Does Tony find out about Uncle Junior?

When Tony discovers Junior's involvement in the attempted murder he arranges a hit on his uncle but Junior is spared when he is arrested for unrelated racketeering charges. The FBI offer him a deal if he rats out his nephew but Junior refuses out of pride.
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Why did Junior not snitch on Tony?

Junior Soprano

The Bureau attempted to flip Junior and get him to testify that his nephew, Tony Soprano, was the street boss and, in fact, the de facto head of the family. However, being both "old school" and loath to admit that his nephew held the real power, Junior refused.
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Did Tony know Junior killed Moltisanti?

Tony Will Never Find Out Junior Murdered Dickie Moltisanti

Given everything audiences know about the overarching Sopranos arc, it seems unlikely that Tony knew his uncle was responsible, but unless more material hits screens, there will never be a definitive answer.
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What happens to Uncle Junior on The Sopranos?

Junior was arrested and taken into federal custody over the shooting, but his lawyer secured him a release into a mental institution, claiming he is currently unfit to stand trial. Tony is apparently unaware of this, having refused all contact with, or even mention of, his uncle since the shooting.
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Did Junior try to get Tony killed?

He also learns through Livia (Nancy Marchand) that Tony is seeing a psychiatrist. Junior then orders Tony's failed assassination, which, due to his fondness for Tony, upsets him. Junior vomits while discussing details of the hit and is visibly upset when his associates discuss the hit with him.
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Tony Confirmed That Uncle Junior Wants To Kill Him - The Sopranos HD

Do Tony and Dr. Melfi sleep together?

Jennifer Melfi in The Sopranos was of the most complex in the series, but why Tony never sleeps with Dr. Melfi has been debated even after the show concluded. This bipolar relationship proves more than complicated, as in one moment Tony may profess his love for her, and the next he is shouting and shoving her in anger.
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Why did Tony Soprano forgive his uncle?

Junior's warning caused Tony to forgive his uncle for their prior conflicts and he expressed his gratitude by increasing Junior's percentage of his former business. Tony then planned with Silvio to have Richie murdered.
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What happens to Carmela after Tony dies?

Carmela Soprano Got Married To Vic Musto From Season 2

With both of her kids old enough to take care of themselves, she probably spent a bit of time contemplating what was left for her as she faced an empty nest. Now that Tony was out of the picture, she likely would have reconnected with Vic Musto.
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What happens to Meadow Soprano?

This could be seen as one of the events that accelerated the brewing war between Phil Leotardo and Tony Soprano. At the end of the series, it was revealed Meadow had become engaged to Patrick Parisi and might find employment at his law firm.
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Why was Tony Soprano killed?

It has also been implied that he was working with the crew that shot Silvio. It's possible that Patsy hired a hitman to kill Tony in The Sopranos to stage a coup d'état and take over as the boss.
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Who killed Johnny Boy Soprano?

Johnny used his influence to save Tony after he robbed Feech La Manna's card game. Later on Johnny ordered Tony to kill bookie Willie Overall when he was only 22. Paulie Gualtieri used this as evidence that Johnny loved his son which Tony did not seem convinced by. Johnny later died from cancer.
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Who shot Tony Soprano?

One afternoon, Junior is particularly agitated, and Tony goes to his house because no one else is free to look after him. While Tony is cooking dinner, Junior, thinking he is a long-dead mobster, shoots him in the stomach.
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Was Paulie involved in Tony's death?

Summary. Tony Soprano's death in the controversial Sopranos finale may have been a result of betrayal by his longtime friend, Paulie. Paulie's demotion and shifting power dynamics give him motives to resent Tony and potentially look to New York for a better role, leading to his betrayal.
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Why did Tony Soprano's mom want him killed?

Years later on season one of the show, Livia causes problems for Tony as revenge for putting her in a retirement home, Green Grove, and putting her house up for sale. This results in Tony almost being killed on two occasions.
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When did Janice marry Bobby?

Although mainly acting out of her desires, she does help Bobby by pushing him to do a task for her uncle Junior that he has been putting off due to grief. She attends her uncle's racketeering trial and assists Bobby with taking care of Junior. By the beginning of season five, Janice and Bobby are married.
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What happens to AJ Soprano at the end?

In the final episode, A.J. is in his Nissan Xterra with Rhiannon, his new girlfriend, and starts making out with her, but they both rush out of the vehicle when it catches fire due to A.J.'s parking it over a pile of leaves. After getting chewed out by Tony, A.J. decides to join the Army and begins vigorous training.
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Why did Sopranos end so abruptly?

The result was a finale that came not because of declining ratings or creative bankruptcy, but because of the organic nature of the storytelling. The tale of Tony Soprano and his two families had run its course.
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Why did Furio leave The Sopranos?

After a visit back home to bury his father, it becomes apparent to Furio that his love for Carmela can only end in one of two ways, with he or Tony dead. With this knowledge, Furio eventually makes the decision to return to Naples, ending The Sopranos' show tradition and streak of killing off departing characters.
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Who took over the soprano family after Tony died?

The likely idea is that if Tony is killed, Silvio will take over and make peace, and Gervasi will be rewarded.
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Does Carmela divorce Tony?

She pursues divorce proceedings against Tony, but is drawn back to her husband by financial concerns and difficulties in rearing A.J., as well as a difficult breakup with Wegler, who accuses Carmela of using sex to manipulate him into giving A.J.
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Were Carmela and AJ also killed?

Using an understanding of these techniques to glean clues from the final two episodes, we can clearly conclude the following: Tony was indeed "whacked" Carmela and AJ also were killed.
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What happens to Artie Bucco?

A devastated Artie Calls Tony to apologize as he deliberately overdoses in pills in an attempt to Kill himself . Tony called 911 in time to save Artie from death. Tony visted Artie in hospital and accused him of being inconsiderate to others and Not thinking about how his suicide would affect them.
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Who does Tony Soprano hate?

One of the core struggles that Tony goes through in the series is his struggle to deal with his conflicting emotions in regard to his mother, but he did acknowledge that he had feelings of hatred towards Livia (with guidance from Dr.
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What does JR say before he shoots Tony?

Going back to the kitchen, Tony asks Junior if he has any wine, but after walking down the stairs, Junior cries out, "Cazzata, Malanga!" and shoots Tony in the stomach with his old pistol.
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Who does Carmela cheat on Tony with?

Tony never discovers that Carmela had been sleeping with Wegler. She confesses this to Monsignor Philip, who reprimands her for adultery. While Father Phil does not condone Tony's past affairs, he makes it clear that two wrongs do not make a right. He asks that Carmela do penance by doing something nice for Tony.
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