Does Superman trust Batman?

While Batman and Superman don't necessarily completely trust each other right away, they do show a willingness to work together and mutual respect early on, even when Bruce says that he prefers to work alone.
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What does Superman think about Batman?

Batman survives through mass amounts of paranoia and Superman doesn't always see the merits of the vigilante's actions. In the Crisis on Infinite Earth's retcon, the Man of Steel often saw Bruce as a trumped-up thug, discounting his ability to fight against evil.
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Why does Superman trust Batman?

In Action Comics #654, Superman trusts Batman with a piece of Kryptonite, should he ever be used by someone else against the Earth. The two would work together on the various iterations of the Justice League and reveal to each other their secret identities years before they would to other members of the Leagues.
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Who does Superman trust the most?

Superman just revealed that when he has a problem, he goes to Justice League ally Martian Manhunter first, and for a very specific reason.
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Does Superman respect Batman?

Superman and Batman share one of the greatest friendships in comics. It's no small wonder that they command immense respect from each other. DC Comics has created many heroes over the ninety years of its existence, but few represent the company as well as the partnership between Batman and Superman.
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Watch Host's Face as Gavin Newsom's Denial of This Problem Blows His Mind

Which villain respects Batman?

Bane Acts Heroically In Batman's Name

Bane has a great deal of respect for Batman; this isn't a secret, the two have fought many times and even become allies at one point. Bane would even take up the mantle of Batman at a later date, when Bruce is once again not around.
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Are Batman and Superman actually friends?

And yet, for almost as long as they've both been hanging around the DC Universe, Batman and Superman have remained firm friends. They've had their rough patches, sure, but who hasn't? Every bromance has that one scene in which the guys fall out for a while and sometimes even come to blows.
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Who is Superman most afraid?

Summary. Superman considers Martian Manhunter the most powerful being in the universe, and admits he would be scared to face him in battle.
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Who is Batman best friend?

DC: Batman's Best Friends, Ranked
  • 7 Commissioner Gordon.
  • 6 Zatanna.
  • 5 Barry Allen, The Flash.
  • 4 Wonder Woman.
  • 3 Nightwing.
  • 2 Alfred Pennyworth.
  • 1 Superman.
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Who does Batman trust most?

Dick Grayson / Robin / Nightwing / Batman

And it seems that of all the heroes Batman has chosen to fight alongside, it's Dick Grayson he trusts most - with all his secrets, and as we've seen on more than one occasion, and to take on the mantle of Batman when Bruce cannot.
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Does Batman regret killing Superman?

Bruce tells Diana that he regrets failing Superman and asks for her help in forming a team of metahumans to protect Earth in Superman's absence.
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Why is Batman more loved than Superman?

This point is one that may describe how fans are more drawn to Batman than they may ever be to Superman. Batman is a mortal man wielding intelligence and determination. His battles are almost always uphill, and there is a level of suspense to his stories.
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Why is Superman jealous of Batman?

Batman was deprived of his parent's love early on in life, so he's jealous that Superman grew up with love and affection from his Earth parents. Superman has incredible abilities, so he's jealous that Batman became the superhero he is on his own merit despite not having the privileges of superpowers.
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Does Batman know Superman's weakness?

Superman's Anger and Frustration Is Among His Weaknesses

Batman knows that, which is why he tries to offer reassurances as the search for Boy Thunder continues.
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Why does Batman not trust Superman?

Batman distrusts him because he knows that Superman has a lot of power. If Superman were to do what he wanted, he would eventually end up leading to him being evil. If Superman became evil, he would basically be unstoppable. That's why Batman distrusts him MOST of the time.
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Did Superman know Bruce Wayne was Batman?

Batman v Superman heavily implies that Superman becomes aware of Batman's identity during the Lex Luthor party scene. This revelation would prompt Clark Kent to do more digging on Wayne, no doubt learning about the tragedy of his parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne.
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Who is Joker's best friend?

Harley Quinn
  • Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel) is a character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. ...
  • Following her introduction to the comics in 1999, Harley Quinn was depicted as the sidekick and lover of the Joker as well as the criminal associate and best friend of Poison Ivy.
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Who is Batman's weakest enemy?

10 Batman Villains Who Are Actually Really Weak
  1. 1 Riddler's Strongest Attribute Is His Brain.
  2. 2 Joker's Danger Has Nothing To Do With His Muscles. ...
  3. 3 Penguin Is Not A Fighter At All. ...
  4. 4 Two-Face Is Smart, but He's Just An Attorney With A Coin And A Gun. ...
  5. 5 Scarecrow Depends On His Fear Gas More Than His Muscles. ...
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Who is Batman's favorite human Robin?

Tim would be a good candidate for the favorite but he gets outclassed by one robin that Batman favors. It's Dick Grayson.
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Who is the weakest Superman?

Read on to discover 30 versions of Superman, ranked from weakest to the most powerful.
  • 18 Red Son Superman.
  • 17 Val-Zod.
  • 16 Super-Man.
  • 15 Superdoom.
  • 14 Calvin Ellis.
  • 13 Superboy.
  • 12 Last Son of Earth Superman.
  • 11 Kingdom Come Superman.
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Who is Superman worst enemy?

General Dru-Zod is one of Superman's more prominent enemies. Once the Military Director of the Kryptonian Space Center, Zod had personally known Jor-El when he was an aspiring scientist.
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Who can Superman not beat?

Without help, he'd get beat by them.
  • 6 Wally West Is Much Too Fast For Superman.
  • 7 The Highfather Has Access To The Source. ...
  • 8 Brainiac 5 Knows Superman's Every Weakness. ...
  • 9 Star Boy's Gravity Powers Are Too Much For Superman To Handle. ...
  • 10 Element Lad Could Easily Take Away Superman's Powers. ...
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Does Batman admire Superman?

I loved the fact that Batman and Superman are not exactly friends, but they are reluctant allies who, although do not trust each other, do have a mutual respect for one another.
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Who is obsessed with Superman?

Since his first appearance in DC Comics' Action Comics, no. 23 (1940), Luthor has been singularly obsessed with Superman, and his quest to destroy the world's first superhero has been relentless.
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Who is Superman's closest friend?

Daily Planet photographer Jimmy Olsen is Superman's best pal, and his courage and bravery in the face of danger make him a hero in his own right.
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