New Worlds began.
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Why did Spock kiss Nurse Chapel?

He did pretend to have feelings for Chapel, even kissing her, but this was part of a plan to subvert a ploy to free Spock's brother Sybok from prison. Throughout, Chapel has a clear affection for Spock which he doesn't return, at least until the Season 2 premiere.
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Who does Spock love?

Leila Kalomi (Jill Ireland) was one of Spock's one-off love interests during Star Trek: TOS. A botanist, Leila met and fell in love with Spock prior to their on-screen meeting.
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Does Spock break up with T-Pring?

T'Pring has found a new fiancé, Stonn (Lawrence Montaigne), and to break her engagement to Spock, she invokes Kal-if-fee, Vulcan ritual combat. But instead of Stonn, it is Captain Kirk who is chosen to fight Spock 'to the death. ' Ultimately, T'Pring gets her wish, and her betrothal to Spock is ended for good.
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Does Spock marry Uhura?

At the beginning of the third movie, we learn that Spock and Uhura decided to break up, after Spock mentioned his dilemma about going back to New Vulcan, getting married and helping to rebuild instead of going through his Starfleet carrier.
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Did Spock and Saavik get married?

In the novel Vulcan's Heart, which takes place some years after Undiscovered Country, an older Saavik marries Spock.
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Why does Spock not marry pring?

In Star Trek: The Original Series' season 2 classic, "Amok Time," T'Pring (Arlene Martel) formally ended her betrothal to Spock (Leonard Nimoy). The reason given was that T'Pring wanted to marry Stonn (Lawrence Montaigne) because Spock was more devoted to his Starfleet career aboard the USS Enterprise than his fiancée.
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Did Spock have a baby?

Sadly, Spock died without ever siring an heir, and in Star Trek canon, neither Kirk nor Spock got to have descendants to carry on their adventures and save the galaxy.
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Did Uhura and Nurse Chapel kiss?

In the first season episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?", first broadcast in October 1966, there is a friendly kiss between Uhura, played by Nichols and Christine Chapel, played by Majel Barrett.
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What illness did Spock have?

Spock on Star Trek, was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a progressive illness often linked to smoking. He died at his home on February 27 at the age of 83. He was one of the roughly 15 million Americans diagnosed with the disorder.
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What is Spock's girlfriend name?

Uhura's first name was not used in Star Trek canon until Abrams's 2009 film. The mystery regarding Uhura's first name is the subject of a running joke in the film, as Captain Kirk repeatedly tries to find out what it is, before finally hearing Spock call her "Nyota" in a moment of intimacy.
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Does Kirk kiss Spock?

Did Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock ever kiss? Very much no. If they had, it would have created ripples that likely would have made the creation of any new Star Trek series impossible until right about now, and Star Trek Next Gen has been out for over 30 years.
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How old is Spock in Vulcan years?

Spock would have been in his mid-30s during the events of The Original Series. In human years, he would be roughly in his sixties. However, Vulcans have extremely long lifespans compared to humans and it isn't unusual for Vulcans to live to 200 years of age even though humans and Vulcans mature at about the same age.
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Did Spock have a fiance?

Thursday's episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (titled “Charades“) features the return of Spock's fiancé T'Pring, played by Gia Sandhu, who took on the iconic role in season 1. had a chance to talk to her about the episode and what's next for the Vulcan.
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Why did Spock get divorced?

Star Trek: The Original Series' canon records that Spock (Leonard Nimoy) and T'Pring (Arlene Martel) formally end their Vulcan matrimonial bond in the classic episode, "Amok Time." Spock, who underwent pon farr, was manipulated by T'Pring to return to Vulcan so that she could break their betrothal with the kal-if-fee ...
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Why did Spock never mention his sister?

Spock made a tough decision to keep his adopted sister a secret to protect the galaxy in "Star Trek: Discovery." Spock's history of keeping personal matters private helps explain why he never mentioned Michael Burnham.
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Who did Nurse Chapel have a crush on?

Five years after Korby's disappearance, Chapel is assigned to the USS Enterprise where she serves as head nurse, working under Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley). While on board the ship, she begins to develop feelings for Spock (Leonard Nimoy), admitting as much in "The Naked Time".
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Were Spock and Kirk lovers?

Star Trek: The Original Series writer David Gerrold, has also spoken about K/S slash sometimes. In 1985, Gerrold commented: One of the truths I've been telling lately is that Kirk and Spock are not lovers ... they're not even boyfriends. They're just good friends.
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Can Spock have children?

No canonical children have been mentioned for Spock. Drafts of the scripts for Star Treks III and IV hinted that the rejuvenated Spock impregnated Saavik during his accelerated Pon Farr, but this was not referenced in the script as filmed.
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