Has Daisy ever love Tom?

Though Gatsby insisted that Daisy never loved Tom, Daisy admitted that she loved both Tom and Gatsby. The confrontation ended with Daisy leaving with Gatsby in his yellow car, while Tom departed with Nick and Jordan.
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Does Daisy ever love Tom?

Daisy marries Tom because of his wealth, but throughout their relationship she does, fall in love with Tom at least once. Also, Tom uses his money to basically buy Daisy's love showing that he wants to have love in his life.
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Who does Daisy Buchanan love?

She is Nick Carraway's cousin and is married to Tom Buchanan. Before the war, she fell in love with Gatsby when he was stationed in Louisville, but then Gatsby had to leave for WWI. She promised to wait for him but married Tom in the interim.
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Why did Daisy stop loving Tom?

After marrying Tom, Daisy becomes disenchanted with him when she discovers his infidelity, but she stays in the marriage so that she will remain financially secure. After reuniting with Gatsby, Daisy proceeds to carry on an affair with him and entertains the idea of leaving Tom.
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Why does Gatsby think Daisy never loved Tom?

The importance of time and the past manifests itself in the confrontation between Gatsby and Tom. Gatsby's obsession with recovering a blissful past compels him to order Daisy to tell Tom that she has never loved him. Gatsby needs to know that she has always loved him, that she has always been emotionally loyal to him.
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Does Tom really love Daisy?

Did Daisy lose her virginity to Gatsby?

The implication here is that Daisy was romantically experienced and certainly no virgin, an implication further supported in the fact that there was no mention of loss of virginity when Gatsby "took her."
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Does Daisy ever tell Tom she never loved him?

Tom jumps up and demands to know what has been occurring between his wife and Gatsby. Then, as he confronts Daisy about the last five years, Daisy alludes to an affair that Tom has had, but, finally, Gatsby coerces Daisy into telling Tom that she does not love him, naively convinced that she will leave him.
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Who is the real villain in The Great Gatsby?

Tom Buchanan is the main antagonist in The Great Gatsby . An aggressive and physically imposing man, Tom represents the biggest obstacle standing between Gatsby and Daisy's reunion. For much of the novel Tom exists only as an idea in Gatsby's mind.
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Did Daisy only love Tom for his money?

Although Daisy may have loved Gatsby once, she does not love him more than the wealth, status, and freedom that she has with Tom.
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Did Gatsby truly love Daisy?

Although Gatsby truly loved Daisy, this love was one-sided because Daisy was only attracted to Gatsby because of his wealth and status.
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Who does Daisy love the most?

Here we finally get a glimpse at Daisy's real feelings—she loved Gatsby, but also Tom, and to her those were equal loves. She hasn't put that initial love with Gatsby on a pedestal the way Gatsby has.
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Why didn't Daisy go to Gatsby's funeral?

Daisy does not want to be seen attending Gatsby's funeral since she does care about her image, despite the fact that she has never loved Tom. As a result, she makes the decision to abstain out of concern that she would damage both her connection with Tom and her standing in the eyes of the general public.
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Who does Daisy love in the end?

Daisy promised to wait for Gatsby, but in 1919 she chose instead to marry Tom Buchanan, a young man from a solid, aristocratic family who could promise her a wealthy lifestyle and who had the support of her parents.
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Does Tom ever hurt Daisy?

He breaks Myrtle's nose, Daisy complains he has hurt her little finger, and, in the past, he caused a chambermaid he was having an affair with to break her arm after crashing his car, while he himself, typically, was unscathed.
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Why does Tom not divorce Daisy?

Myrtle believes that the only reason Tom will not divorce Daisy is because Daisy is Catholic. But we learn that Tom's feelings for Myrtle are far less intense than he has led her to believe and that social pressure prevents him from ever leaving Daisy, who comes from a similar upper-class background.
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Why did Daisy cry over the shirt?

The shirts represent the beautiful life that Daisy could have had if she waited for Gatsby. Since she married Tom, she lost her chance at a life with someone she loved and the money she wanted, "It makes me sad because I've never seen such--such beautiful shirts before." (Fitzgerald 92).
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Was Daisy rich before marrying Tom?

Daisy Fay was born in 1899 to a wealthy family in Louisville, Kentucky. Like many women of the time, she married for money, particularly to Tom Buchanan.
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Do Tom and Daisy really love each other?

In F. Scott's Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Tom and Daisy Buchanan do not have a loving relationship. They both are married to each other only for image concerns: Tom likes having a young, beautiful wife that makes him look good, and Daisy like the wealthy and comfortable lifestyle Tom provides.
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Who is the true love in The Great Gatsby?

Their love affair makes Gatsby optimistic that Daisy is his true love, but he really only sees and loves an idealized version of her that he has carried for years. In the end, Daisy chooses to stay with her husband even when knowing he had also had an affair.
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Is Daisy a victim or villain?

MaddyLeeReads Daisy did drive the story and did actually cause Gatsby's death after she killed Myrtle. So Daisy is sort of an antagonist but I would say there is a collection of antagonists depending on your view on the book when you read it and reread it.
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Is Daisy Buchanan a sociopath?

She is sardonic and somewhat cynical, and behaves superficially to mask her pain at her husband's constant infidelities. She also seemed to have sociopathic symptoms. For example, she could fake her feelings for Gatsby and ran Myrtle down without any remorse.
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Who was Gatsby's killer?

Jay Gatsby is shot to death in the swimming pool of his mansion by George Wilson, a gas-station owner who believes Gatsby to be the hit-and-run driver who killed his wife, Myrtle.
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Why is Wilson ill?

The shock of Myrtle's affair causes George to become physically ill and he is desperate to take her away.
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Why did Daisy leave Gatsby in the end?

(Which, of course, is part of the point of the novel.) And perhaps Daisy realizes that Gatsby's love is as fake as his name. At the end, she's left with a man who thinks too much of her and a man who thinks too little of her. She chooses the latter, since she can't measure up to the former.
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Why did Daisy betray Gatsby?

She betrays him by being her cowardly self. She tried once to stand up for her love of him when they first met, but her life is more complicated now with an aggressive, domineering husband and a child. She doesn't have any support -other than Nick, her distant cousin, to help her do the right thing.
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