Does The Silmarillion cover The Fall of Gondolin?

J. R. R. Tolkien's The Fall of Gondolin is one of the stories which formed the basis for a section in his posthumously-published work The Silmarillion, with a version later appearing in The Book of Lost Tales.
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Is the fall of gondolin included in The Silmarillion?

The sources for this major First Age event are the chapters "The Fall of Gondolin" of The Book of Lost Tales Part Two and "Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin" in The Silmarillion, which both tell of the founding of Gondolin, the arrival Tuor of the Edain, the betrayal of the city to Morgoth by Turgon's nephew Maeglin, ...
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Is the fall of Númenor in The Silmarillion?

It was not until Christopher Tolkien presented The Silmarillion for publication in 1977 that a fuller story could be told for, though much of its content concerned the First Age of Middle-earth, there were at its close two key works that revealed the tumultuous events concerning the rise and fall of the island-kingdom ...
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What does The Silmarillion cover?

The Ages are of varying lengths, and are usually bookended by cataclysmic or world-changing events, such as wars or disasters. The Silmarillion covers the Second Age (which we understand is when the Rings of Power will be set) and the Third Age, when the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings take place.
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Is the fall of gondolin in The Silmarillion reddit?

The Fall of Gondolin chapter in the Silmarillion felt incredibly brief. Where should I read for a fuller storyfuller story? : r/tolkienfans.
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Chapter 23 - Of Tuor and the Fall of Gondolin - J.R.R. Tolkien

Is Legolas in the Fall of Gondolin?

The name Legolas Greenleaf first appeared in "The Fall of Gondolin", one of the "Lost Tales", circa 1917. The character, who guides survivors of the sack of the city to safety, is mentioned only once.
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Should I read Beren and Luthien before Fall of Gondolin?

Read the Children of Hurin first, or possibly the Fall of Gondolin. Absolutely! The extra tales like Beren and Luthien,The Fall of Gondolin, and my favorite The Children of Hurin are all excellent choices. You don't need to read The Silmarillion to read and enjoy these tales.
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Is the Arkenstone a Silmaril?

The Arkenstone was a Silmaril, probably the one thrown into a fiery pit by Maedhros, and found its way (geographically?) to the north, to be rediscovered by the Khazad of Erebor.
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Why is The Silmarillion so hard to read?

It has a very, very large cast of characters. Very. It is not a single story at all. Of course there are common threads and important characters, items, and chains of events; but it's more a collection of stories throughout the history of Arda and Middle-earth than a single narrative.
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How much time does The Silmarillion cover?

It covers the history of the world of Arda from the birth of Eä to the end of the Third Age. The bulk of the book consists of the Quenta Silmarillion, which is mainly concerned with the deeds of the Noldor and the tales of the First Age of Middle-earth.
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Did Elrond go to Númenor?

Appendix says that the first numenorean ships came to Middle-earth in 600. That's already after Elros was long dead. But did Elrond visit Numenor? No.
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Did Sauron cause the fall of Numenor?

Ar-Pharazôn, the King of Númenor, had been coerced by Sauron to assault the Undying Lands which ultimately led to the island's destruction and death of most of its people in SA 3319.
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Is Númenor a Gondor?

Gondor was founded by the brothers Isildur and Anárion, exiles from the downfallen island kingdom of Númenor. Along with Arnor in the north, Gondor, the South-kingdom, served as a last stronghold of the Men of the West.
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Is the Fall of Gondolin the last book?

Douglas Kane writes in Journal of Tolkien Research that The Fall of Gondolin was the first of Tolkien's three "Great Tales" to be written, and the last to be published, the other two being the Great Tale of Túrin Turambar (published in The Children of Húrin, 2007, edited into a continuous story) and Beren and Lúthien ( ...
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What happened to Gondolin after the fall?

The Fall of Gondolin, or the Siege of Gondolin, was a dramatic battle in which the hidden city of Gondolin was destroyed after its location was betrayed to Morgoth by Maeglin. As Morgoth intended, the destruction of the majority of the Noldor peoples was nearly complete, though a handful of survivors managed to escape.
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Is Morgoth's ring part of The Silmarillion?

Released in 1993, Morgoth's Ring is the initial volume of the sub-series The Later Silmarillion, bearing The Legends of Aman as a subtitle; it provides detailed writings and editorial commentary pertaining to Tolkien's cosmology that eventually would become The Silmarillion.
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Should I read LotR or Silmarillion first?

The Silmarillion is quite a dense read, and should probably be tackled a little later. However, an adult may be better starting off with The Lord of the Rings followed by The Children of Húrin, Unfinished Tales, The Silmarillion, and the various volumes of The History of Middle-earth. Even this is a bit prescriptive.
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How many hours does it take to read The Silmarillion?

The average reader will spend 7 hours and 22 minutes reading this book at 250 WPM (words per minute).
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Is Silmarillion as good as LotR?

As good as LOTR, but also very very different, and I honestly and strongly do believe that in order to truly appreciate, savour and enjoy what J.R.R. Tolkien has created with and in The Silmarillion a totally different and novel approach and method of reading are necessary and required (for The Silmarillion just does ...
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Does Galadriel have a Silmaril?

The Tolkien scholar Verlyn Flieger describes the Phial as a splinter of the created light, deriving from the Two Trees of Valinor by way of a Silmaril made from their light, and then via Galadriel's fountain which captured a little of the light of that Silmaril, shining as Eärendil's star.
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Did a Silmaril create mithril?

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Afterwards, Elrond recounts an apocryphal tale called The Song of the Roots of Hithaeglir. This song claims the origin of mithril to be when an Elf-warrior and a Balrog fought over a certain tree in the Misty Mountains that contained the light of the last Silmaril.
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Does Frodo get a Silmaril?

The Valar sent him sailing through the sky with it, and the Silmaril became the Star of Eärendil, the light of which Galadriel captures in her mirror and gifts to Frodo during The Lord of the Rings. In a roundabout way, therefore, Frodo Baggins carries the essence of a Silmaril throughout most of his quest.
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Is Galadriel older than Lúthien?

Stories of Galadriel's life prior to the War of the Ring appear in both The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales. She was the only daughter and youngest child of Finarfin, prince of the Noldor, and of Eärwen, daughter of Olwë and cousin to Lúthien. Her elder brothers were Finrod Felagund, Angrod, and Aegnor.
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Who is more powerful Lúthien or galadriel?

In the First Age, Luthien was more powerful than Galadriel for several reasons: (1) Luthien was the daughter of a Maia, (2) any teaching Galadriel might have received from Melian was presumably available to Luthien as well, being her daughter and all, and (3) her love for Beren forced her to attempt things she ...
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Are The Children of Húrin in The Silmarillion?

The story, as already published in The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, is mainly based on the legend of Kullervo, a character from the compilation of Finnish folklore poems called Kalevala.
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