Does Vader ever go to Padme's grave?

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Before he could enter, however, Vader was stopped by Sabé, Eirtaé, Rabé, Saché, and Dormé, former handmaidens of Amidala, who refused to let him enter into the grave so he would not desecrate it. However, Vader would not be denied. As he entered the tomb, he became flooded with memories of Amidala.
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Did Darth Vader visit Padmé's grave?

As he kills one soldier, he says "for Padmé!" to which the dying man tells him "for Anakin." Once they clear out the attack, Darth and his troops end up at the Queen Padmé Amidala's tomb. As Darth Vader takes it all in, Sabé and her handmaidens show up ready to fight.
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Does Darth Vader ever see Padmé?

Once inside the spiritual realm, Vader went through various trials, but eventually, he found Padmé. All indication was that Vader could have brought her back to life just like Momin did with his body. But Padmé refused to come.
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Why didn't Vader go to Padmé's funeral?

TheLightSide Jedi Youngling

Vader is too grief-stricken about his mother to EVER step foot on Tatooine, even though the plans for the Death Star are there. Vader is too grief-stricken to EVER go to Naboo to go to his wife's grave. Typho is far, far too grief-stricken to go to Padme's funeral.
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Does Darth Vader know Padmé died?

Darth Vader awakens, and his first question is about the whereabouts of Padmé. Palpatine tells Darth Vader that in his anger he killed her, placing the blame for Padmé's death on Vader. Vader denies it, saying he sensed Padmé was still alive, which the audience knows she was as Obi-Wan escaped on the ship with her.
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What If Darth Vader Cloned Padme Amidala

Did Anakin regret killing Padme?

Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor. The film ends with Anakins standing side by side with the man on whose behalf he has committed all his crimes.
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Could Vader revive Padmé?

tragically, he was not able to resurrect Padme. because she refused to go with him. due to his inability to let go, telling him she didn't know him anymore, jumping away from him to her death.
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How did Palpatine know about Padmé dying?

that he had sensed padme's death through the force, but I believe that he simply assumed. that her death had come to pass. because all of Anakin other visions had come true. Palpatine knew that Anakin had the ability. to see the future, so he must have known that padme's death was inevitable.
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Was Padmé made to look pregnant at her funeral?

Her body was made to still look pregnant in order to keep Luke and Leia safe from their father, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith formerly known as Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who fell to the dark side of the Force in a failed attempt to save his wife from dying.
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Did Padmé love Vader?

Padmé may have been dead, but she still existed in the netherworld of the Force, and her love would have been continually poured out upon Darth Vader.
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Is Padmé In love With Darth Vader?

He eventually became so desperate to find a way to prevent Padmé from dying that his fear was ultimately the main reason that led to his fall to the dark side. Vader screaming for the loss of Padmé. Even as a Sith Lord, Anakin still loved Padmé very much, but felt great guilt for his actions against her.
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How much did Darth Vader love Padmé?

Darth Vader Likely Hates Padmé

In other words, Vader could only be in love with the Padmé before she betrayed him and hates her for not accepting what he became. In 2017's Darth Vader series, the eponymous fallen Jedi goes out of his way to deform Padmé's personal shuttle he later acquires.
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Who found out Vader was Anakin?

Darth Vader's true identity as Anakin Skywalker was a highly guarded secret, known only to a select few individuals including Palpatine, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke, Han, Leia, R2-D2, C-3PO, Master Yoda, Bail Organa, Ahsoka Tano, Darth Maul, Grand Moff Tarkin, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Jocasta Nu, Ferren Barr, Verla, Reva, ...
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Did Vader know Padmé gave birth?

He had no idea Padmé had given birth before she died, still less that the Jedi had spirited the children away and hidden them. Darth Vader's illusions were shattered shortly after the destruction of the first Death Star.
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Did Luke and Leia learn about Padmé?

Old Canon: No. Though in Tatooine Ghost Leia does make some discoveries about her paternal grandmother. Yes, in both. In Disney canon she knows about Padmé (and thinks quite a bit about her) in the book Bloodline by Claudia Gray.
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How did Anakin react to Padme's death?

Despite this, when Anakin learns of Padme's death, his immediate reaction of grief and regret shatters everything in the lab with a powerful force shockwave.
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Did Yoda know about Anakin and Padme?

Yoda's Conversation With Anakin Hints He Knows About Padmé

Right before Anakin is due to leave for Scipio, he discusses the matter with Yoda and Mace Windu. During this scene, it is heavily implied that Yoda – and thus, Windu – are both aware of Anakin's deeper feelings for Padmé.
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Why did Palpatine hate Naboo?

That said, it is possible he was as xenophobic as the regime he established; Palpatine grew up on Naboo, and Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace subtly stressed the racial divisions between the Naboo and the Gungans.
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Did Anakin turn evil to save Padmé?

The whole reason for him turning to the dark side was to save Padme. So why didn't Vader almost immediately turn on Palpatine or just rejoin the light side after her death and the apparent death of his children? He had nothing to lose at this point and no reason to stay with the dark side.
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Is Padmé too old for Anakin?

Padmé was born in 46 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and Anakin's miraculous Force-created birth came in 41 BBY, so Padmé is five years older than him. They do not meet until Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, which takes place in 32 BBY.
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Does Anakin become immortal?

The redeemed Anakin Skywalker accomplished the state of immortality, as well as his children, Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker Organa Solo, years later. Darth Sidious was able to cheat his upcoming death by transferring his spirit into a clone body while falling into the reactor core of the second Death Star.
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Who does Vader hate the most?

However, when it comes to who Darth Vader hates more than anyone in the Star Wars galaxy, himself and Obi-Wan Kenobi don't hold a candle to the true point of Darth Vader's hatred, Emperor Palpatine.
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Why did Anakin choke Padme if he loved her?

Anakin truly did care for Padme, except Anakin was not at all in his right mind when he choked her. Anakin has many issues, he has tramua both from war and childhood, he has sever fear of loss and he is extremely loyal to the ones he chooses to befriend. This all comes into play in this moment when he chokes her.
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Does Darth Vader ever turn good?

Once he becomes Darth Vader, each evil act he commits shatters any hope or connection towards his previous life, which makes it harder for him to return to the light, but he ultimately escapes the dark side and redeems himself by sacrificing his life to save his son, Luke Skywalker, and kill the Emperor in Return of ...
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