Does the US exist in Hunger Games?

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It is thought that the other countries in the Hunger Games stories were the rest of the countries on Earth, as Panem was said to be located throughout North America. Whereas most of the nation resided across the United States, the boundaries spread north to Canada and south to areas in Mexico.
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Did America exist in Hunger Games?

Fans of the popular The Hunger Games trilogy know that the stories are set in Panem, a futuristic area previously called North America, with a capital located somewhere in what was known as the Rockies. Panem is divided into districts, each of which has a primary industry.
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What countries exist in the Hunger Games?

The Hunger Games universe is a dystopia set in Panem, a North American country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and 13 districts in varying states of poverty.
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Is Panem supposed to be the United States?

Panem used to be what we know as the United States, Canada, and the northern and central portions of Latin America. However, sometime in the past, an unknown cataclysm occurred which caused sea levels to rise rapidly and unexpectedly.
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Does Katniss live in America?

Katniss and her family live in the futuristic nation of Panem, located on the continent once known as North America, which was destroyed in a global catastrophe.
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What about the other countries in "The Hunger Games"?

How did America become Panem?

Some time after this apocalyptic event, survivors from the collapse of civilization in North America eventually founded a new nation in the region of the Rocky Mountain that would come to be known as Panem.
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How far in the future is The Hunger Games?

In the books, Collins never declares when Panem is created in the wake of a global war spurred by a series of environmental disasters. An early draft of The Hunger Games script alludes to it happening about 300 years from our current future, so that's at least a window to work with.
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Does Europe exist in The Hunger Games?

The Hunger Games is set in the dystopian nation of Panem and never really explores what's outside of the sovereign state. As the only known home for humanity following the nuclear wars and climate change that decimated the planet, Panem's citizens believe life simply does not exist outside their walls.
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Why is America called Panem in Hunger Games?

Panem's Name Comes From Panem Et Circenses (Bread And Circuses) The name of Katniss' country in The Hunger Games comes from the old Latin phrase "panem et circenses," which translates to "bread and circuses." This describes a government tactic in which the citizens are provided with free food and entertainment.
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What district would Texas be in The Hunger Games?

As the southernmost district of Panem, District 10's territory primarily corresponds to the western part of the U.S. state of Texas and the northern and central Mexican states of Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Guanajuato, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, and Tamaulipas.
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Does Mexico exist in The Hunger Games?

It is thought that the other countries in the Hunger Games stories were the rest of the countries on Earth, as Panem was said to be located throughout North America. Whereas most of the nation resided across the United States, the boundaries spread north to Canada and south to areas in Mexico.
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What countries banned The Hunger Games?

It's so crazy to think that there were and still are countries that officially banned the Hunger Games as a property in their country and to purchase it would be illegal. I've seen online and I don't know how accurate it is, but apparently Vietnam, Thailand and India at one point all banned The Hunger Games.
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What year is The Hunger Games set in?

Early history

In an early draft of The Hunger Games film script, the events of the series are said to take place 300 years into the future. Considering that the film was released in 2012, this would mean that the trilogy begins around 2312, and 1 ATT would correspond to the year 2238.
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How big is the military in Panem?

Also note this is a post-apocalyptic story, which means dealing with a massively reduced population by default. Even if we are generous and say the population of the US was only reduced by 50%, that would mean that Panem's military would only barely top 1 million (US military is about 2.2 million).
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Is The Hunger Games a banned book in the US?

The Hunger Games trilogy

In 2014, the book was banned for the insertion of religious perspective. The series ended up being banned and/or challenged throughout the years for reasons that include, but are not limited to: insensitivity, offensive language, violence, anti-family, anti-ethic, and occult/satanic.
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What are the 12 districts in Hunger Games?

District 1 is luxury items, District 2 is masonry and defense, District 3 is general electronics, District 4 is fishing, District 5 is power/electricity, District 6 is transportation, District 7 is lumber, District 8 is textiles, District 9 is grain, District 10 is livestock, District 11 is agriculture, and District 12 ...
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How did Haymitch win?

After Maysilee was killed, Haymitch faced off against the last remaining tribute, a girl from District 1. Although his opponent nearly got the upper hand, Haymitch outsmarted her by leading her to the force field and dodging her ax throw, causing it to bounce back and kill her.
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What does the name Katniss mean?

Origin:Greek. Meaning:Aquatic plant. Katniss is a girl's name of Greek origin. It means "aquatic plant," which is fitting for your little water baby, who's bound to bloom and blossom like a beautiful plant.
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Who won the first Hunger Games?

Anyways, a girl from District 7, named Esme Yule won that year, since she was good at using an axe." -The 1st Games being told by Rummage Lorman. The 1st Hunger Games were won by 16 year old Esme Yule. These Games were very popular as they were the first Hunger Games.
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Why is Panem underwater?

Most of Panem's coastlines have disappeared thanks to possible global warming-related disasters, including rising sea levels. What remains are 13 districts (12 of them functional and participating in the Games) and The Capitol.
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Why was Hunger Games banned in some countries?

According to the American Library Association, The Hunger Games has been banned or challenged "due to insensitivity, offensive language, violence, anti-family, anti-ethic, and occult/satanic" and the 2014 addition of "inserted religious views." While there's clear violence and horrific death scenes in The Hunger Games ...
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What culture is Hunger Games based on?

(“One story that most influenced 'The Hunger Games,' it would be the Greek myth of Theseus... I decided that the nature of The Hunger Games would be very much based on Roman gladiator games...”-Suzanne Collins) We can relate almost every aspect of The Hunger Games to ancient Roman language, history or culture.
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What is the wealthiest district in the Hunger Games?

Those who lived in District 1 were some of the wealthiest citizens of Panem. Tributes from District 1 were known as "Careers" because they trained for years before competing in the Hunger Games, using their wealth and status to become elite warriors and get a leg up on the competition.
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What did the 3 fingers mean in Hunger Games?

During The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, the three-fingered salute is still used as a gesture of goodbye, but also comes to represent the anger and grief people feel toward the Capitol at taking their children to be killed. The people of District 11 use the salute in response to Katniss' speech remembering Rue.
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What age does the Hunger Games end?

As punishment for a failed revolt many years before, each district must annually choose two tributes, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18, to fight to the death in the Hunger Games. The event is televised across the Capitol and all districts until only one victor remains.
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