Does The Flash generate the Speed Force?

In 2009's The Flash: Rebirth, Geoff Johns wrote that Barry Allen actually CREATED the Speed Force himself when a regular bolt of lightning struck him, activating his metagene.
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Did Flash create the Speed Force?

The Flash: Rebirth revealed that Barry was the originator of the Speed Force - that the accident that gave him his powers was the one that made the Speed Force come into being.
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Does The Flash build a Speed Force?

The artificial Speed Force, also known as the A.S.F., is an artificial extra-dimensional energy source that was created by Team Flash sometime after the death of the original Speed Force, in order to permanently restore Barry Allen's powers.
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Does The Flash give up his speed?

No, Barry Allen is still The Flash when the series ends. He doesn't die, and he doesn't give up his powers.
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How fast is the Speed Force in The Flash?

It is said that The Flash can run 13 trillion times faster than the speed of light, which would mean that he can travel up to 1,750,000,000,000,000,000 miles per second. The Flash gets his incredible speed and abilities from The Speed Force.
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Can YOU Become The FLASH? Science Explained

Can Barry outrun Wally?

Unfortunately, Wally proved himself to be the true Fastest Man Alive and was able to outrun Barry and create the break he wanted.
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How fast is Godspeed?

Like other speedsters, Godspeed can run up to 10 times the speed of light by entering the Speed Force.
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Is Flash faster then Godspeed?

In the comics, Godspeed is a few notches faster than Barry Allen as shown in the above photo where he struggled to keep up with him. The only way Barry was able to stop the villainous speedster was to "short-circuit" both their connections to the Speed Force, which temporarily cuts off their super speed.
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Can Barry create new speedsters?

As the avatar of the Speed Force, Barry can apparently create new speedsters.
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Is Thawne faster than The Flash?

Barry Allen Admits Eobard Thawne Is Faster

But Eobard is by far the most dangerous, because he's not just Barry's equal - he's faster. After failing to save Wally West over and over in his nightmare, Flash turns to Eobard Thawne to try and steal his speed, admitting, "Thawne's faster than me. Always has been."
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Who was the first speedster?

In the original Golden Age comics, Jay Garrick gained his speed-enhancing abilities by inhaling hard water vapor during a lab experiment. This accident granted him superhuman speed and agility, allowing him to become the Flash and fight crime. Jay Garrick has made numerous appearances in other media.
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Did the Speed Force exist before Barry?

The Speedforce exists at all points in time, as soon as the Flash created it. This is to say that the Flash, Barry Allen, both simultaneously created and didn't create the Speedforce.
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Is Wally faster than Barry?

Wally West Surpasses Barry Allen with New Flash Power

Originally, Wally could run slightly faster than the speed of sound, while Barry could run at the speed of light. Over the years, Wally caught up to his mentor's top speed and eventually surpassed him... only to be kicked out of reality.
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Who is the slowest Flash?

9 Jay Garrick

Garrick became one of the elder statesmen of the DC Universe, a member of the Justice Society, and an all around role model. His years of experience made him a great hero, but speed wise, Jay is the slowest Flash.
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Why did Barry's lightning turn blue?

The Flash's blue lightning typically comes as a result of the speedster having a greater connection to the Speed Force. The DC Universe's Flash has always been associated with blue/white lightning as the primary color in the DC movies that preceded The Flash.
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Can Superman enter the Speed Force?

The Flashes are capable of almost any velocity, but with that speed comes the ultimate risk of becoming one with the dimension that gives them their power. Superman has no such connection to the Speed Force, and as such never risks being drawn into it like his fleet-footed allies.
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Why did The Flash choose those people?

In the interest of creating a “better" world, Barry has picked new characters to become speedsters in Earth-Prime's future. According to him, they are Jess Chambers, Max Mercury, and Avery Ho. Avery Ho was encountered in The Flash season 8 as a potential love interest for Bart Allen, but was not seen again.
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Why isn t Barry the fastest Flash?

It has been shown a few times that Wally West is faster than Barry Allen now, likely due to the fact Wally continued being the Flash for twenty years while Barry was gone. This has required Barry to try and find a new niche, where he can still be useful as a Speedster.
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What is a speedster's weakness?


Because speed is produced by a build-up of heat in the target's atoms, speedsters are vulnerable to extremely cold temperatures or ice-based powers. It will also temporarily stunt their healing capacities.
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Who is faster, Flash or Goku?

If it really took him 0.00001 microseconds, this meant the Flash traveled 2.5 quintillion miles per hour -- or roughly 3.7 trillion times the speed of light. This means that Wally West traveled 111 million times FASTER than Goku as of the Buu Saga, based on their maximum recorded speeds.
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What is Flash's highest speed?

The comic version of The Flash is so fast that his top speed generates a multiversal constant power, existing in every time and dimension. In practical terms, even in the comics, Allen is restricted by the speed of light, only achieving 186,000 miles per second as his top speed.
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Who is faster, Flash or Quicksilver?

The Flash is faster - and it ain't even close. Quicksilver's top speed is Mach 10 - a little slower than 8000 miles per hour. This makes him one of the fastest beings in the Marvel universe, with only the likes of Marvel's heaviest hitters (Sentry, Blue Marvel, etc.) being able to eclipse Pietro in terms of raw speed.
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Who is the white speedster?

August Heart (August 16, 2021 - 2052), nicknamed Godspeed by Lia Nelson, is a criminal speedster from 2049. In a previous timeline, he used tachyons and Velocity 9 to gain super speed. He was stopped and imprisoned after murdering Lia.
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What is Sonic's max speed?

Despite his small appearance, Sonic the Hedgehog has a max speed of 186,000 miles per second and travels at a speed of 767 miles per hour. His light-speed shoes allow him to run faster than the speed of light and fight the evil genius who wants to use him in an experiment.
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Who is faster, Zoom or Flash?

When Barry got his Tachyon device, he was running faster than Zoom, who was over 4x faster than Barry's fastest ever speed. Which is obviously faster than we've seen Reverse-Flash. But Barry was never able to catch Eobard when he was running (excluding his past self) so we've never seen Reverse-Flash at top speed.
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