Does The Flash tap into the Speed Force?

Certain speedsters can use the Speed Force for more advanced applications such as time manipulation, in which they can tap into the Speed Force's power to push time and space forward. Barry Allen was able to do this by accelerating the flow of time to negate Zoom's powers.
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How did flash connect to the Speed Force?

The Flash: Rebirth revealed that Barry was the originator of the Speed Force - that the accident that gave him his powers was the one that made the Speed Force come into being.
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Is Barry Allen the source of the Speed Force?

In 2009's The Flash: Rebirth, Geoff Johns wrote that Barry Allen actually CREATED the Speed Force himself when a regular bolt of lightning struck him, activating his metagene.
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Does The Flash build a Speed Force?

The artificial Speed Force, also known as the A.S.F., is an artificial extra-dimensional energy source that was created by Team Flash sometime after the death of the original Speed Force, in order to permanently restore Barry Allen's powers.
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Can Flash enter the Speed Force?

It was revealed in the comics that Barry Allen actually ran so fast that he became the very lightning bolt which first granted him access to the Speed Force. In the same way that the Green Lantern Hal Jordan can become pure willpower, Barry Allen can become pure Speed Force.
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Is Barry connected to the Speed Force?

It grants all speedsters their power. Several speedsters have merged with it, including Barry Allen, Johnny Quick, and Max Mercury. Eobard Thawne stated that at its core, the Speed Force is equivalent to time itself, describing it as existence moving through reality, kinetic energy, and temporal energy.
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How fast is Godspeed?

Like other speedsters, Godspeed can run up to 10 times the speed of light by entering the Speed Force.
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Can Barry outrun Wally?

Unfortunately, Wally proved himself to be the true Fastest Man Alive and was able to outrun Barry and create the break he wanted.
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Who killed the Speed Force?

It is also an elemental part of the universe. Its counterpart is the Negative Speed Force. As a result of events of the Anti-Monitor Crisis, the Speed Force suffered from a critical energy imbalance from the Spectre, eventually resulting in its death, leaving all speedsters with limited speed and powers.
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Can Superman enter the Speed Force?

The Flashes are capable of almost any velocity, but with that speed comes the ultimate risk of becoming one with the dimension that gives them their power. Superman has no such connection to the Speed Force, and as such never risks being drawn into it like his fleet-footed allies.
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Why did Barry's lightning turn blue?

The Flash's blue lightning typically comes as a result of the speedster having a greater connection to the Speed Force. The DC Universe's Flash has always been associated with blue/white lightning as the primary color in the DC movies that preceded The Flash.
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Who was the first speedster?

In the original Golden Age comics, Jay Garrick gained his speed-enhancing abilities by inhaling hard water vapor during a lab experiment. This accident granted him superhuman speed and agility, allowing him to become the Flash and fight crime. Jay Garrick has made numerous appearances in other media.
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Why does the Speed Force love Barry?

The Speed Force treated Barry more like a conduit for its powers than a human being to care for on a personal level. In The Flash season 7, however, the Speed Force was no longer a mere cosmic force, but an elevated presence with senses, needs, and emotions. It wanted to be closer to Barry, to understand him better.
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Which speedster is the fastest?

He doesn't need a cosmic treadmill to travel through time like Barry once did, and has even outrun death (in the form of the Black Flash) just like his uncle. In the series Flash Forward, it was determined that Wally West is the fastest being in the whole Multiverse.
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Is Nora the Speed Force faster than Barry?

Despite Nora and Bart representing the next generation of speedsters, Barry is still way faster than both of them, and it boils down to a few key factors. Nora and Bart are younger than Barry, and likely have less overall experience with the Speed Force.
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Who's faster than Flash?

Barry Allen Admits Eobard Thawne Is Faster

But Eobard is by far the most dangerous, because he's not just Barry's equal - he's faster. After failing to save Wally West over and over in his nightmare, Flash turns to Eobard Thawne to try and steal his speed, admitting, "Thawne's faster than me. Always has been."
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Could Flash outrun the Snap?

While it is fairly obvious that the Flash could run circles around Thanos under normal circumstances as his powers make him virtually untouchable, there wouldn't be much the Scarlet Speedster could do if he was around for Thanos' Infinity Snap as there is no way to outrun the god-like power of cosmic chance.
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Can Flash outrun death?

He could quite literally outrun anything that the Universe throws at him, including its own death. So by staking his claim on the title of the fastest Flash by outrunning death, he just proved that his unique relationship with the Speed Force truly sets him apart from other speedsters.
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What is Sonic's max speed?

Despite his small appearance, Sonic the Hedgehog has a max speed of 186,000 miles per second and travels at a speed of 767 miles per hour. His light-speed shoes allow him to run faster than the speed of light and fight the evil genius who wants to use him in an experiment.
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Is God faster than light?

The idea that God can travel faster than light is a concept that is often found in religious texts and mythology, but it is not something that can be scientifically proven or disproven.
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Is Godspeed okay to say?

Yes, the phrase Godspeed has been used as a way to say goodbye, stemming from the 14th or 15th century. It is used when you want to express well wishes to someone who is about to embark on a journey.
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Can Flash stop time?

While events like Flashpoint have made it common knowledge that the Flash can use his superspeed to travel through time, not many are aware that the Flash's time-related abilities extend beyond this. A feat first demonstrated by Wally West, the Flash can speed up, slow, and even stop time.
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Is the new Speed Force evil?

The Speed Force in itself isn't pure evil as they don't have the motives that Thawne, Zoom, and Savitar had. Instead, it's a conflict of different ideologies: whereas Barry wants to help the people affected by the New Forces, the Speed Force wants them dead.
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Who is faster, Flash or Superman?

The Flash Has Always Been Faster Than Superman

This also tracks very well with Flash Rebirth #3 where Barry Allen admits there were times he'd let Superman win on purpose whenever they raced for charity in the past. The Flash is the Fastest Man Alive, and that includes being faster than Kryptonians.
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