Does Thorin respect Bilbo?

As he lies on his deathbed, Thorin reveals his admiration for Bilbo. The two had previously been at odds, but now, when all else falls away, readers see the fairness in Thorin's heart.
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How did Thorin feel about Bilbo?

Throughout the rest of the journey, Thorin treats Bilbo a little bit better than he did before, such as giving him some forms of respect and Thorin was worried about Bilbo's well-being after seeing Bilbo was not among the company when they were captured by elves and was grateful that Bilbo defended him in Lake-town.
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Did Thorin ever forgive Bilbo?

Thorin apologizes to Bilbo, saying that the world would be a better place if only more folks were like him. He asks for Bilbo's forgiveness. He bids farewell, and dies. Bilbo cries over the loss of Thorin – but is so glad that he made it in time to say goodbye and to make amends before he died.
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Are Bilbo and Thorin friends?

The Battle of the Five Armies

Their last scene together is Thorin dying on the frozen lake and quickly apologizes to Bilbo and accepts him as his true friend.
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Why does Thorin trust Bilbo so much?

Thorin at first was scared to death when Bilbo risked his protection for Thorin's own and hugged Bilbo and now accepted him as a friend, as well as his courage and bravery.
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The Hobbit - Thorin and Bilbo Hug

Do the dwarves respect Bilbo?

It is an indication of the dwarves' increasing respect for Bilbo that Thorin sends him to investigate the elves they spot in the forest. Nevertheless, Bilbo is still enough of a hobbit to dream of food and feasting in the midst of their peril.
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Is Thorin a good guy?

Despite Thorin's generally unfriendly, arrogant personality, he displays fierce loyalty and bravery throughout the story. He is a clever leader and is highly respected by his peers as well as folk across Middle-earth.
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Which dwarf liked Bilbo?

The Hobbit: Boffur Is The Only Dwarf Who Actually Cared About Bilbo.
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Who is Thorin's best friend?

Thorin and Dwalin have been best friends since the day they were born and have grown up as close as brothers. They practically were raised together and nearly inseparable. Dwalin had followed Thorin for most of his life, from the time Erebor fell to the battle on Ravenhill.
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What does Thorin call Bilbo?

Some people call him "halfling", which was very insulting. The dwarves called him either Mr. Baggins or Master Baggins. Thorin was the only one who called Bilbo, Master Burglar because of his profession.
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What are Thorin's last words?

“Farewell, good thief,” [Thorin] said. “I go now to the halls of waiting to sit beside my fathers, until the world is renewed. Since I leave now all gold and silver, and go where it is of little worth, I wish to part in friendship from you, and I would take back my words and deeds at the Gate.”
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What does Bilbo regret?

Bilbo regrets giving himself the nickname "Barrel-Rider." The nickname gives Smaug a clue that Bilbo and company had help from the people of Lake Town, and Smaug flies off that way at the end of the chapter.
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Why was Thorin so angry at Bilbo?

When Gandalf comes to Bilbo's defense, Thorin accuses them both of betraying him. He tells Gandalf to come and get Bilbo or he will throw him down. The other dwarves are sad to see Bilbo go, but Thorin is just angry.
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Does Thorin forgive Bilbo?

The biggest blow to the dwarves is that their king Thorin lies mortally wounded. He forgives Bilbo before dying and lets Bilbo know that he was right all along. Thorin is replaced by Dain as king, Bard rebuilds his town, and Gandalf and Bilbo head for home.
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Do the dwarves love Bilbo?

At first, they thought he was a weak, silly bumbling fool. In the end, they admired him. In The Hobbit we see their initial assessment of Bilbo, and they don't think much of him.
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What are Thorin's weaknesses?

Soon after Gandalf leaves the party, it becomes apparent that Thorin is not a true leader: he is incapable of formulating a plan, makes hasty and poor decisions, and generally relies on Bilbo to see him through his adventures, all the while treating Bilbo like an insignificant underling.
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Who is Thorin's wife?

Thorin became the dwarf king at a very young age after the battle. However, Thorin never married nor had any children. The young dwarf king led his people out of Dunland and they finally re-established their home in the Blue Mountains. His younger sister, Dis, later gave birth to two children, Fíli and Kíli.
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Do any Dwarves visit Bilbo?

At the end of the novel, The Hobbit, Balin has formed such a great relationship with Bilbo that he is the only dwarf to visit him with Gandalf a second time. Later in life, Balin led an expedition to re-colonize the lost dwarven kingdom of Moria. He was successful, and declared Lord of Moria.
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Does Thorin's bloodline end?

Their deaths and Thorin's did not end Durin's line, although did end the branch which had Thror, Thrain, and Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin's cousin, Dain Ironfoot, became King after Thorin's death. Dain's son, Thorin Stonehelm, became King after Dain died in the Battle of Dale. The line continued on after that.
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Did the dwarves respect Bilbo?

It is significant that the dwarves respect him after he tells his tale; their growing respect contrasts with the begrudging attitude they had toward Bilbo at the beginning of the story, when they only tolerated him for Gandalf's sake.
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Who does Bilbo not like?

Bilbo detested his cousins, Otho and Lobellia Sackville-Baggins. Otho was Bilbo's original heir, and he and his wife kept it as no secret that they were anxious for Bilbo to pass on so that they could inherit Bag End.
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Who is the smartest Dwarf in The Hobbit?

Thorin. Thorin from the books is also quite different from the movies, and while some fans weren't thrilled with this, it does make sense for the big screen. However, whatever version you're looking at, Thorin is the leader and the most intelligent of the dwarves.
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What does Thorin dislike?

For a brief moment, Thorin distrusted Bilbo when they were captured by the trolls, but eventually saw that he was trying to This level of distrust even started when Thranduil turned his back on the dwarves, and also starting Thorin heavily disliking the elves.
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Was Thorin a jerk in the book?

Thorin is very greedy both in the novel and in the movie, but he is brave and despite everything, loyal.
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Does Thorin go mad?

Thorin Oakenshield - Briefly had the dragon sickness and during it, he trusted no one, apart from Bilbo Baggins. However, after hearing the sounds of his friends and family echoing in his mind, Thorin was restored.
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